
zhàn fú wèn tí
  • problem of prisoners of war
  1. 鸦片战争史研究中,战俘问题一直是被忽略的战争组成部分。

    However , this issue has been neglected during the study on the history of the Opium War .

  2. 你们必须派出最值得依赖的军官去和他们的领导谈判交换战俘问题。

    You must send your most trusted officer to parley with their leaders for an exchange of prisoners .

  3. 战俘问题,是多学科研究的对象。

    The issue of prisoners of war ( POW ) is one of the important objects being studied by many disciplines .

  4. 战俘问题特设委员会伊朗和伊拉克交换战俘问题国际专家会议

    Ad Hoc Commission on Prisoners of War International Meeting of Experts on the Exchange of Prisoners-of war between Iran and Iraq

  5. 第二章主要介绍了战俘问题的初步交锋,阐述了交战双方对解决战俘问题的设想、问题的正式提出直至矛盾无法调和导致谈判中断。

    Chapter II mainly introduces the first bout on the war prisoners ' issue . And expounds the imagination of solving the prisoners ' issue , the formal putting forward of it and the irreconcilable contradictions lead to negotiations interruption .

  6. 本文从出朝鲜战争遣返战俘问题的谈判入手,在阅读大量档案文献和国内外学者论著的基础上,对战俘问题谈判的经过进行了完整回顾。

    The paper , which begins with the negotiation on the repatriation of prisoners of Korean War , is based upon the large reading of files and documents of the scholars both at home and abroad , reviews the entire course of the negotiation .

  7. 在划定军事分界线等问题上的无理要求被中朝方拒绝之后,又在战俘问题上顽固地坚持自愿遣返原则,致使战争又拖延了一年半。

    Since the unreasonable demand by the US on determination of the military demarcation line and its stubborn insistence on the principle of " voluntary repatriation " with respect to prisoners of war were refused by China , the war last one and a half year longer .

  8. 美国在中国人民志愿军战俘遣返问题上的政策出台经历了一个复杂的过程。

    Americas publishing policies on the problem of repatriating volunteer prisoners of war went through a complex process .

  9. 有记者问哈马斯高级官员哈茂德.扎哈尔,是否在战俘交换问题上已经取得任何进展。

    Senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar was asked by reporters if there has been progress on a prisoner exchange .

  10. 战俘遣返问题双方只要根据《日内瓦公约》的相关条例,是一个容易解决的问题。

    If both sides conformed to relative treaty of Geneva convention , captive problem would be easy to be solved .

  11. 就在上周,美国还在就粮食援助和收回战俘遗骨问题,与朝鲜展开艰苦的外交接触,以此作为各方重启朝鲜弃核谈判的前奏。

    Just last week , the US was engaging in painstaking diplomacy with the North Koreans on food aid agreements and recovering the remains of prisoners of war , as a prelude to returning to the negotiations on denuclearisation .

  12. 《日内瓦公约》埘战俘的待遇问题作了规定。

    The Geneva Convention laid down rules governing the treatment of prisoners of war .

  13. 抗美援朝战争中志愿军对联合国军战俘心理转化问题研究

    Researches on Psychological Transformation of Prisoners of War by Chinese People 's Volunteers during the Korean War

  14. 本课题所涉及的战俘心理转化问题则是政治作战学中心理战研究的对象。

    The issue of psychological transformation of POW involved in this thesis is the object researched by the psychological warfare in the theory of political operations .

  15. 第一章对朝鲜战争交战双方在战争各个阶段战俘产生的情况和双方战俘总量失衡的原因进行了分析,论述了战俘问题是如何形成的。

    Chapter I is an analysis of the circumstances of war prisoners in various stages and the reasons of the imbalance amount of prisoners of two parts in the Korean War , and discusses how the issue of prisoners of war comes into being .