
  1. 可转换债券(convertiblebond,简称可转债或转债),是一种兼具债性和股性的可转换融资工具。

    Convertible bonds ( convertible bond , referred to as convertible bonds or convertible bonds ), is both a debt and shares of convertible financing instruments .

  2. 可转换债券具有典型的股性和债性,介于股票和普通公司债券之间。

    Convertible bonds have both equity nature and debt nature .

  3. 可转换债券债性和股性的模糊优化分析

    Fuzzy optimum analysis about debt property and stock property of convertible bonds

  4. 教育信贷资产证券化:债性契约和股性契约的融合

    Education Credit Asset-Backed Securitization : the Integration of Debts Contract and Shares Contract

  5. 可转换债券:股性和债性

    Convertible Bonds : Stock Property and Debt Property

  6. 教育信贷资产证券化的本质是债性合约与股性合约的分工与融合。

    The essence of education credit asset-backed securitization is division and integration of debts contract and shares contract .

  7. 可转换债券作为一种混合型的金融衍生工具,其性质中同时存在着债性和股性。

    Convertible bond is a mixed financial tool , it concurring has the character of bond and stock .

  8. 本文为隐喻研究提供了新的视角,开拓了隐喻的一股性研究和系统研究。

    The special study on metaphor will provide a new angle for general metaphor study as well as systematic research .

  9. 本文的核心是从可转债条款的债性和股性分析入手,借助可转债的定价模型,以投资价值衡量融资成本的高低,提出对条款设计的技术建议。

    Through the main chapter of the thesis analyzing the bond and stock characteristic of the terms , we can utilize the pricing model to measure if the financing cost is high .

  10. 西方的替代性纠纷解决模式(ADR)从美国兴起后,已扩展到英美法系和大陆法系的大部分国家,并形成为一股世界性潮流,其中协商与调解是其重要方式。

    Western ADR ( Alternative Dispute Resolution mode ) rising from the United States , extends to the most countries of Anglo-American law and civil law systems , forms a global trend , and in which consultation and mediation are important ways .

  11. 本文将重点探讨ETFs产品为什么能够用以套期保值,并讨论其套期保值操作的应用:①在规避个股系统性风险的情况下如何进行个股的非系统性风险投机;

    The purpose of this article is to explain why ETFs can be treated as a tool for hedging , and to discuss its applications & The first one is how to speculate in unique risk of a corporate stock when eliminating its systematic risk ;

  12. 通过将行为金融学和数据分析结合起来,这股颠覆性力量也可以帮助金融业摆脱对FICO评分的依赖。FICO评分偏向于主要以财务状况来校准的分析模型。

    Through the incorporation of behavioural finance and data analytics , the disruptive forces also help to wean the industry off its obsession with FICO scores in favour of analytical models more calibrated with financial health .

  13. 股权分裂与国有股流动性溢价:基于流动性的经济学分析

    Ownership Split and Liquidity Premium of State Shares : A Liquidity-Based Economic Analysis

  14. 上市公司国有股流动性折价研究

    Analysis on Liquidity Discount in the Valuation of State-owed shares in listed companies

  15. 股票市场个股流动性的假设与检验

    Hypothesis and Their Tests on Specific Stock 's Liquidity

  16. 加快发放的15.6万股限制性股票,总值为356万美元。

    Accelerated vesting of156,000 restricted shares , with a value of $ 3.56 million .

  17. 我们明白这股自性是来自大自然,是大自然的一部分。

    We know that the self-nature is from Nature and a part of it .

  18. 激素引起的平均红细胞体积增大对股骨头性缺血性坏死有相关性。

    Hormones cause of the average size of erythrocytes increased have relevance with ANFH .

  19. 银行业的创新活动已成为一股世界性的潮流。

    Banking innovation has become a cosmopolitan trend .

  20. 国际化是一股世界性的潮流。

    The internationalization is one world trend .

  21. 非流通股流动性价值的收购方法实证研究述评

    Survey of Positive Studies by the Acquisition Approach on the Liquidity Premium of Illiquid Shares

  22. 我们身上这股自性,是与宇宙万物运作的那股自性同出一宗的。

    The self-nature in our body is same as the one that operate everything in the universe .

  23. 你可以直接连上我们将称之为扩展中的统整性的这股一体性能量。

    You can directly tie in to this energy of unity , what we will call the expanding unity .

  24. 近年来,国际市场上掀起了一股功能性食品的研究热潮,功能性食品的出现给食品工业注入了全新的内容。

    In recent years the international market raised a research boom of functional food , This inject a brand-new content into the food industry .

  25. 如今,全球化已经成为一股世界性大潮、显潮,反全球化思潮还是一股小潮、潜潮。

    Today , globalization has become a worldwide tide , significant wave . Tread of anti - globalization of thought is a neap tide , submarine tide .

  26. 人口老龄化问题是21世纪三大世界性社会问题之一,在这股世界性潮流的推动下,我国在过去的半个世纪里也完成了向老龄化社会的转变。

    Growing old has been one of the three major global social issues in the 21st century . Driven by the trends , china has also completed the transition to an aging society .

  27. 复杂网络理论自兴起以来,理论及实证研究丰富,发展迅速。本文从微观层面和中观层面阐述和分析了个股波动性网络的相似性和自相似性及股市波动性网络的相似性。

    Complex network theory has been developing rapidly since emergence , This paper elaborationes and analysises the similarity and self-similarity of the individual stock volatility network or stock market volatility network at micro and sub-macro level .

  28. 解决非流通股流动性风险与流动性折价问题的关键是设立过渡流通股市场,政府给予非流通股一定的过渡流通期,以防止冲击A股市场指数。

    The key to the illiquid share problem is to set up the transitional share market . It is that government who should give a transitional term in case that it will blow the A share market index .

  29. 通过对我国沪市A股市场中影响个股流动性的因素实证分析,得到结论:股价水平、信息不对称程度、个股对投资者的吸引力及公司规模等都显著地影响着股票的流动性。

    By empirically analyzing specific stocks in Shanghai A stock exchange market , it is demonstrated that there are several factors that notably impact the liquidity . Among them are the price , the information asymmetry level , whether the specific stock attracting investors ' attention and the company size .

  30. CT在股骨头无菌性坏死中应用价值

    Diagnostic value of CT in nonbacterial necrosis of femoral head