
  • 网络Recording Industry Association of America;RIAA
  1. 美国唱片业协会(RecordingIndustryAssociationofAmerica)的数据显示,在美国,CD总销量已从2004年的7.67亿张下降至2014年的1.41亿张。

    In the US , the total number of CDs sold fell from 767m in 2004 to 141m in 2014 , according to figures from the Recording Industry Association of America .

  2. 美国唱片业协会(RecordingIndustryAssociationofAmerica)表示,在2010年,也就是在线音乐服务业进行了数据统计的最近的年份,在线音乐服务业总收入约为2.01亿美元。

    Online music subscription revenues were about $ 201 million in 2010 , the most recent year the data is available , according to the recording industry association of America .

  3. 在美国,盒式磁带的销量一路飙升,这促使美国唱片业协会自上世纪90年代初以来首度开始追踪盒式磁带的销售数据。美国唱片业协会是代表美国唱片业的贸易团体,同时它也负责金唱片和白金唱片的认证。

    Sales of music tapes are rising so quickly in the US that the Recording Industry Association of America , the trade body for music labels which also certifies gold and platinum records , is investigating ways to track sales for the first time since the early 1990s .