
If you 're one of those people who just can 't understand how someone can pay large sums of money for digital assets like video game skins , then the sale of Salvatore Garau 's immaterial sculpture is really going to do a number on your brain .
Cage was superimposed onto a picture of Marvel superheros including Superman , Wonder Woman and Batman by one creative fan on VK.com .
Folks had fun coming up with suggestions about what Ryan Gosling whispered to Vicky to prompt her facial expression .
Names like John , James and Emma are out , and monikers inspired by celebrities and their offspring are in 。
As fans of Westworld know , the first season was pretty far from anything resembling a genteel kitchen drama so we know that Season 2 is probably going to blow minds .
However , it 's stated that Sudowoodo is a rock-type Pokemon . This has led fans to surmise that Sudowoodo is based on petrified wood , or wood that has undergone the process of fossilisation and become rock .