
xiōng jīn
  • mind;breadth of mind
胸襟 [xiōng jīn]
  • [mind] 指心情、志趣、抱负等

  • 胸襟开阔

胸襟[xiōng jīn]
  1. 他是一个胸襟狭窄的小人。

    He is a little man with a little mind .

  2. 有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。

    A tolerant person usually has breadth of mind .

  3. 最后,提出了应对WTO挑战、发展中国研究生教育的几点方略:1、以居安思危的视界、前瞻开放的胸襟、自信的姿态主动迎接挑战;

    The third , some strategic proposals offer for Chinese graduate education to meet the challenges after China enters WTO : 1.Keep an opening and self-confidence posture , 2 .

  4. 以XXX学院开阔的胸襟必能对如同胡安同学这样才华出众的青年才俊敞开胸怀。

    I truly believe that the Academy of XXX will open its door to talented students like An Hu with great generosity .

  5. 其中,乔治·艾略特因其以道德的严肃探讨及正视人生经验的开放胸襟而被当代英国批评家F·R·李维斯列为英国文学史上的伟大传统四大家之一。

    Among them George Eliot is listed by the contemporary English critic F. R. Leavis as one of the four " great English novelists ", for her serious discussion of morality , and her broad mind towards human experience .

  6. 以相同的胸襟,有求必应。

    With the same heart , will answer and not wait .

  7. 琦骊发现她能敞开胸襟信任老妇人。

    Kelly found herself opening up , trusting the older woman .

  8. 这种心态和胸襟,才是人。

    This kind of attitude and mind , is the man .

  9. 他开阔旳胸襟。能包容莪旳切。

    His open mind . I can be inclusive of all .

  10. 更确切地说,旗袍的胸襟是恰到好处地笼在女性的胸部。

    To be more exact , its bust girth is appropriate .

  11. 在衣服的胸襟上,她戴了一朵花。

    She wore a flower on the bosom of her dress .

  12. 他成功了,因为他有雄心壮志,还有宽广的胸襟。

    He succeeded because of his ambition and generous spirit .

  13. 擎天柱:为这星球的和平,牺牲是在所难免的(无论擎天柱的造型怎么变换,不变的总是他那博爱的胸襟和无畏的精神)。

    Optimus : A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet .

  14. 中国画艺术的胸襟乾坤&浅谈国画艺术语言及笔墨精神

    Meanings In Chinese Paintings & CHINESE PAINTING 'S lANGUAGE AND ITS SPIRIT

  15. 大胸襟和深远的看到,他也非常的教训。

    Large-minded and far-seeing , he was also very learned .

  16. 是一部很感人的影片,尽显大师风范与胸襟。

    A very moving film , Show with a master 's mind .

  17. 女孩指责她的男朋友胸襟狭窄。

    The girl accused her boyfriend of not being generous .

  18. 我想知道你这儿有卖胸襟吗?

    I was wondering , do you have any dickies ?

  19. 爱情真的很自私,一点也容不得半点宽阔的胸襟。

    Love is really selfish , is also not tolerate any broad-minded .

  20. 中国的互联网公司就像美国的一样让人胸襟激荡。

    Chinese internet firms are causing as much excitement as American ones .

  21. 新市长胸襟开阔,思想开明。

    The new mayor is broad-minded and liberal about things .

  22. 她把衣服的胸襟拢了一拢。

    She drew the bosom of the dress together .

  23. 他是个胸襟狭小的人。

    He is a man with a little mind .

  24. 我的复电可能被认为与这封胸襟宽广的来电应该得到的回答并不相称。

    My reply may be thought less responsive than this generous message deserved .

  25. 他有当革命家的胸襟。

    He has a mind to become a revolutionary .

  26. 学生们都专注于自我发展,并且以开放的胸襟面对他人。

    The students are committed to self-development and are open to each other .

  27. 对世界,这是一种何其广博的胸襟!

    The world , this is a How broad-minded !

  28. 探索英语教学中如何培养大学生的国际视野和国际胸襟

    Research on Developing Students ' International View and Mind in College English Teaching

  29. 第七句极佳视野,彰显投资者的宽阔胸襟。

    Excellent vision , and demonstrates the broad-minded investors .

  30. 他胸怀坦白,光明磊落。胸襟坦荡,才能无畏。

    He was frank , open and aboveboard .