
  • 网络citicoline;cdpc;cdp-choline;CDP Choline
  1. 辛伐他汀和胞二磷胆碱可减轻新生大鼠HIBD后脑组织损害。

    Both simvastatin and CDPC can relieve the damages of the brain in rats HIBD .

  2. 脑梗塞后记忆障碍及胞二磷胆碱疗效观察

    Memory deficit after cerebral infarction and therapeutic effect of CDPC

  3. RP-HPLC法测定胞二磷胆碱的含量

    Determination of Cytidine Diphosphate Choline by RP-HPLC

  4. 结论:复方丹参注射液及胞二磷胆碱佐治新生儿HIE能提高治愈率,减轻伤残。

    Conclusions : Citicoline and salvia miltiorrhiza injection in addition to routine treatment can raise cure rate , reduce disability .

  5. 目的:观察激光辐射充氧液、胞二磷胆碱、脑活素对新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)的治疗效果。

    Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect of cytidine diphosphate choline , cerebrolysin and laser radiated oxygenation liquid on HIE .

  6. 脑血流恢复期,舒张末期峰流速度趋于正常,Vs则逐渐回落,尼莫地平组症状消失率、治愈率和预后明显优于胞二磷胆碱组。

    Cerebral blood flow recovery phase , peak forward velocity of end diastolic phase was nearly normal , Vs slowed downward gradually . Clinical prognosis of Nimodipine is much better than Citicoline group .

  7. 前文曾报导胞二磷胆碱(简称CDP胆碱)能抑制贮存红细胞的溶血,而且其作用主要不是通过能量代谢。

    Previous papers reported that ODP-choline was capable of suppressing the hemolysis of stored erythrocytes and that its effect was not associated with energy metabolism .

  8. 并序贯给予立止血(发病6h内)、胞二磷胆碱(24h内)、甘露醇和复方丹参注射液(24h后)治疗,暂不予口服降压药;

    Sequential application of reptilase ( within 6 h ), citicoline ( within 24 h ), mannitol and Compound Danshen Injection ( after 24 h ); temporary withhold of enalapril meleate ;

  9. 方法对老年和老年前期记忆障碍(MQ小于90)的72例病人进行前瞻性双盲对照研究,分别观察爱维治(Actovigin)和胞二磷胆碱(对照组)的疗效;

    Methods Double-blind method was adopted in researching 72 cases of the aged and presenium dysmnesia ( MQ < 90 ) The curative effects of Actovegin and Citicoline in the control group were observed respectively .

  10. 药物使用前4位为抗菌药物、维生素K1、胞二磷胆碱、丹参,使用频率分别为97.7%、94.6%、93.0%、92.3%。

    The first four agent medicines were antibacterials , vitamin K1 , nicholin and radix salviae miltiorrhizae , the frequences of use were 97.7 % , 94.6 % , 93.0 % , and 92.3 % .

  11. 常规药物组给予5%葡萄糖250ml加入胞二磷胆碱0.5克,每日一次静滴;脑复康0.8克,每日三次口服,10天为一疗程,共2个疗程。

    0.5 gram of citicoline added to 250 ml of 5 % dextrose , iv drip , gd , and 0.8 gram of piracetam , PO , tid , in the control patients for 2 continuing ten days .

  12. 常规药物组加静滴5%葡萄糖500ml加胞二磷胆碱1.0g、脑复康8.0g,每日1次,10日为1个疗程,共2个疗程。

    For the routine therapy group , 5 % glucose 500 ml , cytidine diphosphate choline 1 0 g , and piracetam 8 0 g were added intravenously once per day for 2 courses of treatment ( 10 days per course ) .

  13. 方法治疗组口服健脑素胶囊2粒,每日3次,舒血宁注射液20mL加入生理盐水或5%葡萄糖液250mL中静脉输注,对照组采用胞二磷胆碱、丹参合用治疗。

    Methods Acute cerbral infarction were given analux 2 pills three times a day and Extract of Ginkgo Biloba 20 mL put in 5 % GS or NS 250 mL iv drip once daily for 2 weeks . The control were given cytidine diphosphocholine 0.75 g and Inj .

  14. 对照组用胞二磷胆碱、脑复素等治疗。

    The control group was cured with Citicoline and Cerebrolysin .

  15. 胞二磷胆碱抑制贮存红细胞溶血作用的研究

    A Research on CDP-choline Suppressing the Hemolysis of Stored Erythrocytes

  16. 复方胞二磷胆碱治疗视神经萎缩的临床观察

    An clinical observation of treating optic atrophy with composite citicoline

  17. 胞二磷胆碱治疗闭合性颅脑损伤的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Citicoline Treating Acute Close Head Injuries

  18. 胞二磷胆碱治疗脑血栓形成128例疗效观察

    Treatment of cerebral infarction with citcolini : a clinical observation of 128 cases

  19. 左旋多巴与胞二磷胆碱对形觉剥夺性弱视猫治疗效果的研究

    Effect of Levodopa and CDP-choline on the Amblyopic Cat Caused by Monocular Form-deprived

  20. 鞘内注射胞二磷胆碱治疗遗传性共济失调症

    Citicoline Intrathecal Injection in Treatment for Hereditary Ataxia

  21. 不同疗程胞二磷胆碱治疗缺氧缺血性脑损伤的疗效观察

    Effect of different treatment course of citicoline on the neonatal rats hypoxia-ischemia brain damage

  22. 两组均采用胞二磷胆碱静脉滴注作为基础治疗。

    Each group was treated with citicoline ( CDPC ) as a primary treatment .

  23. 目的探讨胞二磷胆碱联合物理综合疗法治疗弱视的疗效。

    Objective To study the effect of CDP choline on physical comprehensive treatment for amblyopia .

  24. 胞二磷胆碱与纳络酮联合治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病远期疗效观察

    Long-term Effect of Naloxone and Cytidine Diphosphate Choline in the Treatment of Neonates with HIE

  25. 目的:评价复方胞二磷胆碱对视神经损害的治疗修复作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the efficacy of Citicoline Co against the optic nerve damage .

  26. 胞二磷胆碱钠对胰岛素诱导的低血糖脑损伤的影响

    The effect of citicoline sodium on insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia following brain injury in neonatal rabbits

  27. 施普善与胞二磷胆碱合用治疗新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病84例疗效观察

    Study on the efficacy of cerebrolysin and CTC in treatment of 84 patients with HIE

  28. 胞二磷胆碱对贮存红细胞溶血的抑制作用是否与能量代谢有关?

    Is the Suppression of Hemolysis by CDP-choline during Human Blood Storage Associated with Energy Metabolism ?

  29. 结论胞二磷胆碱可以明显改善大鼠永久性局部脑缺血后空间学习和记忆能力。

    Conclusion Citicoline can improve the spatial learning and memory function of rats after focal cerebral ischemia .

  30. 目的通过小剂量胰岛素与胞二磷胆碱对照治疗多发性脑梗死,了解小剂量胰岛素在治疗多发性脑梗死中脑保护作用。

    Objective To assess the effect of low dose insulin on protecting brain against multiple cerebral infarction .