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Dose calculation for ~ ( 60 ) Co irradiation field using energy deposition kernels
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Energy Deposition of Electrons in a Spherical Shell Model
The Energy Deposition of Fast-neutron in PIN Fast-neutron Dose Detector
Experiment Study on the Thick GEM-like Multiplier for X-ray Photoelectrons Energy Deposition Gaining
Choice feeding had no significant effect on protein retention ratio and energy deposition ratio ( P > 0.05 ) .
This paper gives the relativity electron energy deposition simulated by Monte - Carlo method in Ne medium in the presence of the external magnetic field .
The energy deposition of electron beam and the wave propagation in aluminum are calculated by using Monte Carlo methods and the hydrodynamic equations , respectively .
Study of electron-beam-pumped KrF laser kinetics and calculation of energy deposition
He-Ne laser beam irradiates the rear surface of the target and the reflected light is detected by a photomultiplier .
This paper analyses energy deposit in critical volumes of integrate chips , whi-ch produced by some radiated particles in Feng Yun-1 ( B ) satellite environment . That is called linear energy translation ( LET ) .
Study of energy deposition properties of a XeCl excimer laser pumped by C-C transfered discharge
The energy deposition profiles in Al samples for 1 keV black radiation and HPIB from FLASH II accelerator were calculated . Their energy deposition range and variation trend of the profile were essentially similar .
A Monte-Carlo program MCNP is used to simulate the energy deposition of high energy flux pulse electron beam in the target material .
Ziegler empirical formula is adopted to calculate the energy deposition of the charged particles .
Numerical calculation and physical analysis of the electron energy deposition in the cylindrical KrF System Pumped transversely by electron-beam
The energy distributions of scattered γ - ray at different angles and corresponding energy deposited in detector were simulated by MCNP code .
Depending on the principle of Monte Carlo simulation of photon transport , we have calculated the energy deposition in cylindrical HPGe crystals , self-absorption absorption by materials on transport ways and geometrical factors for known source distribution .
The energy deposition caused by AC losses in PF conductor is calculated by using these formulae . It is based on time evolution of the PF coil current during the plasma initiation .
The computational program of chemical kinetics of KrF ' excimer laser pumped by e-beam is modified . The kinetics and energy deposition for the mixture system of Ar , Kr and F2 pumped by proton-beam is calculated .
The spatial profile of the energy deposition for the main amplifier ( H1M ) of a KrF laser MOPA system is presented by meams of 3D Monte Carlo method .
A precise and rapid analytical algorithm has been developed for calculating proton energy deposition in media . The results covering the radiotherapy energy range ( 50 & 250 ? MeV ) from this algorithm and data from Monte Carlo code are given .
The energy deposition in the target of 208 Pb with the length 0.6 m and the radius 0.1 m induced by proton is analyzed by using the SHIELD code .
The simulation is conducted by using MCNP code to calculate the pulse-height energy deposition of γ - rays in the sensitive layer of PIN detector , the result of which is then analyzed to give a proposed sensitivity .
It is found that the energy deposition efficiency in the so-called " soft ionization " of FAB is significantly lower than that in the case of EI . Therefore , more information can be obtained in the molecular region .
Based on the measured current and voltage oscillograms in laser discharge , laser output signals and the analysis of the pumping circuit , we have analysed in detail the energy deposition process of a XeCl excimer laser pumped by C-C transfered discharge .
Based on statistical analysis of these tissue parameters , we quantitatively investigated the influence and mechanism of p-HIFU on drug delivery .
The multichannel surface discharge applied for optical pumping XeF ( C-A ) laser has the advantages of high energy deposited efficiency , capability for large area uniform discharge , large active volume , and uniform gain .
Computation and uniformity analysis of laser energy deposition is done .
The energy deposition and propagation of fast ions in ultra-dense plasmas
Numerical simulation of laser energy deposition process in air-breathing laser propulsion