- grow seedlings

[grow seedlings] 培育秧苗
Grow seedlings of acupuncture point basin still facilitates statistic sprouts rate .
To the river crab grow seedlings problem experience
Study about Lime Application in pH Adjustment for Growing Media
Effect of Lime , P , Zn and B Nutrients on Growth of Eucalyptus grandis Seedlings on Latored Surface Soil
Effect of Different Seedbed System on Growth , Yield of Muskmelon ' Whitesnow EL '
Studies on the Application of Tobacco Seedlings Inoculated with VAM Fungi in the Seedbed
The spreading approaches of TMV in flue-cured tobacco floating seedbed system were studied .
Studies on Seedling Age of Tomato and Pepper Seedlings Raised Under Covered Conditions
By the way of sowing and culture of seedlings , seven F1 familes have been obtained . 2 .
Application of TMS Organic Fertilizer in Spruce Seedlings
When eggplant seedlings were raised in mixed media ( peat , vermiculite and cinder ), the plant growth , dry matter accumulation and uptake amount of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium increased with fertilizer application levels .
It was best way of mulberry cuttage breeding to use the incubator and plant growth regulator ABT.
The TMV positive percentage of seedlings in an infected floating system was relatively higher ( 15 % - 80 % );
Our HACCP accreditation is unique in China because it includes the whole process , starting from the seeding till the distribution of the final products .
In this review the authors described the literatures that published since 1949 on seedling afforestation of Metasequoia glyptostroboides .
The stump of root is suitable to be used as propagation materials when cottage propagating . The survival rate can reach to 70.0 % without any handling or rooting L1 .
The results showed that the rooting and germination rates of the mother vine were higher when the soil PH value was 7.0 and the length of the mother vine was 30 cm .
The infected seedling tray , nutrient solution and medium were major sources of TMV spreading in floating seedbed system , though the spreading efficiency was relatively lower .
A preliminary study on the artificial seedling rearing of Moerella iridescens
The result indicated that the rate of root growth was increased and the time of root growth was shortened under the best condition of constant temperature and humidity inside the incubator .
The results showed that TMV spread mainly by clipping with very high efficiency , and clipping was the most important and effective approach of tobacco mosaic spreading in floating seedbed system .
Using the universal statistical software SAS , statistical analyses were made on the results of vanilla seedling propagation experiments designed to determine the rooting and germination rates of the mother vine at different times with definite soil PH values and mother vine lengths .
So we perform this study on Virus-free and Rapid-propagation of Red raspberry and Blackberry for Seedling Culture in Factory in order to provide large number and high quality seedlings in the near future .
It is suggested that during cold winter in the north of China , Chlorophyceae B-7 could be cultured extensively through heterotrophic culture and can be used as mariculture food in the process of breeding .
The Techniques on Growing Chinese Hawthorn Cuttings by Tender Branch Cutting Twig Cutting and Fast Breeding Technology of the Breed 84K of Aspen
In this study , firstly , a rapid seedling raise program was developed by germinating sterilized seeds on MSo ( Murashige and Skoog ) medium to develop seedlings , which shorted the period of seedling raise to 40 ~ 50d .
The study of test indicated that , irrigate humic acid type rice fertilizer can improve the quantity of seedlings effectively , 72 holes plate of cultivation seedlings and the suitable amount for each one is 5g .
Study on the degradable seedling-raising pot in muskmelon showed that the pot was suit to raising seedling of muskmelon and the 7 cm caliber was the best , vigorous seedling can be cultivated .
The treatment effect of 1000mg · kg ~ ( - 1 )№ 1 ABT rooting powder was the best , the mixed medium with 70 % red-heart soil and 30 % fire soil were ideal .
( 0.15g / cm3 ) among them , and its weight is 17 % of the contrast , but water-holding capacity is 6 times contrasted ( No. 15 ) . The weight of No.