
  1. 所有尝过的人,在看到我抱着一瓶老干妈吃了三片面包时都不会吃惊。

    All people who have known what I felt are not surprised when they saw me eating three piece of bread with a bottle of Lao Gan Ma .

  2. 辣味源自和著名品牌老干妈类似的一种辣椒酱。

    The spiciness is made from a chilli sauce resembling to the famous brand Lao Gan Ma .

  3. 同时对“老干妈”公司的品牌战略提出了建议。

    At the same time , the paper gives some recommendations to the brand strategy of Laoganma company .

  4. 日,让我这种吃意面拌老干妈的人情何以堪!

    FUCK , let me this kind eat pasta with old fuck mom de people love how already can !

  5. 珠江桥酱油、老干妈辣椒油等中国产品颇受顾客的欢迎。

    Products from China popular with shoppers include Pearl River Bridge 's range of soy sauces and Lao Gan Ma 's Hot Chili Oil .

  6. 老干妈是一种充满感情的称呼,可以大致翻译成教母,之所以这样命名可能是因为瓶罐上这个慈祥的女人。

    Lao Gan Ma , an affectionate term that translates loosely to godmother , is likely named so because of the woman gracing every jars label .

  7. 很多游客还会把老干妈辣椒酱,火腿,牛肉干,榨菜和五香鸡蛋放进方便面里一起吃。

    Many tourists also pack foods like laoganma chili sauce , ham , beef jerky , mustard and spiced eggs to eat with the instant noodles .