
  1. 为使其发挥应有的作用,职工监事制度亟待完善。

    To play its due role as of Supervisors needs improvement .

  2. 德国法职工监事选举制度研究

    The Inspiration from the German Election System of Employee on the Supervisory Board

  3. 法律设置的职工监事由于缺乏必要的保障,也无法起到监督的作用。

    Lacking of necessary safeguards , employee supervision which is set by the law can not play a supervisory role .

  4. 补选了职工监事,充实监事会力量,充分发挥监事会的职能作用。

    Supervisors from the staff have been elected , increasing the capacity and bringing into full play the board of supervisors .

  5. 但是,实践中职工监事制度的运行效果却不甚理想,沦为花瓶制度,甚至有学者提出废除职工监事制度的观点。

    But in reality , its operation is not good enough ; some scholars even propose that the system of employee supervisors should be abolished .

  6. 随着职工监事的出现,公司监事会的角色正在发生转变,不再仅仅是公司股东代表,而是成为了一个利益相关者的综合体。

    With the emergence of worker supervisors , the board of supervisors which transformed the roles is no longer merely the representative of shareholders , but become a stakeholder Mosaic .

  7. 监事会监督职能的强化,必须建立在一系列完善的配套措施基础之上。目前推崇的外部监事制度及职工监事制度并不能发挥其应有的监督作用,应当予以取消。

    Strengthening the functions of the board of supervisors must be based on comprehensive supporting measures , external supervisors and staff supervisors should be abolished because they can not play due role .

  8. 尽管职工监事制度是当前法律体系下实现职工参与权的核心制度,然而目前理论界尚缺乏对这一制度的系统而深入的研究。

    Although the the system of employee supervisor is the core system of realizing employees ' participation right under the current law system , it has not been systematically and intensively studied by theorists .

  9. 第三部分介绍了我国股份有限公司关于监事的资格、任免和职工监事的相关法律规定,在探讨其在立法和实践中存在问题的同时,对如何完善立法提出了一些具体建议。

    Part three describes the regulation and relative laws of the qualification , election , relief of supervisors and employee supervisors , explores the issues in legislation and practice , and gives some suggestions in improving legislation .

  10. 一般来说,合理的职工监事制度须包括明确的选任程序和任职资格、清晰的职工监事职权和义务、以及完善的职工监事权利保障机制和责任追究机制等。

    In general , reasonable of Supervisors elected to include clear procedures and qualifications , a clear mandate and obligations of Supervisors , and supervisors improve the protection of the rights of workers and accountability mechanism mechanism .

  11. 无论是股东监事,还是职工监事,都难以保持独立性和充分发挥监督职能,需要引入独立监事以改造监事会。

    Neither stockholders nor staff supervisors can maintain independence and fully give play to their ( supervisory ) function so it 's necessary to introduce the independent supervisor to bring about reform to the ( supervisory ) committee .

  12. 职工监事制度,是对人力资本理论、利益相关者等理论的现实回应,其对完善我国公司法人治理结构,保护职工的合法权益等具有十分重要的意义。

    The system of employee supervisors is the practical response to the human capital theory and stakeholder theory . It is very important to improve the structure of corporate governance and the protection of employees ' legal interests .

  13. 关于职工董事监事身份的理论思考

    On Theoretical Consideration of a Status of Workers ' Sitting in the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors

  14. 明确规定企业劳动者的法律地位,使劳动权利在公司治理结构层面上还原为劳动权力,并获得与资本权力等量齐观的法律地位,在公司监事会中加大职工代表监事的比例。

    Clearly stipulate the law status of enterprise labors , having the laboring droit reverted to laboring power and obtaining the same law status with capital power ;

  15. 职工董事、监事法律地位研究

    A Study on the Legal Position of the Workers ' Sitting in the Board of Directors & Board of Supervisors

  16. 这两种制度相互关系的实质是职工董事、监事与职工劳动者的相互关系。

    The essence of the mutual relationship between the2 systems is the relationship between the workers'directors , supervisors and the staff workers .

  17. 德国通过选派职工代表进入监事会、董事会的参与方式,是德国职工参与管理的一个重要的特色和取得成效的一个重要原因。

    In Germany , appointing employees to the board of directors and board of supervisors is the characteristic and work very well .

  18. 国有企业职工董事、职工监事制度存在的问题和建议

    The Problems in the Board of Directors and Worker-supervised System of the Public-ownership Enterprise

  19. 明确规定公司的职工董事和职工监事制度,极大地推进了职工参与公司治理制度的深化和规范化。

    Therefore , the system of workers and staff members participating in adminis-tering a company has been effectively promoted .

  20. 近年来,职工董事、职工监事制度伴随着国有企业的改革得到了不断的探索。

    Currently , with the development of the reform of the enterprise , directors and worker-supervised system have been promoted .

  21. 我国职工董事、职工监事制度法律问题研究

    A Study on the Legal Problems about the System of Workers ' Sitting in the Board of Directors & Board of Supervisors in China

  22. 监事分为专职监事和兼职监事:从有关部门和单位选任的监事,为专职;监事会中国务院有关部门、单位派出代表和企业职工代表担任的监事,为兼职。

    Supervisors include full-time and part-time members with those selected from relevant departments and units being full-time supervisors and those designated by relevant departments or units of State Council and the worker representatives from the enterprises being part-time supervisors .

  23. 国有企业改革把职工代表大会制度与职工董事、监事制度内在地联系在一起。

    The reform of national enterprises has inherently connected the system of worker 's congress and the system of making staff workers to be directors and supervisors together .

  24. 在现代公司治理体系之下,职工参与权主要通过职工董事、职工监事、劳资共决制、职工持股计划等制度来实现。

    Under the modern corporate governance system , employees exercise their participation right primarily through the systems of employee directors , employee supervisors , labor and capital co-determination , and employee stock ownership plans .

  25. 随着我国国企改革的推进以及现代企业制度的建立,公司法试图依照西方国家的做法,将职工参与制度融入现代公司治理结构之中,在公司法中规定了职工董事、职工监事制度。

    Legislators wanted to emerge the employees ' participation into the corporate structure according to such system in the west and made the system of employee director and employee supervisor .

  26. 职工参与公司治理的方式,可借鉴德国的雇员参与制和美国的雇员持股计划,完善职工持股制度、职工董事制度与职工监事制度;

    Though absorbing the fruit of German employee participating system and American employee share-holding project , our staff-participating corporate governance pattern will perfect the staff share-holding , staff-boarding and staff-supervising institution .