
mǎ xì tuán
  • circus troup;circus
马戏团[mǎ xì tuán]
  1. 我的真正理想是在马戏团工作。

    My real ambition was to work in a circus .

  2. 他形容那种气味介于马戏团和海港的味道之间。

    He described the smell as something between a circus and a seaport

  3. 3年前我逃到墨西哥,和一个马戏团生活在一起。

    Three years ago I ran away to Mexico to live with a circus .

  4. 他是马戏团的驯兽师。

    He is an animal trainer for the circus .

  5. 埃玛为马戏团驯狮。

    Emma tames lions for the circus .

  6. 马戏团的猴子训练得服服贴贴的。

    Circus monkeys are trained to be very docile and obedient .

  7. 马戏团到了城里。

    The circus is in town .

  8. 马戏团的大象被带入表演场地。

    The circus elephants were led into the arena .

  9. 马戏团下星期来这儿。

    The circus is coming here next week .

  10. 博闻广识的老流浪汉让杰基表演着马戏团的绝技,我和我兄弟们都看呆了。

    My brothers and I stared in awe as the knowledgeable old OBO put Jacky through his circus tricks .

  11. 马戏团在皇家新月以东约200米处。

    The Circus is about 200 meters to the east of the Royal Crescent .

  12. 其中,皇家新月和马戏团最为著名。

    Among them , the Royal Crescent and the Circus are the most famous .

  13. 马戏团里踩高跷的演员

    a circus performer on stilts

  14. 在马戏团表演中,当小丑出现时,观众总是放声大笑。但我可不觉得有什么好笑的!

    At the circus , the audience always bursts out laughing when the clowns appear – but I don ’ t see what ’ s so funny !

  15. 非常幸运的是,我真的就和Velocity马戏团在加利福尼亚表演了这个节目。

    And then I was fortunate enough to actually perform this in California with Velocity Circus .

  16. Clifford救了马戏团,也救了我。

    Clifford saves the circus , and me .

  17. 转过街角就是多萝西马戏团画廊(DorothyCircusGallery),血红色的墙壁上展示着超现实主义波普艺术作品。

    Around the corner at Dorothy Circus Gallery , the blood-red walls showcase surrealist Pop Art .

  18. 她甚至在1886年受邀来到哈里斯(W.H.Harris)的NickelPlate马戏团演出,并得到一笔乐观收入,自此过上幸福生活。

    She even starred in W.H. Harris 's Nickel Plate Circus in 1886 and used the profits to better her life .

  19. 到底没能跟W分成手,因为鬼使神差,她跟一个职业马戏团丑角私奔去了芬兰。

    Did not have to break off with W.after all , for as luck would have it , she ran off to Finland with a professional circus geek .

  20. Torres说,因为她反对在马戏团里展出动物,因此她的庇护所不对公众开放。

    Torres said because she opposes exhibiting animals in circuses , she decided to keep her shelter closed from the public .

  21. 在这篇报道中,朝鲜官方媒体援引国家马戏团的驯兽师MaHyeSong的话为其代言。

    This time , the North 's state media cites ' Ma Hye Song , tamer at the National Circus ' as its mouthpiece .

  22. vt.娱乐;招待马戏团娱乐了孩子们。

    entertain The circus entertained the children .

  23. 从这方面讲,ErinMorgenstern的处女作“夜之马戏团”恰好符合潮流。

    In this respect Erin Morgenstern 's debut ," The Night Circus ", is right on trend .

  24. 今年的西南偏南音乐节(SouthbySouthwest)期间,太阳马戏团(CirqueduSoleil)和Klout就向那些亲临音乐节,同时下载了该移动应用程序的用户发放了各种奖品。

    At this year 's South by Southwest , Cirque du Soleil and Klout provided users who downloaded the mobile app and were at the festival various prizes .

  25. 我们这群人里的一位新闻学教师,称之为去太阳马戏团(CirqueduSoleil,加拿大的创新性剧团和杂技团)看表演的食物版。

    The journalism teacher in our group called it a " foodie version of going to the Cirque du Soleil ", the innovative Canadian theatre and acrobatic troupe .

  26. 不是随机找的大象也行,因为Barnum和Bailey马戏团用他们的一群大象也做过类似实验。

    A not so random sample would probably work just as well , such as that done by the Barnum and Bailey circus to their flock of elephants .

  27. East100thStreet可能是一个例子,别的例子还有我拍摄的马戏团,住在沙漠里的老年夫妇。

    " East100th Street " may be an example of that , certain photographs I made in the circus , certain photographs I made of this elderly couple living in the desert .

  28. 一个残酷的马戏团拥有者打而且滥用他的怀孕妻子。

    A cruel circus owner beats and abuses his pregnant wife .

  29. 马戏团的小丑善于踩着高跷走和跑。

    Circus clowns are experts at walking and running on stilts .

  30. 例如,马戏团侏儒的那些照片非常知名。

    For instance , the circus dwarf photographs are somewhat well-known .