
  • 网络Victory Park
  1. 我会在圣彼得堡的海事胜利公园等的

    I will be in Maritime Victory Park in St. Petersburg ,

  2. 胜利公园。

    The park of the victory .

  3. 在1941-1945年的卫国战争中,有数百万人失去了生命,1710座城镇被摧毁,于是出现了胜利公园、综合性纪念公园和纪念陵园等其他苏维埃风景园林形式。

    The Great Patriotic War ( 1941-1945 ) resulted in the loss of millions of people and catastrophic destruction ( 1 710 towns and cities were destroyed ), and this crystallized other types of Soviet landscape architecture-Victory Parks , Memorial Complexes and Memorial Cemeteries .