
  • 网络closed thoracic drainage;Thoracic closed drainage;thoracentesis;close drainage of thoracic cavity
  1. s-1的初速度从右第6肋间射入,造成右胸贯通伤,伤后立即封闭伤口,安放胸腔闭式引流。

    The wounds were closed and the dogs were given thoracic closed drainage after injury .

  2. 自发性气胸病人胸腔闭式引流的护理

    Nursing care of spontaneous pneumothorax patients undergoing thoracic closed drainage

  3. 目的:研究CT引导下经皮肺穿刺活检术后并发气胸的细管胸腔闭式引流治疗效果。

    Objective : to study the curative effects of closed chest drainage with thin tube for pneumothorax complicated by PNLAB led by CT .

  4. 方法采用本院自行研制的野战胸腔闭式引流装置,应用瓣膜单向阀取代水封瓶、C形胸腔穿刺针及硅胶引流管行胸腔闭式引流;

    Methods The battlefield thorax close drainage equipment manufactured by our hospital , consisted of unilateral valve , C-shaped puncture needle , and silica gel drainage tube for operation .

  5. 方法采用胸腔闭式引流放液,腔内注入顺铂和5-Fu,注药前腔内注射利多卡因和氟美松。

    Methods Release the fluid through cavity closed drainage , and inject cisplatin and 5-Fu after the injection of lidocaine and dexamethasone .

  6. WY型多功能胸腔闭式引流系统的研制

    Development Study on Model WY Multi-Functional Thoracic Cavity Closed Drainage System

  7. 结论:-8cmH2O吸引压力较适用于特发性气胸闭式引流吸引。胸腔闭式引流术270例中治愈221例,肺完全复张时间平均8.5±3.5天。

    The 270 cases of pneumothorax of communication and tension treated by closed thoracic drainage and cure 221 cases , the average time of pneumothorax return are 8.5 ± 3.5 days .

  8. 17例CPE中10例行胸腔闭式引流,7例胸腔穿刺抽液,7例胸腔内注入尿激酶。

    Thoracentesis were done in 7 CPE and thoracic close drainages were done in 10 CPE . Urokinase was injected into thoracic cavity in 7 CPE .

  9. 根据CT诊断结果,采用对症处理治愈55例(81%),胸穿处理治愈9例(13%),胸腔闭式引流处理治愈4例(6%)。

    Based on CT findings , the patients were dealt with supportive and conservative treatment ( 55 cases , 81 % ), thoracentesis ( 9 cases , 13 % ) and closed thoracic drainage ( 4 cases , 6 % ) .

  10. 伤后立即封闭伤口,安放胸腔闭式引流,并以2ml~3ml/(kg·h)的速度静脉滴注平衡液。

    The wounds were immediately closed after injury and the dogs were given thoracic closed drainage and infusion by intravenous drip of balanced solution with the speed of 2ml-3ml / ( kg · h ) .

  11. 反复发作的单侧自发性气胸,行胸腔闭式引流术后持续漏气7d,双侧自发性气胸,不论是否同时发作都可考虑胸腔镜手术治疗;

    Recurrent unilateral spontaneous pneumothorax with contineous air leakage of 7 days after closed thoracic drainage , bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax should be treated by VATS ;

  12. 全组拔除胸腔闭式引流管时间2~10d,平均5.4d。

    The closed chest drainage was maintained for 2 ~ 10 days ( mean , 5.4 days ) .

  13. 自体输血、胸腔闭式引流,是缓解血源矛盾、赢得抢救时机、防治心肺衰竭及ARDS/MOF的重要措施。

    It is believed that in first-aid , closed chest drainage and autotransfusion are essential measures , which are adopted to prevent the heart-lung failure as well as the life-threatening ARDS / MODS .

  14. 对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者气胸要及时作胸腔闭式引流,必要时应作肺修补或(和)肺大疱切除术。

    Pneumothorax which occurs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) should be treated with pleural closed drainage in time . Repair of lung and / or removal of pulmonary bulla should be considered , if it is necessary .

  15. 手术时间(79.9±33.1)min,术中清除血凝块及不凝血(567.5±177.8)ml,术后24~48h拔除胸腔闭式引流管,术后引流量(220±45.6)ml。

    The time of operation was 79.9 ± 33.1 min. The amount of blood clots and noncondensing blood cleared was 567.5 ± 177.8 ml. The closed thoracic drainage tube was removed at 24 ~ 48 h postoperatively , with a drainage volume of 220 ± 45.6 ml.

  16. 目的评价高频振荡通气(HFOV)并胸腔闭式引流治疗新生儿气胸的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of high frequency oscillatory ventilation ( HFOV ) combined with thoracic cavity occlusive drainage on neonatal pneumothorax .

  17. 方法行胸腔闭式引流后,向胸腔内灌注榄香烯乳300mg,顺铂60mg1次/周,连用1&3周。

    Methods After closed suction drainage , elemene emulsion 300 mg and PDD 600 mg were perfused into the pleural cavity of the patients with malignent hydrothorax , once a weeks for 1-3 week .

  18. 单纯胸腔闭式引流加空肠造瘘8例。结果:开胸手术10例,死亡1例,平均住院25d。

    Single chest tube drainage and jejunostomy in 8 . Results : Among 10 patients performed open chest operation , 1 died . the average hospitalization period was 25 days .

  19. 方法对42例顽固性气胸采用凝血酶500u加生理盐水10ml经胸腔闭式引流注入1次或多次,拔管时再注入1次。

    Methods : 42 patients who have been diagnosed intractable pneumothorax were used closed thoracic drainage and poured 500 u thrombase and 10 ml saline once or more according to the situation of the patients . When you give him extubation , pour once again .

  20. 静脉留置针在新生儿胸腔闭式引流中的应用

    Application of indwelling catheter on 6 newborns undergoing closed thoracic drainage

  21. 方法:用自制胸腔闭式引流装置治疗自发性气胸92例次。

    Methods Out of the 92 patients suffering from spontaneity pneumothorax .

  22. 自发性食管破裂患者胸腔闭式引流管的护理

    Nursing for Thoracic Drainage in Case of Spontaneous Rupture of Esophagus

  23. 急性血气胸绝大多数行胸腔闭式引流术等非开胸手术可治愈;

    The closed thoracic drainage should be performed on the acute hematopneumothorax ;

  24. 胸腔闭式引流在结核性脓胸治疗中的作用

    The effect of thoracic close drainage on the treatment of tuberculous empyema

  25. 细管胸腔闭式引流治疗自发性气胸的临床应用

    Clinical application of closed thoracic drainage with thin tube on spontaneous pneumothorax

  26. 一种急救胸腔闭式引流装置

    A New Thorax Closed Drainage Device for the First Aid

  27. 野战胸腔闭式引流装置在创伤性血气胸救治中的应用研究

    The Research of Battlefield Thorax Close Drainage Equipment Used in Traumatic Hemopneumothorax

  28. 方法:胸腔闭式引流术。

    Method : Closed thoracic drainage was am procedure .

  29. 267例次胸腔闭式引流操作失误11例次(4.1%)。

    Incorrect closed thoracic drainage occurred in 11 cases ( 4.1 % ) .

  30. 胸腔闭式引流一次性水封瓶更换时间的临床研究

    The time for replacement of water-sealed bottle in closed drainage of pleural cavity