
měi suǒ bù dá mǐ yà
  • Mesopotamia
  1. 美索不达米亚地区可能是世界上人类最早征服主干河流的地区。

    Mesopotamia was probably the first region of the world where humans gained mastery over major rivers .

  2. 他在2002年《纽约时报》的社论专栏里极有先见之明地写道:乔治·W·布什总统应该认识到,日本不能为攻占美索不达米亚提供模式。

    President George W. Bush should have seen that Japan provided no model for occupying Mesopotamia , Mr Dower wrote in a strikingly prescient 2002 New York Times op-ed , reproduced here .

  3. 他在2002年《纽约时报》的社论专栏里极有先见之明地写道:乔治·W·布什总统应该认识到,日本不能为攻占美索不达米亚“提供模式”。

    President George W. Bush should have seen that Japan provided " no model " for occupying Mesopotamia , Mr Dower wrote in a strikingly prescient 2002 New York Times op-ed , reproduced here .

  4. 其他地区的族群包括波斯人(Persians)、Lurs、亚美尼亚人(Armenians)(可能是古老美索不达米亚(Mesopotamian)文化的后裔)。

    Other distinct groups are Persians , Lurs , Armenians ( possible descendants of the ancient Mesopotamian culture ) .

  5. “世界上最早的文字创造者”这一殊荣到底花落谁家,由美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamia)的苏美尔人(Sumerians)、位于今巴基斯坦(Pakistan)境内的哈拉帕人(Harappa)以及古埃及的科密特人(Kemites)进行激烈的角逐。

    There was a horse race between the Sumerians in Mesopotamia , the Harappa in present day Pakistan and the Kemites in Egypt to be the first to formulate a written language .

  6. 古特曼前臂所纹的符号和标记是在古代美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamia)的幼发拉底河(EuphratesRiver)发现的,那里是现在的伊拉克、叙利亚、科威特和土耳其的交界处,这个地区是广为人知的文明摇篮。

    The inked symbols and markings on Gutman 's forearm were found near the Euphrates River in ancient Mesopotamia - where modern-day Iraq , Syria , Kuwait , Iran and Turkey share borders - an area that is widely known as the cradle of civilization .

  7. 在美索不达米亚和波斯使用的一种古代楔形手稿。

    An ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia .

  8. 美索不达米亚遗产及其对希腊文明的影响

    The Legacy of Mesopotamia and Its Influence upon Greek Civilization

  9. 美索不达米亚被认为是文明的发祥地。

    Mesopotamia is believed to be the birthplace of civilization .

  10. 我错误地陈述了美索不达米亚文明是最古老的仍然持续的文明。

    I incorrectly stated that the Mesopotamian civilization is the oldest continuous civilization .

  11. 希腊文学的重要形式&神话,散发着浓厚的美索不达米亚气息。

    Greek literature major form - myth , circulated a thick Mesopotamia atmosphere .

  12. 美索不达米亚人信奉神,并把马尔杜克作为他们的主神。

    The Mesopotamians believed in many gods , and as their chief god-Marduk .

  13. 美索不达米亚遗迹时发现过它们。

    When they excavated the ruins of ancient mesopotamia .

  14. 大约在一万年前,美索不达米亚地区的人民开始种植野生谷物。

    Humans first began domesticating wild grains around 10000 years ago in Mesopotamia .

  15. 考古队从他们所收集的牙齿和骨头发现,这些动物遍布美索不达米亚。

    Teeth and bones collected by archaeological expeditions show these animals got absolutely everywhere .

  16. 他们并不像法老、弥诺斯或美索不达米亚君主那样类似上帝的超人。

    They were not quasi-divine overmen like Pharaoh or Minos or the monarchs of Mesopotamia .

  17. 随着希腊文化的影响,引入了希腊和美索不达米亚的天文学和占星术。

    With the influence of Hellenism , Greek and Mesopotamian astronomy and astrology were introduced .

  18. 古代近东的埃及文化和美索不达米亚文化对西方古典文化产生了强烈影响。

    Ancient Egyptian civilization and Mesopotamia civilization of Near-East had great affected western classical civilization .

  19. 古代巴比伦王国首都和古代美索不达米亚的一个主要城市。

    The chief city of ancient Mesopotamia and capitol of the ancient kingdom of Babylonia .

  20. 尘土中的化学物质使科学家可以确定它们来自美索不达米亚高原。

    Chemical traces in the dust allowed the scientists to pinpoint its origins in Mesopotamia .

  21. 美索不达米亚北部的一个古代王国。

    An ancient kingdom in northern Mesopotamia .

  22. 这最后的5倍分工显然是借自古代迦勒思想目前在美索不达米亚。

    This last five fold division is clearly borrowed from ancient Chaldean ideas current in Mesopotamia .

  23. 美索不达米亚,伊拉克古时称谓,意谓“两河之间的土地”。

    MESOPOTAMIA , the ancient name for Iraq , means " land between the rivers . "

  24. 如果上天再给美国一次机会,美国将不会踏进美索不达米亚地区的内战中。

    If America could choose again , it would not step into a civil war in Mesopotamia .

  25. 为了挽救国王,美索不达米亚人用了“假”国王想法。

    To spare their king , the Mesopotamians used the idea of a " mock " king .

  26. 在古代美索不达米亚,粗野的闪米特人袭击并最终战胜了富有和先进的苏美尔人。

    In ancient Mesopotamia the rough Semites attacked and eventually overcame the wealthier , more sophisticated Sumerians .

  27. 在美索不达米亚,则有世界七大奇迹之一的巴比伦空中花园。

    In Mesopotamia , the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the World .

  28. 我们知道,跟庞培和伦敦不一样的是,美索不达米亚人是鼓励野生动物的。

    Unlike in London or Pompeii , we know that feral animals were actually encouraged by the Mesopotamians .

  29. 长城艺术人物使用的小麦秸秆饮料中发现了古代美索不达米亚废墟。

    Wall art depicting people using straws of wheat to drink from have been discovered from ancient Mesopotamian ruins .

  30. 在希腊智慧文学领域,也能很容易发现来自东方美索不达米亚的原型。

    In Greece " wisdom " literature field , can easily be found from the East in Mesopotamia prototype .