
  • 网络Education for the elderly;old age re-education
  1. 社区教育在全员化发展基础上重心逐渐向老年教育转移。

    The barycenter of community education turns to the elder education .

  2. 非正规老年教育与老年人社会参与

    " Informal " Old-age Education and Social Participation of the Elderly

  3. 论老年教育的价值及发展策略

    On the Values and Strategies of Development of Senior Education

  4. 老年教育产业现状与前景分析

    Present Situation and Prospect Analysis on Mature Educational Industry

  5. 老年教育是全民教育的重要组成部分。

    Education of the elderly is a very important part of civil education .

  6. 老年教育的意义和途径探讨

    Discussion on the significance and means of elder education

  7. 老年教育的发展不仅是时代发展的必然结果,而且也是老年人自身需求变化的结果,例如家庭结构、生理需求、观念和经济条件等。

    Senior education is based on the demands of the era and the old .

  8. 构筑老年教育体系:全面建设小康社会的必然要求

    Construct the Old Education System : Inevitable Request of Building the Well-to-do Society All-sidedly

  9. 外国老年教育发展现状及趋势

    The Current Situation and Developing Trend of Education for Old People in other Countries

  10. 浅谈运用现代远程教育手段发展老年教育

    Generally speaking about applying the device of modern teleeducation to the development of education care

  11. 老年教育是终身教育的一个重要组成部分,也是终身教育的最后一环。

    Education for the aged is an important and also the last part of lifelong education .

  12. 国家发展老年教育,鼓励社会办好各类型的老年学校。

    National Development and old-age education and encourage the community to run various types of schools for the elderly .

  13. 发展老年教育是完善终身教育、建设学习化社会的需要。

    Developing the education for the aged is a requirement for improving the lifelong education and building a study-oriented society .

  14. 老年教育的开展无论是对国家的发展还是对老年人自身的发展都有重大意义。

    The development of Aged Education is significant for both the development of the country and the development of elders own .

  15. 人口老龄化的矛盾在我国日见突出,随之带来的老年教育问题也是必须认真加以研究的。

    The conflict of population aging becomes more obvious in China , which causes the aged education that is worth studying carefully .

  16. 开展老年教育,在不同时期有不同的课题,美国、日本的做法可资借鉴。

    Running old people education has different task in different time , the methods of USA and Japan are worth learning for us .

  17. 经济因素包括社区老年教育硬件设施不全;社区老年教育软件设施缺乏;社区老年教育经费不足。

    Economic factors including community geriatric education hardware establishment is not whole ; community geriatric education software establishment is not whole ; community education .

  18. 开展的教育是为了更好的和老年教育相衔接,也有意与老年教育相区别。

    In order to better carry out education and education for the aged joins , also with the intention of geriatric education phase difference .

  19. 要把老年教育拓展到不同层面的城市和农村居民,不断扩大老年教育基层网点的覆盖面。

    Education for the aged should expand to different levels of urban and rural residents , expanding education for the aged grass-roots network coverage .

  20. 老年教育是时代发展与社会进步的产物,必将随着时代的发展而发展。

    Old-age education is the product of the times development and social progress and it will inevitably grow up with the development of the times .

  21. 无私奉献,医道精湛,在老年教育事业上辛勤耕耘18年的张效禹教授。

    Professor Zhang Xiao yu , with his advanced medical skills and selfless devotion , has been working hard for the elderly education for18 years .

  22. 目前已初步形成多层次、多形式、多学制、多学科的老年教育体系。

    Today , an educational system for elderly people that is multi-level , multi-form and multi-disciplinary with different lengths of schooling has taken initial shape .

  23. 健全制度,完善保障等方面入手,促进老年教育的发展。

    We should improve the teaching , integrate the resources , teach openly , set up the system and perfect the guarantee to promote its development .

  24. 探讨了随着社会经济的发展和老龄化社会进程的加快,在21世纪老年教育的发展方向。

    Probed the developing direction of aged - education in 21 century with the development of social economy and the speed up of social aging process .

  25. 研究结果表明,随着个体年龄上升,医疗保健支出份额不断上升,教育娱乐支出份额不断下降,说明中国医疗保障制度不完善和中老年教育娱乐项目相对匮乏。

    The results show that with the increase in individual age , rising share of health care spending , education , entertainment declining share of spending .

  26. 发展老年教育,是构建和谐社会,建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会的迫切要求。

    Develop the education of the elderly is the exigent demand to construct harmonious society and build the society of civil study and study for life .

  27. 由于国情、社会经济基础、文化意识等诸方面的差别,各国老年教育也各有所异,独具特色。

    As a result of national conditions and socio-economic foundations , cultural awareness and other aspects of the differences , the Aged Education is different and unique .

  28. 正文的第一部分主要是介绍我国老年教育兴起的社会背景和现有的主要发展模式。

    In the first part it introduces the social backgrounds of developing senior education in China and the main modes in our country and in the world .

  29. 当前我国大学后继续教育主要有非全日制研究生教育、职业资格证书教育、业务培训教育、社会文化生活教育和老年教育五种类型;

    Postgraduate continuing education in China mainly includes five types : part-time postgraduate education , vocational certification education , employment training , social and cultural education and elder people education .

  30. 我国的老年教育在国内已经实行了二十多年,取得了很多宝贵的经验。老年生命教育是终身教育体系的重要组成部分,因此对老年人开展生命教育是必要而又迫切的。

    So for the aged life education is necessary and urgent . Our elderly education in the country has already implemented more than twenty years and made many valuable achievements .