
  • 网络Cytoplasmic membrane;plasma membrane;sarcolemmal
  1. 扫描和透射电镜观察清楚地显示紫外线照射对栉孔扇贝精子顶体、胞质膜、核膜、线粒体嵴和鞭毛的破坏。

    Electron microscopy showed clear destruction of the acrosome , cytoplasmic membrane , nuclear envelope , mitochondrial cristae , and flagellum in the UV-irradiated sperms .

  2. 离子交联聚合物膜同时受损肝细胞白蛋白分泌及胞质膜流动性下降。

    CCl4 could also decrease the synthesis of albumin and the plasma membrane fluidity .

  3. 甘蔗茎韧皮部细胞ATP酶活性定位于筛管、伴胞质膜、伴胞核、小囊泡、充分发育的液泡膜和P&蛋白上。

    In the phloem cells of sugarcane stem , ATPase activity was localized on the plasma membrane of sieve elem - ents and companion cells , the nuclei , vescles , full development vacuole of companion cell and P-protein .

  4. 应用这种技术所去掉的核的周围未被一窄圈胞质和质膜所包绕。

    The nuclei removed by these techniques are not surrounded by a narrow rim of cytoplasm and a plasma membrane .

  5. 退化的胸腺细胞的胞质及部分质膜也显示酶活性。

    The enzyme activity was demonstrated in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane of degenerated thymocytes .