
zhí wù jìn shēnɡ
  • promotion
  1. 国有企业职务晋升应注意的几个问题

    The several questions in the ranking promotion in the state-owned enterprises

  2. 论职务晋升的激励作用与公正原则

    Incentive Effects and Importance of Organizational Justice in Promotion Decisions

  3. 他的行政职务晋升很快。

    He made a rapid ascent up the executive ladder .

  4. 这就是职务晋升中的陷阱&“彼得原理”现象。

    This is the trap & " peter ′ s principle " .

  5. 全程公开职务晋升工作努力提高人才选拔质量

    Promote in Public to Improve Choosing Quality of Talents

  6. 职务晋升机制对公务员行为具有重要的激励作用,但从我国公务员激励机制的实际情况来看,职务晋升机制的激励作用却没有得到充分的发挥。

    Promotion system has the important encourage function to the behavior of public servants .

  7. 从绩效考核和职务晋升两个角度分析了价值满足激励的内涵和构成。

    It analyzes connotation and constitutes of value satisfaction inspiration from the angle of performance evaluation and promotion .

  8. 王静瑛从以前中国区总裁的职务晋升为该公司的中国首席执行官。

    Belinda Wongwill become the company 's CEO of China , promoted from her former position as regional president .

  9. 在货币报酬激励和职务晋升报酬激励缺失的条件下,加强组织文化建设意义重大。

    In default of monetary incentives and promotion incentives , it 's very important to intensify the construction of organizational culture .

  10. 文章介绍了荫庇腐败两种突出的表现形式,即就业方面的荫庇腐败和职务晋升方面的荫庇腐败,并列举了相关的案例。

    The article describes two outstanding forms of asylum corruption : employment and promotion as well as lists some related cases .

  11. 高校教师职务晋升综合考核标准与评价办法探讨

    A discussion about the criteria of integrated evaluation of teaching staffs for occupational promotions and the assessment method in the institutions of higher learning

  12. 80年代私立学校在中国重新出现,当时人们开始看重文凭,因为文凭有助于职务晋升,加薪和住房条件的改善。

    Private schools reappeared in China in1980s when people began to crave for a diploma that would deliver job promotions , higher salaries and better housing condition .

  13. 对于政府统计部门来说,考核评价实施的效果直接影响到薪酬待遇、职务晋升等工作的公正性和科学性。

    As for the government statistics personnel , the result of the performance appraisal directly influenced the fairness and scientific of the salary treatment and the career .

  14. 这些问题很难通过机制内的修补予以解决,只能通过建立一种新的职务晋升机制加以解决。

    These difficult problems cannot expect to be solved by some remedial means within the frame of the systems . They can be solved only by establishing a new mechanism for career advancement .

  15. 在公共部门人力资源保障管理这一总的主题之下,几乎涉及到了公共部门人力资源管理各个环节的内容:培训、奖惩、职务晋升、安全与健康、工资和福利、社会保险。

    Under the general subject of public personnel administration , it covers almost all the aspects : training , awarding and punishing , promotion , security and health , salary and welfare and social insurance .

  16. 但是,计划经济体制下形成的人才管理模式、分配方式、职务晋升机制都严重阻碍着人力资源的开发利用。

    Under the planned economy period , the management system management of talented persons , the distribution system and the promotion system have seriously blocked the development and improvement of personal resources in universities and colleges .

  17. 随着地方人事制度改革的深入和军队新的体制编制的运行,军队院校专业技术职务晋升工作出现了一些新情况、新问题。

    With the reform of personnel system and new personnel system of military being carried out , some new phenomena and new problems appear in the work of promoting senior title of a technical post in military academy .

  18. 由于教师教学评价与教师的专业发展、职称职务晋升、经济收入等切身利益有着密切的联系,教师教学评价的公正与否在很大程度上影响着教师的工作热情和工作态度。

    Since the teaching assessment has close connection with their professional development , promotion in professional titles , and economic income and so on , the justice of it influences on the enthusiasm and their attitudes toward work .

  19. 延边地区初中教师对工作总体的满意度为中等偏上,各维度从高到低依次为同事关系、领导工作、工作本身、薪酬福利、职务晋升,且存在一定程度的职业倦怠。

    Yanbian area middle school teachers job satisfaction is medium , each dimension from high to low as colleagues , leadership , job , salary and welfare , promotion , and there is a certain degree of occupation burnout . 3 .

  20. 本文从编制岗位、考评标准、评审结果、军地政策等四个方面论述了军队高级专业技术职务晋升工作面临的矛盾,并提出了相应的对策:一是提高结构比例,压缩兼职岗位;

    This article elaborates the main contradictions in this work from four aspects such as post authorized , evaluation standard , evaluation result and correlation policy . Finally it points out four countermeasures : Firstly , improve the proportion and compress part-time post .

  21. 结论:出国留学对留学人员在职称、职务的晋升,学术成果的取得,综合能力的提高和个人职业的重新设计等方面产生明显影响。

    Conclusion : Study abroad has significant effects in skilled personnel on academic and professional title promotion , achievements acquired , comprehensive ability enhancement and individual professional redesign .

  22. 长期以来,我国专业技术类公务员都采用综合管理类公务员的职务序列,其晋升、晋级通道狭小,其积极性受到较严重的影响,专业技术类公务员流失比较严重。

    For a long time , Professional Civil Servant has adopted integrated management post series in China , the promotion channel is limited , that impact their enthusiasm and the drain of Professional Civil Servant is serious .