
  1. 胡歌曾经是一个害羞的男孩,很少发言。

    Hu was once a shy boy , and rarely spoke .

  2. 前不久,三十四岁的胡歌又被赋予了一项全新的身份。

    Now the 34-year-old Hu Ge has discovered a new role .

  3. 胡歌获得高分,并给予登记通知。

    Hu got a high mark and was give the registration notice .

  4. 胡歌必须决定是否成为导演或一个演员。

    Hu had to decide whether to be a director or an actor .

  5. 为了鼓励他的朋友,胡歌的表现,并令人惊讶的是,他通过了考试。

    To encourage his friend , Hu performed and , surprisingly , he passed the exams .

  6. 在那个时候,胡歌从来没有想过他的职业生涯将有一个在舞台上或在镜头前。

    At that time , Hu never thought he would have a career on stage or in front of the cameras .

  7. 作为全国高考的临近,胡歌选择了中央戏剧学院。

    As the national college entrance examination approached , Hu chose to study directing at the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing .

  8. 不过,就在一年之后,胡歌和其女助手遭遇了一场车祸,他全身多处受伤,脸部险遭毁容,与其同行的女助手则当场身亡。

    However , one year later , Hu suffered from severe injury and disfigurement from a car accident , which killed his assistant .

  9. 因此,第一部的主角胡歌和王凯很可能将不会出演第二部。

    So , unfortunately , there is a high probability that Hu Ge and Wang Kai won 't make any appearances in the sequel .

  10. 为了捕捉上海的全景,胡歌特地登上了上海中心大厦的顶端,站在距地面600米以上的高度俯瞰这座城市。

    Planning to capture some panoramic photos of the city , Hu climbed to the top of Shanghai Tower , over 600 meters above the ground .

  11. 据知情人士透露,胡歌的这位传闻中的女友毕业于北京舞蹈学院。与胡歌前两任女友不同的是,她并不从事演艺事业。

    Reports say the alleged girlfriend , who graduated from Beijing Dancing Academy , is not in the show business , unlike Hu Ge 's two ex-girlfriends .

  12. 继胡歌与霍建华之后,《仙剑奇侠传5》的主演韩东君会成为下一名仙剑巨星么?

    After Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua , will Han Dongjun , who will play the lead in Chinese Paladin 5 , be the next big Paladin star ?

  13. 胡歌将相机的镜头瞄准了自己的家乡上海,并以参展艺术家的身份于6月13日至18日,携其摄影作品前往伦敦参加了影像艺术展。

    Hu 's photographs , featuring his home city Shanghai in East China , are being displayed at an exhibition in downtown London from June 13th to 18th .

  14. 胡歌在电视镜头中并不陌生,这位大众情人近两年来一共出演了14部电视剧,两部电影,期间还发行了三张专辑。

    Hu Ge is no stranger to cameras . The heart-throb actor starred in over 14 TV series , two movies and released three albums during the past two years .

  15. 在过去的一年,由于出演《琅琊榜》和《伪装者》,胡歌成为了最受观众欢迎的演员。

    Hu Ge is one of the most popular actors of the past year , thanks to his TV dramas " Nirvana in Fire " and " The Disguiser . "

  16. 凭借梅长苏一角,胡歌斩获了国内外各大奖项。前不久在上海举行的第22届上海国际电视节上,胡歌还凭此获得了“白玉兰最佳男演员奖”。

    He won many awards at home and abroad for this role , among which the most recent is the Magnolia Award for Best Actor in the 22th Shanghai TV Festival .

  17. 演员胡歌凭借在《琅琊榜》中感人的演绎了一位为家人复仇而筹谋多年的角色,从而荣获本届最佳男演员大奖。

    Hu Ge was named best actor for his touching portrayal of a man who avenges his family 's life and honor after years of scheme in " Nirvana In Fire . "

  18. 后来,胡歌花了几乎一年的时间恢复健康,并逐渐回归影视圈。2015年,胡歌凭借热播大剧《琅琊榜》再一次迎来事业的巅峰。

    It took him approximately one year to recover and step back to the industry . In 2015 , Hu Ge had another career take-off thanks to the mega-hit TV drama Nirvana in Fire .

  19. 胡歌在新浪微博上拥有四千八百多万名粉丝,是中国最受欢迎的男明星之一,同时也是中国收入最高的明星之一。

    Hu Ge is one of the most popular stars in China with over 48 million followers on China 's Sina Weibo social network . He is also among the highest-paid stars in China .

  20. 胡歌在剧中的角色梅长苏在一次战斗中遭人陷害,武功全废,韬光养晦多年凭借自己的聪明才智最终为自己蒙冤而死的父亲以及家人复仇平反。

    In the series , Mei Changsu , played by Hu Ge , relies solely on his wits to avenge the betrayal of his father and fellow kinsmen after losing all his Kung Fu skills in a battle .

  21. 在银幕上一向以柔情示人,并屡次扮演悲情主角的中国内地著名演员胡歌,在《琅琊榜》中的角色将会是一个被众人误认为是叛国贼,十年之后经过乔装打扮伺机复仇的将军。

    Chinese veteran actor Hu Ge , a heartthrob for his suave screen image , stars as the tragic protagonist.In his role in Nirvana , he is mistaken for a traitor and returns after 10 years in disguise to seek vengeance .

  22. 也是因所饰演梅长苏一角,胡歌拿下了中国国剧盛典最佳男演员这一奖项,同时也被提名为飞天奖最佳男主角。

    Hu Ge has won the best actor award in China 's " Domestic TV Series Ceremony " and was nominated for best actor at the Flying Apsaras Awards , both for his leading role Mei Changsu in " Nirvana in Fire . "

  23. 中国演员胡歌近日在社交平台微博上发布消息,表示他感谢大家对自己的关心,并且希望公众能够给他留些自己的空间,让他能够回归正常和简单的生活中去。

    Chinese actor Hu Ge made an announcement on Weibo , a social media platform , saying that he 's grateful for everyone 's concern and he wishes the public may give him some space , so he can live a normal , simple life .

  24. 胡歌于1982年出生于上海徐汇区,并于2001年被上海戏剧学院录取,在2005年因饰演由电脑游戏改编的同名电视剧《仙剑奇侠传》的男主角之后一炮走红。

    Born in Shanghai 's Xuhui District in 1982 , he was admitted to Shanghai Theater Academy in 2001 and immediately skyrocketed to stardom in 2005 after playing the leading actor in Chinese Paladin , a TV series based on a popular role play game of the same name .

  25. 作为上海旅游大使以及一位颇具热情的业余摄影师,胡歌受邀参加了此次于伦敦登喜路之家举办的《家园》影像展,进一步推广了上海的城市形象,拉近了上海与伦敦两个城市的距离。

    As Shanghai 's tourism ambassador and a passionate amateur photographer , Hu was invited to take part in the " Home Town " exhibition at London 's Alfred Dunhill Burdon House . It is one of a series of initiatives to promote the image of Shanghai , London 's sister city .