
  • 网络KENTUCKY;Louisville, Kentucky;Lexington;Kentucky State
  1. 肯塔基州北部可能有雨夹雪。

    Northern Kentucky is likely to get snow mixed with sleet .

  2. 这首歌是由两个来自肯塔基州的姐妹—米尔德里德和帕蒂史密斯·希尔写的。

    The song was written by two sisters from Kentucky , Mildred and Patty Smith Hill .

  3. 她的妹妹帕蒂•史密斯•希尔在肯塔基州路易斯维尔的一所幼儿园当老师时为这首歌写了原版歌词,米尔德里德也在那里教书。

    Her sister Patty Smith Hill wrote the original lyrics ( for the song while she was a teacher in a kindergarten in Louisville , Kentucky , where Mildred also taught .

  4. 因为这个称号属于位于美国肯塔基州猛犸洞穴群,它的长度几乎是最新发现的水下洞穴的两倍。

    That belongs to the mammoth5 cave complex in the American hillsides of Kentucky – thought to be near double the length .

  5. ..让我们从肯塔基州参议员JimBunning开始。

    let 's start with Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky .

  6. 但是肯塔基州参议员JimBunning却横加阻挠。

    But one senator , Kentucky 's Jim Bunning , is blocking it .

  7. 然而,最近这位肯塔基州参议员、茶党(TeaParty)红人开始在金融领域开辟新土。

    This week , however , the Kentucky senator and darling of the Tea Party is carving out new frontiers in finance .

  8. 爱德华·李(EdwardLee),610Magnolia,肯塔基州路易斯维尔

    Edward Lee , 610 Magnolia , Louisville , Ky.

  9. 哈伦·维特利(HarlenWheatley),BuffaloTraceDistillery,肯塔基州法兰克福

    Harlen Wheatley , Buffalo Trace Distillery , Frankfort , Ky.

  10. 在肯塔基州观光的时候,我们停下参观了MammothCave。

    While sightseeing in Kentucky , we stopped to take a tour of Mammoth Cave .

  11. Summers在肯塔基州路易斯维尔大学进行试验研究。

    Mr. Summers learned about experimental research at the University of Louisville in Kentucky .

  12. 2014年,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,自2010年以来,肯塔基州有15名律师自杀。

    And in 2014 , CNN reported that 15 Kentucky lawyers had committed suicide since 2010 .

  13. 她的艾滋病毒(HIV)检测结果呈阳性,是靠近肯塔基州北部边界这个民风保守、以农业为主的地区的近150例艾滋病毒携带者之一。

    She tested positive for H.I.V. , one of nearly 150 cases in this socially conservative , largely rural region just north of the Kentucky border .

  14. 周五,肯塔基州参议员JimBunning没有投票帮助通过再一次延长期。

    And on Friday , a lone senator , Jim Bunning from Kentucky , did not vote -- to help another extension go through .

  15. 在Vogue的采访中,劳伦斯说在成长于肯塔基州期间,她就知道她会成功。

    In a new interview with Vogue , the actress says she foresaw her fame while growing up in Kentucky .

  16. 伯里亚学院(BereaCollege)是肯塔基州伯里亚一个小型基督徒学校,为国际学生支付第一年的全部费用。

    Berea College is a small Christian school in Berea , Kentucky , that pays all first-year costs for its foreign students .

  17. 1893年出版了一首名为《大家早上好》(GoodMorningtoAll)的歌,与它旋律颇为类似,创作者是米尔德里德·希尔(MilderedHill)和她的姊妹——肯塔基州的幼儿园老师帕蒂(Patty)。

    Its familiar melody was first published in 1893 as " Good Morning to All , " written by Mildred Hill and her sister Patty , a kindergarten teacher in Kentucky .

  18. 在肯塔基州一个军事基地举行的秘密仪式上,他授予他们总统团队奖(PresidentialUnitCitation),这是美国军队最高荣誉。

    At a private ceremony at a military base in Kentucky , he awarded them the Presidential Unit Citation , the highest honour of its kind for a military unit .

  19. 据NPR新闻的塔玛拉·基思报道,来自肯塔基州的共和党参议员兰德·保罗决定进行冗长的演讲来阻扰投票的进行。

    NPR 's Tamara Keith says Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has decided to filibuster .

  20. 政府宣称,在肯塔基州,一名从事人口调查工作的工人在一棵树上吊死亡。死者在胸口上写有“Fed”的字样后自杀,并伪装成他杀。

    Authorities say a census worker found hanging from a tree in Kentucky with the word " Fed " on his chest committed suicide and staged his death to look like a homicide .

  21. 肯塔基州证券部门主任斯托德(JimStrode)说,我们在这个问题的处理上确实面临着很严峻的时刻。

    ' We 've had a real hard time getting a handle on it , 'says Jim Strode , Kentucky 's securities division director .

  22. 位于肯塔基州的百盛餐饮集团(Yum)才是中国快餐业的老大,旗下品牌包括肯德基、必胜客(PizzaHut),甚至连小肥羊(LittleSheep)火锅连锁店也被它收入了帐下。

    Kentucky-based Yum brands is the big kahuna of fast food in China , with the KFC , Pizza Hut , and Little Sheep hotpot chain under its umbrella .

  23. 接下来是肯塔基州路易维尔市的KipWilson我去看女朋友的时候她指给我看的

    This is from Kip Wilson from Louisville Kentucky.My girlfriend pointed this place out to me when I went to visit her

  24. 一名消费者的网络地址可以跟所在地地址联系在一起,这让卖家给贝沙湾(BelAir洛杉矶富人区)可标一个价,给康普顿(Compton肯塔基州穷人区)标另一个价。

    A shopper 's internet address may be linked to his physical address , letting sellers offer , say , one price for Bel Air , another for Compton .

  25. 少数派领袖,肯塔基州参议员MitchMcConnell表示,该法案将使未来的救助可能性更大,而不是更小。

    Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky says it would make future bailouts more likely , not less .

  26. 据NPR新闻的嘉莉·约翰逊报道,这位肯塔基州的共和党议员要求得到一名美国公民被杀的合法理由。

    NPR 's Carrie Johnson reports the Kentucky Republican is demanding to see the justification for killing a American citizen .

  27. 1953年,即将继承其父事业、同父亲一样也是一个理想主义者的小托马斯??沃森(ThomasWatsonjunior)威胁如果肯塔基州和北卡罗莱纳州不能在人种问题上达到完全的平等旧要取消在这两个州的建厂计划。

    In 1953 Thomas Watson junior , a similarly idealistic soon-to-be successor to his father , threatened to cancel plans for plants in Kentucky and North Carolina if they could not be fully racially integrated .

  28. 当托德·安德森(ToddAnderson)与他的男友从肯塔基州搬到纽约时,他的经纪人,正是早在二十年前就踏遍这片土地的罗伯逊。

    When Todd Anderson moved to New York from Kentucky with his boyfriend , his agent was Ms. Robertson , who had tread the same territory two decades earlier .

  29. Patty是美国肯塔基州路易斯维尔的一个幼儿园校长,她发明了很多种教学法;Mildred是一个钢琴家和作曲家。

    Patty was a kindergarten principal in Louisville , Kentucky , developing various teaching methods ; Mildred was a pianist and composer .

  30. 对于我国,这是非常重要的一天,肯塔基州共和党人、参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(MitchMcConnell)说。

    This is a very important day for our country , declared Senator Mitch McConnell , Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader .