
  • 网络systemic dialectics
  1. 关于系统辩证法的焦点问题

    On the Focus Problems of Systemic Dialectics

  2. 将系统辩证法思想用于分析国企改革与发展这个系统化问题时,特别值得借鉴的新观点是:自组织、分叉和非线性三种观点。

    When we analyze the systemic problems about the reformation and development of national enterprises with systemic dialectics thought , the three views are worthy of reference : self organization , furcation and nonlinearity .

  3. 进化系统辩证法大纲

    An Outline of Dialectics in Evolution System

  4. 系统辩证法是系统科学和系统技术的哲学概括,但与其他学派的系统哲学不同,它力图将系统哲学与东西方辨证哲学整合起来,将唯物辩证法推向一个新阶段。

    Systems dialectics is the philosophical summarization of the systems science and systems technology which combines and integrates systems philosophy with the western and eastern dialectic philosophy , to produce a new philosophical thought .

  5. 认为21世纪科学哲学的发展,要在系统辩证法的指导下,用现象学方法对其进行系统化建构。

    Under the guidance of systems dialectics , the author thinks that the philosophy of science in the 21st century should be a kind of systematic construction by the use of the method of phenomenology .

  6. 本文运用系统辩证法思想,全面分析了影响人类社会发展的各种因素,认为社会进步的动力是一种合力,其合力是一个完整的动态系统。

    With the viewpoint of systems dialectics , the author analyses all those factors which influence human social development , and holds that the power of social progress is a " joining force " which is a complete dynamic system .

  7. 坚持系统辩证法基本原理与方法,结合具体的社会历史条件,进一步对科学技术、创新以及互补等推动社会进步的重要动力因素进行了辩证的论述和系统的分析。

    Adhering to the basic principles of system dialectics , the author made a dialectical discussion and a systematical analysis on some important factors promoting the social progress , such as scientific technology , innovation ," reciprocity " and so on combining with practical social and historical circumstances .

  8. 二分与多分:矛盾论与系统论之辩证法意义论辩&与邬焜先生商榷

    On the Dialectical Means of Contradiction Theory and Systems Theory

  9. 论系统观在辩证法中的地位及其新学科在哲学中的吸纳

    Systems science : for and in philosophy On Philosophy

  10. 系统科学与辩证法的发展

    Development of System Science and Dialectics

  11. 特别是从七对科学和哲学范畴的相互关联中,阐明了系统演化的辩证法,从而表述了这一理论的科学意义和哲学意义。

    Especially , with seven couples of interrelated categories , the author expounded the dialectics of system 's evolution , thus , indicated the scientific and philosophic significance of the theory .

  12. 系统论与唯物辩证法发展观的比较研究

    Comparison between System Science and Materialistic Dialectics on Development View

  13. 系统辩证论作为辩证法的现代形态,同样内含着层次结构。

    As the modern form of dialectics , the structure of systemic dialectics is also straticulate .

  14. 系统理论对唯物辩证法的发展

    Systems Theory Develops Materialist Dialectics

  15. 黑格尔是近代哲学的集大成者,在哲学史上第一个全面地系统地阐述了辩证法的一般运动形式,并把它提升为思维的普遍规律,制定了严密的广博的辩证法大纲。

    For the first time in the history of philosophy , he expatiated the general developing forms of dialectic thoroughly and systematically , promoted it as the universal law of thinking , and established the strict and encyclopedic dialectic outline .

  16. 马克思的系统结构分析方法&《资本论》系统辩证法研究

    Discussion on Marx 's Structural Analysis Method

  17. 从系统论的哲学研究出发.加强对矛盾论与系统论、辩证法关系的研究。

    Strengthening the research in the relation among theories of contradiction , systematology and dialectics .

  18. 生态系统的复杂反馈机制以及协同学所研究的自组织演化过程,都表明了系统辩证法与矛盾辩证法的一致性。

    Firstly , the complicated feedback mechanism of ecosystem and the evolving process of self-organization from synergetics show the consistency of systemic dialectics and contradiction dialectics .