
měi ɡuó ɡuó jiā kē xué jī jīn huì
  • National Science Foundation of the United States;National Science Foundation,United States
  1. 美国国家科学基金会就是其中之一。

    The US National Science Foundation is among these .

  2. 美国国家科学基金会称,位于波多黎各的直径达305米的阿雷西博射电望远镜设备平台一夜之间坍塌。

    The instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory overnight , according to the National Science Foundation .

  3. 该研究是由美国国家科学基金会和L.S.B.李基基金会提供支持的。

    The research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the L. S. B. Leakey Foundation .

  4. 这些结果与包括政府支出在内的中国整体研发趋势相契合。美国国家科学基金会(NationalScienceFoundation)称,中国政府的研发支出仅次于美国。

    The findings dovetail with overall research and development trends in China , including government spending , which the National Science Foundation found , is second only behind the United States .

  5. 有关该问题的最可靠研究之一当属综合社会调查(GeneralSocialSurvey),这项研究由美国国家科学基金会(NationalScienceFoundation)资助,从1972年开始向美国人询问同一批问题。

    Among the most reliable studies on this issue is the General Social Survey , sponsored by the National Science Foundation , which has been asking Americans the same questions since 1972 .

  6. 此外,天文学教育中心的人员最近收到了美国国家科学基金会的拨款,用于建立天文学教师联合会(CATS)。

    In addition , members of CAE recently received an NSF grant to create the Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars .

  7. 美国国家科学基金会(NationalScienceFoundation)的最新调查显示,入读科学与工程研究生课程的美国公民和永久性居民人数增长了2%,达到创纪录的33.955万人。

    A new survey conducted by the National Science Foundation shows that enrolment of US citizens and permanent residents in science and engineering graduate programmes increased 2 per cent , to a record 339550 .

  8. 根据美国国家科学基金会(NationalScienceFoundation)2011年的一项调查,35%的博士学位获得者——43%的人文学科博士——在完成学业时没有签下就业意向书。

    According to a 2011 National Science Foundation survey , 35 percent of doctorate recipients - and 43 percent of those in the humanities - had no commitment for employment at the time of completion .

  9. 这项研究是由美国国家科学基金会、ACS石油研究基金以及南加州大学纳米重心资助的。

    The research was funded by the National Science Foundation , the ACS Petroleum Research Fund and the USC NanoCenter .

  10. Jones此前担任美国国家科学基金会的国际科学和工程办公室主任,在那里她支持了与发展中国家的项目。

    Jones previously served as director of the National Science Foundation 's Office of International Science and Engineering where she supported programmes with developing countries .

  11. 有了美国国家科学基金会的资助,LionelZupan将VisWall的应用广泛传播。

    With support from the National Science Foundation , Lionel Zupan helped bring the VisWall to life .

  12. 美国国家科学基金会(NSF)也研究了国际协作的这种广泛的趋势。

    The US National Science Foundation ( NSF ) has also studied this broad trend towards international collaboration .

  13. 这是美国国家科学基金会认证-61标准,饮用水系统中使用NSF认证的地方,需要设计的。

    It is certified to NSF-61 standards and is designed for use in potable water systems where NSF certification is required .

  14. 着,(1992年),〈微波十部曲〉见《电算医学&美国国家科学基金会,应用数学地区会议系列》,费城,SIAM出版。

    Daubechies , I. " Ten Lectures on Wavelets . " CBMS-NSF Regional Conferences Series in Applied Mathematics , SIAM , Philadelphia PA ( 1992 ) .

  15. 美国国家科学基金会2004财年价值评议综述

    Summarize on NSF 's Merit Review Process of Fiscal Year 2004

  16. 他们的研究过程受到美国国家科学基金会的资金支持。

    They developed the process with money from the National Science Foundation .

  17. 美国国家科学基金会成立背景述评

    Analysis on the Background to the Establishment of the National Science Foundation of USA

  18. 美国国家科学基金会对学术不端行为的法律规制

    Research on NSF Regulating Research Misconduct by Law

  19. 由美国国家科学基金会主办。

    Sponsored by the US National Science foundation .

  20. 例如,大多数加入美国国家科学基金会网络的大学都有校内计算机网络。

    For example , most universities that joined the NSF network had intracampus computer networks .

  21. 美国国家科学基金会审计监督制度对我国的启示

    How Chinese management for science funds could be benefit from the auditing oversight system of NSF

  22. 美国国家科学基金会2000-2010年古生物发展战略及其启示及我国古生物学发展的若干思考

    The National Science Foundation on strategical development in paleontology during 2000-2010 and paleontology research in China

  23. 读面向21世纪的美国国家科学基金会以后

    Some suggestions about reform of nsfc & after reading " a foundation for the 21st century "

  24. 研究基金来自美国国家科学基金会和其他国家的类似团体。

    Funding came from the National Science Foundation in the United States and from similar groups in other countries .

  25. 他是美国国家科学基金会负责数学与物理的助理署长,而他只是海归派之一。

    National Science Foundation in charge of the mathematical and physical sciences . He 's one of many coming home .

  26. 她曾作为美国国家科学基金会的学者出访美国科罗拉多州立大学人类学暑期学院。

    She was sent as a Scholar of the National Science Foundation of America to the University of Colorado Summer Institute of Anthropology .

  27. 星期三下午,巴特勒在由美国国家科学基金会组织的新闻招待会上发表了上述演讲。

    Butler spoke Wednesday afternoon at a news conference organized by the National Science Foundation , the organization that funded Butler 's research .

  28. 这项研究是支持由美国国家科学基金会通过一个材料科学与工程研究中心捐赠给普林斯顿中心为复合材料。

    The research was supported by the National Science Foundation through a Materials Science and Engineering Center grant to the Princeton Center for Complex Materials .

  29. 通过对美国国家科学基金会资助管理的一些非常规方法分析,阐明了科学基金以及基础研究如何追求和实现管理创新的方法。

    Though the analysis of the unusual-methods of NSF sustentation fund management , the article brings forth the innovation methods which the science foundation seeks for .

  30. 接收器安装在距阿雷西博碟盘500尺高的格利高里圆顶上。来自:康翠斯全美保险总监协会-阿雷西博天文台,美国国家科学基金会设施。

    The multi-beam in its place inside the Gregorian dome , 500 feet above the Arecibo dish . Credit : Courtesy of the NAIC-Arecibo Observatory , an NSF facility .