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  1. 然而,为FGF的生物学的活动的表情肝磷脂不是本质的。

    However , heparin was not essential for the expression of the biological activity of FGF .

  2. 巴克斯证实大约一半肝磷脂由美国供应。

    Baxter accounts for about half the U.S. supply of heparin .

  3. 肝磷脂对酒精肝损伤的保护作用与Caveolin-1蛋白

    Protective effect of liver phospholipid and Caveolin-1

  4. 肝磷脂继而转为生长因子,激发伤口处的血管生长,促进愈合。

    Heparin in turn binds to growth factors that stimulate blood-vessel growth in natural wound healing .

  5. 近年,肝磷脂、肝素、低分子肝素、蛋白质分解酶抑制剂、抗血小板剂等为医疗中常用的抗凝血药剂。

    In recent years , heparin , low molecular weight heparin , proteolytic enzyme inhibitors , antiplatelet agents are commonly used as anticoagulant in medicine caring .

  6. 食品与药物管理局发言人凯伦。黎莉拒绝确认由华尔街杂志社提供的一个投诉。该报告说,之前公司从来没有检查过中国的工厂,即这个肝磷脂成分产品的长期供应商。

    FDA spokeswoman Karen Riley refused to confirm a report by The Wall Street Journal that the agency had never before inspected the Chinese facility , a longtime producer of the heparin ingredient .

  7. 治疗首先静脉滴注肝磷脂,患者的神经系统症状稳定,失语有轻微好转。当前,我国安全生产状况总体稳定、趋于好转的发展态势,但形势依然严峻。

    The patient was begun on intravenous heparin , and his neurologic status remained stable with mild improvement in aphasia . The current safety situation of China is steady and better than past , but it is still severe .

  8. 目的探讨小鼠肝线粒体膜磷脂组成的随龄变化及红花总黄素(SY)对肝线粒体膜的保护作用。

    Objective To investigate the age related changes of phospholipid contents in hepatic mitochondria membrane of mice and the protective effect of safflower yellow ( SY ) on hepatocytic mitochondria .

  9. 内毒素对山羊肝线粒体膜磷脂代谢及膜流动性的影响

    Effects of endotoxin on phospholipid metabolism and membrane fluidity in liver mitochondria of goats

  10. 脾肾阴虚模型大鼠肝细胞线粒体磷脂组分变化的比较研究

    Changes of mitochondrion phospholipid ingredients of liver cell of rats with spleen-yin deficiency and kidney-yin deficiency

  11. 大鼠肝乳酸脱氢酶与磷脂脂质体的相互作用

    Interaction of Rat Liver Lactate Dehydrogenase with Phospholipid Liposomes

  12. 已知肝脏的磷脂代谢中,总有部分转化为缩醛形式,含量很低的肝源性缩醛磷脂,通常只占0-5%,但它却能直接被转移到脂蛋白上。

    In the lipid metabolism of liver , there were always some parts of phospholipids turn to plasmalogen forms which only account for 0 ~ 5 % .