
  1. 暴脾气的六爷是北京胡同里的一位“老炮儿”,随时都会破口大骂,斜眼瞪人。

    Mr. Six is a grumpy old fixture on his Beijing back street , ready to scold or shoot a withering look .

  2. 第七届中国电影导演协会表彰大会在北京落下帷幕,国产电影《老炮儿》在大会上成为最大赢家。

    The seventh China Film Directors Guild Awards have wrapped up in Beijing , with domestic film ' Mr. Six ' winning big at the gala .

  3. 这位25岁的偶像派明星已经出演了多部中国热门电影,包括《老炮儿》及《爵迹》等。

    The 25-year-old pop idol has starred in several hit Chinese movies including ' Mr. Six ' and ' L.O.R.D. : Legend of Ravaging Dynasties ' .

  4. 在《老炮儿》中,他对人物角色的演绎如此到位,以致于我初看影片时被惊到了。

    In Mr. Six , he turns his formidable acting chops into a character study so immersive it blew me away when I first saw the film .

  5. 但是导演管虎这部以人物个性为中心的影片《老炮儿》时常提醒观众,六爷当年也是个横行一时的坏家伙。

    But as we are frequently reminded in the director Guan Hu 's character study " Mr. Six , " he was one bad dude back in the day .

  6. 他还与冯小刚和张涵予共同出演了动作电影《老炮儿》,而且他还主演了徐克导演执导的奇幻惊悚片《西游伏妖篇》,两部影片都大获成功。

    He also starred in action drama Mr. Six , along with Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Hanyu , and fantasy thriller Journey to the West , directed by Tsui Hark . Both hit the box-office jackpot .

  7. 老牌导演冯小刚凭借在现代故事《老炮儿》中担任男主角的精彩表演赢得了他自己的第二个最佳男演员头衔,

    Veteran director Feng Xiaogang won his second best actor title at the event , for his performance as the title role in the modern tale of ' Mr. Six ' or Lao Pao'er in Chinese .

  8. 最近非常火爆的电影《老炮儿》的制片人,在周六回应了北京控烟协会控诉电影出现过多吸烟镜头的问题。制片方表示,电影只是在真实反映在拍摄的那个时期当地人的生活。

    A producer of the popular film Mr Six , or Lao Pao'er , on Saturday responded to the Beijing Tobacco Control Association 's accusations that the film contains an excessive number of smoking scenes by claiming that the film simply aims to realistically reflect the life of local residents during the period in which it is set .