
  • 网络employees participation
  1. 我国法律中确立的职工参与形式多样,但也存在诸多问题。

    In China , it has been stipulated in different laws .

  2. 患有慢性病的教职工参与率高。

    It is the staffs of chronic disease high to participate .

  3. 完善职工参与公司治理的思考

    Pondering over the Improvement of Employee 's Participation in Corporate Governance

  4. 公司治理中职工参与制度探析

    Explore the Participation of Staff and Workers in Corporate Governance

  5. 职工参与公司机关的有效模式

    The Effective Pattern of Staff Participates in Company 's Office

  6. 论我国企业职工参与制度的法律完善

    Research on the System of Workers ' Participation in China

  7. 在我国,职工参与制度有着深厚的制度基础。

    In China , Employee Participation Institution has a profound institutional basis .

  8. 我国非国企职工参与管理制度分析

    Analysis of Employee Involvement in Decision Making in Non-state-run Enterprises

  9. 职工参与是有效管理的关键;

    The joining of the workers is the key of effective management ;

  10. 试论现代企业制度中的职工参与权

    On Employees ' Participation Right in Modern Enterprise System

  11. 国有企业职工参与的价值取向与组织体制&二者非同步变化现象的案例研究

    The Values and Organization System of Workers and Staff Members ' Participation in SOEs

  12. 职工参与公司控制会改变股东控制公司的传统公司治理模式。

    Employees sharing corporate control will change the conventional shareholder-control model of corporate governance .

  13. 欧洲各国主要侧重于从公司治理入手,主要通过职工参与公司治理的制度来促进公司承担社会责任。

    European countries promote Corporate Social Responsibility mainly by encouraging employees to participate corporate governance .

  14. 强化职工参与制度;

    To strengthen the participation by employees .

  15. 这是一项家族企业职工参与的案例研究。在案例企业,职工参与的内容具有传统阶级矛盾的性质,形式却是从国有企业移植的。

    This article is a case study of workers ' participation in a family enterprise .

  16. 并肯定了职工参与公司管理的合宪性。

    It also affirms the constitution suiting nature of worker participating in the company 's management .

  17. 职工参与决定(决策)现在已成为大多数西方企业内部治理结构和管理体制的特色与优势,也将是我国继现代企业制度后又一个热点问题。

    Employee involvement in decision making is an advantage and characteristic of western business management system .

  18. 我国职工参与管理之立法缺漏及其完善

    On the Legislation of Staff 's Participation in Management in China : Its Omissions and Perfection

  19. 职工参与公司管理若干法律问题研究

    Research of a Certain Number of Law Problems on Workers ' Participation in Company 's Management

  20. 乡镇企业产权改革、所有制结构及职工参与问题研究

    A Study of the Reform of Property Right , Ownership Structure and Participation in Town-and-Township Enterprises

  21. 第五,建立专利奖励机制,调动广大职工参与发明创造的积极性。

    Establishment of patent reward system .

  22. 其次,笔者着重评述了现存法律制度在职工参与方面所存在的缺陷。

    Second , I focus on reviewing the existing legal system , participation in trade union weakness .

  23. 改革后的管理更注重效果,管理层面减少,权力下放,企业职工参与性更高。

    Management became results-focused , flatter and more distributed , with great participation by the work force .

  24. 在项目的早期阶段,建立了应用架构,而只有很少的职工参与了这一阶段。

    Fewer staff members are involved during the early project phases in which the applications architecture is stabilized .

  25. 然后分析了职工参与制度的定位,包括职工参与制度的功能及其发挥作用的限度。

    And then it analyses the definition of the employee participation system , which also includes function and limit .

  26. 国有企业职工参与的国家规范的变化&从利益规范到权利规范的案例研究

    A Change of State 's Standardization about the Workers and Stuff Members ' Participation in Democratic Management in SOEs

  27. 关于国有企业职工参与公司治理的理论思考

    About the theoretical reflection on that the state - operated enterprise staff and workers participate in the corporation administration

  28. 同时,比赛活动较少,对职工参与篮球运动的积极性影响较大。

    Meanwhile , there are a few competition activities , which effects the enthusiasm of playing basketball to workers .

  29. 而各国历史发展中不同的经济文化条件,又塑造出来了各国风格各异的职工参与制度。

    Finally , different countries ' history development in different economic cultural condition molded out different employee participation system .

  30. 持股对职工参与管理的影响研究:以改制国有企业为例

    A Study on the Effect of Employee Sharing Ownership upon Participation in Management : Evidence from the Reformed State-owned Enterprise