
  • 网络Ner'zhul;Lich King;Warcraft-the roleplaying game manual of monsters
  1. 兽人的影月城堡与耐奥祖的神秘圣所被摧毁。

    The Orcish Fortress of Shadowmoon and Ner'Zhul 's Mystic Sanctum are destroyed .

  2. 耐奥祖的灵魂被魔法桎梏在一套远古铠甲当中,并且附着于强大的符文剑霜之哀伤。

    Ner'zhul 's spirit was magically shackled to a suit of ancient armor and bound to the mighty runeblade Frostmourne .

  3. 为了惩罚耐奥祖的反抗,恶魔首领基尔加丹摧毁了他衰老的肉体并且折磨他的灵魂。

    The demon lord Kil'jaeden punished Ner'zhul for his defiance , destroying his aging body and torturing his spirit .

  4. 当巫妖王耐奥祖控制了诺森德大陆后,他使用强大的魔法复活了死去巨龙的尸骨。

    When Ner'zhul the Lich King took control of Northrend , he used his powerful magics to raise the ancient Dragon skeletons from the dead .

  5. 部落认为,耐奥祖和他们那些曾经用巨大牺牲换取强大力量而几乎灭族的先人差不多。

    They consider him no better than their forefathers who nearly damned their entire race by accepting great power in exchange for a terrible sacrifice .

  6. 而耐奥祖,由于先前的躯体支离破碎后成为巫妖王,也对兽人种族不再有什么特殊的感情。

    Ner'zhul , his former identity all but shattered upon being transformed into the Lich King , has no special interest in the orc race anymore either .

  7. 虽然蛛网怪对耐奥祖的瘟疫免疫,但他强大的通灵能力使他能够操纵蜘蛛战士的尸体并让他们为他作战。

    Though the nerubians were immune to his plague , Ner'zhul 's growing necromantic powers allowed him to raise the spider-warriors'corpses and bend them to his will .

  8. 耐奥祖别无选择,只能立誓听命于基尔加丹,重生成为军团恐怖而强大的使者&巫妖之王。

    With little other choice , Ner'zhul pledged to obey Kil'jaeden and was reborn as a terrifying and vastly powerful agent of the Legion – the Lich King .

  9. 为了确保耐奥祖的服从,基尔加丹从扭曲虚空的尽头取得一块寒冰,用一种特殊的手法将铠甲与剑封印其中。

    To ensure Ner'zhul 's obedience , Kil'jaeden sealed the armor and blade within a specially crafted block of ice collected from the far reaches of the Twisting Nether .