
  • 网络coupling
  1. 采用双CPU的设计方式,简化了整个系统,降低了模块之间的耦合性。

    This mode of dual-CPU simplifies the entire system design and reduces the coupling between modules .

  2. 其高度的松耦合性,服务的重用性以及高度的敏捷性能够很好地将SOA的优势发挥出来。

    Its high degree of loose coupling , service reuse , and a high degree of agility can well exploit the advantages of SOA .

  3. SOA的架构模式具有高可重用性、松耦合性等特点,使企业能够按照市场需求快速的做出应变。

    The high reusability and loose coupling characteristics of SOA make enterprise adjust to the market demand immediately .

  4. 随着互联网技术的发展,Web服务以其松耦合性、平台无关性和开放性等特点已经成为一个崭新的分布式计算模型和一种新兴的互联网应用模式。

    With the development of Internet technology , web service with its loose-coupling , cross-platform and openness have become a new kind of distributed computing modes and anew Internet application model .

  5. 随着互联网技术与应用的迅速发展,Web服务作为部署在互联网上的组件,展现出良好的封装性、松耦合性以及跨平台性。

    As a kind of component with excellent capability of well-encapsulation , loose-coupling and cross-platform , Web Service deployed rapidly on the Internet with the development of Internet technology and Internet application .

  6. 在此基础上提出,Web服务这一新的互联网技术具有良好的可封装性、松散耦合性、跨平台性和发现机制,适合用来进行企业信息系统的动态集成。

    On the basis of this , the author believes that web services , a new Internet technology , can be used to deal with the dynamic integration because of its high performances .

  7. Web服务在SOA以及当前的云计算环境下已经得到了广泛的运用,以其良好的松耦合性和平台无关性得到了越来越多的重视。

    Web services have been widely used in SOA and Cloud Computing these days , gaining more and more attention by its benefits of loose coupling and platform independence .

  8. 由于RESTweb服务提供的松耦合性、轻量级以及可互操作性,它们是非常流行的,可能是您最常遇见的一个。

    Thanks to the loose coupling , light weight , and interoperability that REST web services offer , they are very popular and probably be the most common ones you encounter .

  9. 但是去耦合性、关注的分割、复用和敏捷的解决方案是SOA的基础,并使得它们并不总是那么容易。

    But decoupling , separation of concerns , reuse , and agile solutions are fundamental to SOA , and getting them isn 't always easy .

  10. 本文主要是在中间件集成方案的基础上,分析了传统中间集成方案的不足:基于传统中间件方法的集成系统是紧耦合性、开发周期长,对于Web集成平台都是基于HTML语言设计的。

    The paper analyzes the deficiencies of the traditional intermediate integration solution , which means tightly coupled nature , long development cycle for web integration and dull HTML language design .

  11. 它极大地降低了耦合性,可管理的POJO(纯粹的老式Java对象)不需要实现特定的接口。

    Coupling is dramatically reduced and manageable POJOs ( plain old Java objects ) do not need to implement specific interfaces .

  12. 面向服务架构(SOA)因其良好的松耦合性、互操作性与技术独立性,为应用系统集成提供了更为灵活的、可扩展性更好的架构。

    With some advantages such as loose-couple , interoperability , technological independence , Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) provides a more flexible and extendable framework for application integration .

  13. 然后以对Web服务技术及其优势的研究为基础,鉴于Web服务良好的封装性、松散耦合性、可集成能力高等特点,本文提出了基于Web服务企业信息门户的体系结构模型。

    Then , based on the researches of Web Services Technology and also its advantages such as good encapsulation , loose coupling and high integration capacity , this paper proposes an architecture , namely , Web Service-based EIP .

  14. Web服务自出现以来,作为一种实现可互操作的Internet应用模式,具有高度的跨平台性和松耦合性等特点,并且已经得到工业界的广泛支持和学术界的普遍认可。

    Web service , as a kind of Internet application model to achieve interoperability , has received wide support from industry and general recognization of academic , with a high degree of cross-platform and loosely coupled and other characteristics .

  15. 随着时代和技术的发展,SOA以其松散耦合性、高度可集成性、数据信息规范性和数据可复用性等特点备受人们的青睐。

    With the development of times and technology , SOA is popular with people because of its nature of loosely coupled , highly integrated , the normative data and data reusability .

