- 网络anticline pools;anticlinal reservoir

Description of hydrocarbon reservoir in No. 1 anticline in the DH oil field . ⑦ anticlinal reservoir .
Characteristic of Hekou structural petroleum pool and geological factors of its formation
Formation factors and perspective exploration of none-anticline reserviors in Yanqi Basin of China
Reservoir types are faulted / anticlinal , nose - like faulted , fault-blocked and so on .
Reservoirs have been found are anticline reservoir , non-anticline trap exploration despite get some progress , but not yet made a breakthrough in commercial value .
The large drape anticline develops in the main part of uplift , which has good conditions for hydrocarbon acumulation and is the most important area of production .
And there are anticline reservoir , fault reservoir , incline reserve ir , mudstone reservoir under the denudation area , and the source rock is contact with the reservoir .
Studies on trap elements , and formation and evolution of pools indicated that the regional characteristics of pools are of layer anticlinal pools controlled by the Akkol structure and karst .
It was suggested that the further survey should be enforced in the Cambrian limestone anticlinal pools and the Sinian dolomite unconformity pools in the Tadong and the Qunke low convexes .
Excellent result in identifying hydrocarbon seismic reflection anomaly with the use of fuzzy mathematical method has been received in seismic exploration for non-anticlinal hydrocarbon reservoir in transitional zone between mid Sichuan and south Sichuan .
There are favorable condition for formation of non anticlinal oil & gas pools in the Tarim Basin .
All of these proved conditions for formation of non anticlinal oil and gas pools , which may indicate a bright future for hydrocarbon exploration in the basin .
The discovery of non anticline straps will mainly depend on the application of seismic kinematic and dynamic information , target oriented seismic processing and widely use of new techniques .
There are four types of hydrocarbon reservoirs which are hill trap with basement rock , fault block trap , anticlinal trap and lithological-stratigraphic trap with carbonate plat - form or reefs in Wan'an basin .
Model results show The results show that the marine CSEM method can distinguish between the existence of oil and gas .
It is possible to find oil and gas pools of thrust fault covered trap type and traction fold type .
However , normal non-anticline subtle reservoirs have normal distribution of gas and water , namely the water located under the gas .
Multiple phases of hydrocarbon generation , multiple recharging , multiple accumulation and multiple source rocks are fundamental oil and gas accumulation models in the zone .
The fields found are mainly anticline structure reservoirs at present . The most important of exploration assignment is to find non-anticline traps which replace the old ones .
Since 1993 , the drilling targets of this basin have been focused on anticline traps all along .
Study revealed that the genetic types mainly are anticline related to reverse fault and faulted anticline oil and gas reservoirs ;
At present , it includes sand / gravel body , vulcanite body , deep buried-hill , anticline with low amplitude and fractured reservoir etc.
It is found that the draping anticline on salient and the wrench - compression anticline on low salient are the most valid type of hydrocarbon-bearing pool .