
  • 网络inner-career
  1. 二是员工重视内职业生涯的发展,进行自我激励。

    Attaching importance to self-profession development , staff enforce self-inspiration .

  2. 内职业生涯激励的途径分析与研究

    Analysis and Study about the Ways of Self-profession Career Inspiration

  3. 推进内职业生涯的激励有利于和谐社会的构建。

    Advancing inspiration measures in self-profession will benefit the construction of harmonious society .

  4. 高校教师职业生涯发展包括外职业生涯发展和内职业生涯发展两个方面。

    The universities teacher profession development develops two aspects including the outside profession development and inside profession development .

  5. 职业生涯发展包含了这两个方面的共同发展,而对高校教师来说,其职业劳动的专业性要求特别注重其内职业生涯的良好发展。

    For university teachers , their academic profession calls for their special attention to the good development of inner professional career .

  6. 她们的关系与一个时期内伍尔夫职业生涯中伟大而创造性的作品相符。

    Their relationship coincided with a period of great creative productivity in Woolf 's career .

  7. 现在高校的就业机制虽比以前有了改观,但是仍然存在着许多问题,发展水平滞后于社会的需要,同时缺乏在大学内的职业生涯教育。

    Although the employment system of colleges has made great progress , there are still a lot of problems . Its level of development could not meet the need of society . 4 .

  8. 过渡经理人不是在管理自己在一家组织内的长期职业生涯。

    Interims are not managing their long-term careers within an organisation .

  9. 她在俄克拉何马的合唱队行列内开始她的职业生涯。

    She began her professional career in the chorus line of oklahoma .