  16. 同时,该软件框架降低了GUI软件系统与RTOS的耦合性,提高了嵌入式GUI软件的可维护性、可理解性和可扩展性。

    Meanwhile , the software framework can decouple the embedded GUI software system and RTOS , to improve the maintainability , understandability and extensibility .

  17. AUV(无人潜航器)是一个典型的具有非线性、耦合性和运动模型水动力不确定性的系统。

    AUV ( Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ) is a typical system which is characterized by nonlinearity , coupling and hydrodynamic uncertainty .

  18. Web服务具有松散耦合性和高度动态性,组合服务中的各基本服务可能会出现版本升级等不可预测的变化,从而影响整个服务的质量和功用。

    Web services are loosely coupled and highly dynamic , so there will be many unpredictable changes in basic services , such as version upgrades and so on , which will affect the quality and function of the entire service .

  19. 在挖掘流程的表达上,通过使用XML组合若干挖掘节点为节点链的方式有效地降低了系统的耦合性,并在此基础上提出了基于挖掘主题的组织方式。

    In Expression of the excavation process , by the XML mining node , this paper effectively reduces the coupling of the system , and thence , it proposes the organization way based on excavation theme .

  20. 本文引入SSH及SpringSecurity开发框架,提高了应用系统安全模块的开发效率,使安全模块与业务模块的开发相分离,降低了代码的耦合性。

    This paper introduces the framework of SSH and Spring Security , improves application development efficiency of the security module , separates the development of security module and service module and reduces the code coupling .

  21. 当前已有的社会化书签服务都是基于RPC架构,涉及到一系列复杂的技术和协议,Web服务拥有复杂的接口,紧密的耦合性和非良好的扩展性。

    At present the existing social bookmark services are RPC-based framework , which involves a complex set of technologies and protocols . RPC-based Web service has complex interfaces , close-coupled and non-good scalability .

  22. SOA为ERP系统开发提供了一种松耦合性、互操作性强、并且具有良好可扩展性的架构思想,它将成为未来系统设计的主宰思想。

    SOA , which will become the dominate thought of system design in the future , provides a strong loose coupling , interoperability , and upstanding scalability for the development of ERP system .

  23. 在一个mom系统中,客户机之间的耦合性比较弱,这允许它们不必真正地全天“在线”便能维持服务的最佳质量。

    In a mom system , clients are decoupled from one another , allowing them to maintain optimum quality of service without actually having to be " online " every second of the day .

  24. OSGi也是一个低耦合性的服务平台,基于OSGi开发的应用具有模块化、可动态部署、复用性高和扩张性强等特点。

    OSGi is also a low coupling service platform , the applications developed on OSGi are featured of modularization , dynamic deployment , reusable and extensible .

  25. 结合SOA设计理念将各个功能Bundle尽可能设计为功能相互独立的服务单元,每个功能Bundle支持一个基本网络服务,减少各个功能Bundle之间的耦合性。

    SOA design concepts with the various features designed to function as Bundle independent service unit , each functional Bundle support a basic network services , reducing the coupling between the various functions of Bundle .

  26. 使用MVC来进行开发,虽然增加了系统结构和实现的复杂性,但实现了低耦合性、实现了快速部署,增加了代码的可重用性和系统的可适应性。

    Using the MVC to develop , although increase the system architecture and implementation complexity , but achieve low coupling , to achieve rapid deployment , increased code reusability and system adaptability .

  27. WebServices技术具有良好的封装性、松散的耦合性、协议的独立性和高度的可集成性等特点,能够轻松穿越防火墙,实现应用软件之间跨平台、跨编程语言的集成和互操作。

    Web Services technology has a good encapsulation , loose coupling , the agreement and a high degree of independence and so can be integrated , and can easily pass through the firewall , between the cross-platform implementation of application software , integration and cross-programming language interoperability .

  28. 提出了一种适合大型软件系统耦合性分析的系统耦合度模型SCD。模型的适用范围。

    This paper presents a model of system coupling degree SCO , which is used in the analysis of the coupling attribute of large-scale software system .

  29. 考虑到模块间的协作关系,我们对DomTree的公共元素及操作进行抽象,构建了单独的图形元素树这一功能模块,进而降低各模块间的耦合性,方便软件的扩展升级。

    Considering the cooperating relationship among different modules , the graphic element tree module has been designed which wraps the public elements and operations of the DOM Tree , which reduces coupling between modules and brings a good software scalability .

  30. 该方程在保证MMV机动性不变的前提下,降低了系统耦合性;

    These equations can guarantee the MMV mobility , and reduce coupling of the system .