
  • 网络Average Price;Stock Average Price
  1. 亚式期权作为一种强路径依赖期权,是新型期权中常见的一种,其执行与否取决于合同期内股票平均价格的高低。

    As a kind of strong path dependence options , Asian options are one of the normal exotic options and their execution are dependent on the stock average price .

  2. 道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(TheDowJonesIndustrialAverage)创单月最大跌幅,下跌115.30点,至13057.46点。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its biggest drop in a month , sliding 115.30 points to 13057.46 .

  3. 随着道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)从2007年10月9日到2009年3月6日下跌53%,很多婴儿潮一代在即将退休的时候看到自己的投资组合大幅缩水。

    Many of them , just on the cusp of retirement , saw their investment portfolios pounded , as the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 53 % from Oct. 9 , 2007 , to March 6 , 2009 .

  4. 与上证综指从未升至2007年高位附近不同,道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)和标普500指数(S&P500)距各自高点均只有约10%的距离。

    As opposed to the Shanghai , which never got within spitting distance of its 2007 highs , the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S & P 500 are both only about 10 % off those former highs .

  5. 纽约泛欧交易所集团(NYSEEuronext)的管理人士说,他们正在检查数十只证券的交易中可能存在的问题,这些证券包括道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数的成分股。

    Officials at NYSE Euronext said they were examining potentially erroneous trading in dozens of securities , including members of the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average .

  6. 今年道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数上涨24%。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 24 % this year .

  7. 房屋股票平均价格指数下跌回应。

    Housing stocks moved lower in response .

  8. 黄金价格2012年到目前为止的涨幅为6%,高于道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数今年迄今的涨幅。

    Gold prices are up 6 % in 2012 , outperforming the Dow Jones Industrial Average .

  9. 道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数上周收于9505.96点,较3月份低点高了45%。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 9505.96 , up 45 % since its March low .

  10. 道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数在纽约市场接近午盘时跌至2006年9月份以来的最低水平。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit its lowest level since September 2006 in late morning in New York .

  11. 道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数下跌47.92点,收于9496.28点,跌幅0.5%,为连续第二个交易日下跌。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 47.92 points , or 0.5 % , to 9496.28 , marking a second straight decline .

  12. 股市在9月份的历史走势都不太好。不过今年以来,道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数上涨了8.75%,至9544.20点。

    Heading into September , a notoriously bad month for stocks , the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 8.75 % for the year at 9544.20 .

  13. 利率的迅速上升以及道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数最近两日内大跌800点让不少投资者担心我们可能将进入新一轮经济危机的初期阶段。

    The rapid move up in interest rates and the recent 800-point two-day drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average ( INDU ) has more than a few investors worried we might be seeing the beginning stages of a new economic crisis .

  14. 这九个月中,IBM回购这批股票的平均价格约为167美元&根据巴菲特刚刚宣布的数据,他在3月份至11月之间建仓的平均成本与此恰好一样。

    IBM 's cost-per-share for the stock it repurchased in those nine months was about $ 167 & just what Berkshire 's cost is on the facts that Buffett has announced for the March-into-November period .

  15. 在消息宣布之前,BEA股票的平均价格为13美元,但现在已经接近18美元。

    Shares in BEA were trading at an avg of $ 13 before the announcement and are now trading at nearly $ 18 ( as of10:20am ET ) .

  16. 内幕交易使股票的平均价格上升,但也增加了价格的波动性。

    Insider trading raised the average price and price volatility .

  17. 当你在看道琼斯指数时,你会很快发现,道指并非是这三十支股票的平均价格。

    When you read the Dow Jones Industrial Average , you quickly see that it is not the average price of thirty stocks .

  18. 道琼斯工业平均指数是用上述30家公司股票的平均价格除以某个除数得到的,而该除数则根据股票的拆并情况来计算。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average is computed by taking the average price of the30 stocks and dividing that figure by a number called the divisor .

  19. 在不同时间,按不同价格购买同样股票使之得出平均价格的人。

    Person who buy the same share at various times and at various price to give an average price .