
  • 网络PAs
  1. 在水处理的实际应用上表明,聚合硫酸铝对工业用水和工业废水都有良好的处理效果,且投加量小。

    It proves that PAS is an excellent flocculant which is suitable for industrial water and waste water treatment in practical use .

  2. 聚合硫酸铝铁和PAM复合混凝剂处理造纸废水的研究

    Study on the Wastewater Treatment of the Paper Production by PAF and PAM Coagulant

  3. 介绍了以硫酸铝为原料,采用凝胶法制备聚合硫酸铝(PAS)的工艺技术条件。

    The technique of manufacturing PAS by gelation from aluminium sulphate was studied .

  4. 从生产活性白土的废水中提取聚合硫酸铝(BAS)的研究

    Study on Extraction of Basic Aluminium Sulfate from Waste Water of Producing Actived Bentonite

  5. 选用聚合硫酸铝(PAS)为絮凝剂,用以取代进口药剂对PVC废水的絮凝沉淀处理,进行了实验室工艺条件试验,确定其使用的最佳工艺条件。

    Experiments of coagulation sedimentation of polyaluminum sulfate ( PAS ) for displacing imported reagents in PVC wastewater were conducted in laboratory to select the optimum process conditions .

  6. 经酸析、中和工艺处理后的废水与0.4%的聚合硫酸铝铁进行混凝处理后,废水的COD单元去除率仍可达50%以上,色度降低了4倍。

    After the flocculation of wastewater being acidified and neutralized and 0.4 % of poly aluminum ferric sulphate ( PFAS ), the removal rate of COD can reach above 50 % and the chroma decreases four times .

  7. 合成的聚合硫酸铝铁(PAFS)为红褐色液体,是铝铁的复合产物。

    Synthetic polymeric aluminum ferric sulphate ( PAFS ) is a red-brown liquor and composite aluminum ferric product .

  8. 该工艺易于实现,产品性能优良,与市售PAS相比,在相同条件下,自制PAFS除浊率达90%、COD去除率达80%,该结果优于市售聚合硫酸铝(PAS)。

    The technology is easy to implement and performance of product was excellent , compared with commercial PAS under the same condition , turbidity removing rate and COD removing rate of self-made PAFS were up to 90 % and 80 % respectively , which were better than commercial PAS .

  9. 聚合硫酸铝合成新工艺的研究

    The Study on the New Development Process of Polyaluminium Sulfate

  10. 利用钾长石分解副产物制备聚合硫酸铝的研究

    Research on composing polyaluminum sulfate using by-products of potassium-feldspar decomposing

  11. 聚合硫酸铝絮凝性能实验的研究

    Research on the Experiment of the Flocculation Performance of the Polymerizing Aluminium Sulfate

  12. 聚合硫酸铝絮凝剂的研究及其在水处理上的应用

    Studies on the flocculant of polyaluminium sulfate and its application to water treatment

  13. 用工业废渣合成聚合硫酸铝铁的研究

    Preparation of polymeric aluminum ferric sulphate from industrial dross

  14. 多元离子聚合硫酸铝生产方法

    Production process of polyaluminum sulfate containing polybasic ions

  15. 用废铝渣制备聚合硫酸铝

    Preparation of Polyaluminum Sulfate from Aluminum Scrap

  16. 新型高效净水剂聚合硫酸铝

    Novel Efficient Water Purification Agent Polyaluminium Sulfate

  17. 聚合硫酸铝铁处理含磷废水

    Treatment of wastewater containing phosphorus by PAFS

  18. 研究了以纯碱副产品石灰和铝质易拉罐废料为原料生产聚合硫酸铝的工艺过程。

    The process for the preparation of polyaluminum sulfate from by-product lime and aluminum wastes was studied .

  19. 本论文在无碱液态的前提下,通过试验探讨了几种无机盐单独或复合添加和聚合硫酸铝对水泥凝结性能的影响规律。

    The effect of some kinds of inorganic salts and polymerized aluminum sulfate on the setting behavior of ordinary Portland cement was discussed in laboratory under the prerequisite of alkali-free and liquid .

  20. 介绍了一种新的聚合硫酸铝合成新工艺,以硫酸铝、碳酸氢钠等物质为原料,反应温度70℃;

    Introduces a new synthetic technology of poly aluminum sulfate by using aluminum sulfate . and sodium bicarbonate as main meterial , Under the condition of 70 ℃ of reaction temperature and 2h of reaction time .

  21. 本文将Ferron逐时络合比色法应用于聚合硅酸硫酸铝(PASS)研究中,具体考察了碱化度、Si/Al摩尔比和熟化时间对铝形态分布的影响。

    Al-Ferron timed complex colorimetric method is a simple method to be used to analysis aluminum species .

  22. 用Al-Ferron逐时络合比色法研究聚合硅酸硫酸铝的结构形态

    Study on the Aluminium Species of PASS by Using Al - Ferron Complex Timed Colorimetric Method

  23. 以废铁屑、废硫酸和铝质易拉罐废料为原料,制备了聚合硫酸铁铝(PFAS),研究了投加量和pH对PFAS混凝效果的影响。

    By using the scrap iron , waste sulfuric acid and aluminum wastes as raw materials , the poly-ferric aluminum sulfate ( PFAS ) is prepared under different conditions .

  24. 将活性聚硅酸与聚合硫酸铁铝按照一定比例复合,经熟化,即制得新型无机高分子混凝剂PFASS。

    The inorganic high molecule coagulant of PFASS is synthesized with the poly-silicic acid into the solution of polymeric ferric aluminum sulfate .

  25. 以硫铁矿烧渣、硫酸为主要原料,添加适量氢氧化铝,设计出一条新的工艺流程制备无机复合高分子混凝剂&聚合硫酸铁铝(PFAS),并对其混凝性能进行研究。

    A new process of preparing poly-ferric aluminum sulfate ( PFAS ) coagulant of inorganic composite polymer is designed by using pyrite residual , sulphuric acid and a little aluminum hydroxide as raw materials .

  26. 硫铁矿烧渣制备聚合硫酸铁铝混凝剂及应用研究

    Preparation and Application of Poly-Ferric Aluminum Sulfate Coagulant Using Pyrite Residual

  27. 聚合硅酸硫酸铝处理造纸中段废水

    Polyaluminum silicate sulfate treatment of screening room & bleaching effluent

  28. 聚合硫酸铁铝硅混凝剂的制备及其性能

    Preparation of Poly-Ferric Aluminium-Silica Sulfate Coagulant and Its Properties

  29. 聚合硅酸硫酸铝铁的制备与应用

    Preparation and Application of Poly - aluminum - ferric - silicate - sulfate

  30. 聚合硅酸硫酸铝的合成及稳定性研究

    Synthesis of Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate and its Stability Study