
  • 网络Hu Sheng-cheng;Sheng-Cheng Hu
  1. 胡胜正表示,知道这些进展、将它们联系起来并采取行动,是至关重要的。

    Mr Hu said knowing of such developments , linking them together and acting on them was vital .

  2. 胡胜正指出,金管会成立之后,委员们在银行、保险和证券各方面的责任分工很明确。

    After the FSC was established , the responsibilities for banking , insurance and securities were clearly split among commissioners .

  3. 例如,胡胜正表示,台湾政府希望把台湾剩余较弱的银行出售给外国投资者。

    For instance , Mr Hu said , the government hopes to sell Taiwan 's remaining weak banks to foreign investors .

  4. 胡胜正指出,金管会目前的监管机制是纯理论性的,缺乏行动计划,力霸集团事件暴露出了这种体制的弱点。

    Mr Hu said the FSC 's current supervisory regime was all theory , lacked an action plan and had been badly exposed by the Rebar Group 's collapse .