
jié fěi
  • robber;bandits;brigand
  1. 这是他第一次面对一个武装劫匪。

    This was the first time he had confronted an armed robber .

  2. 一辆警车挡住了这名劫匪的去路。

    A police car barred the robber 's exit .

  3. 劫匪从现金出纳机里抢走了100元。

    The raiders snatched $ 100 from the cash register .

  4. 詹姆斯在同几个劫匪搏斗时嘴上挨了打。

    James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders .

  5. 她一下汽车,劫匪便向她扑上去。

    The muggers pounced on her as she got out of the car .

  6. 她吓得呆若木鸡,眼睁睁地看着劫匪们离去。

    Numb with terror , she stared at the departing marauders

  7. 劫匪扔烟幕弹来转移人们的视线。

    The robbers threw smoke bombs to create a diversion

  8. 劫匪携现金和珠宝逃跑了。

    The raiders escaped with cash and jewellery .

  9. 卡车队试图冲过几帮劫匪的火力网开赴英军基地。

    The trucks tried to drive to the British base , running the gauntlet of marauding bands of gunmen .

  10. 3名银行劫匪被捕,其余的逃走了。

    Three of the bank robbers were arrested , and the rest escaped .

  11. 劫匪驾车撞上了一堵墙。

    The robber crashed the car into a wall .

  12. 银行劫匪逃脱不了惩罚。

    The bank robbers will not escape punishment .

  13. 警察正在追捕一伙劫匪。

    Police are hunting a robber gang .

  14. 当银行劫匪开始开枪的时候,我吓得僵硬,不敢逃跑。

    When the bank robbers4 began to shoot their guns , I was scared stiff and couldn ’ t run away .

  15. 这将防止ipod用户被人抢劫目前劫匪可以根据ipod那足以泄密的运动型白色耳机线盯上受害者。

    These would protect iPod users from the muggers who home in on victims sporting telltale white cables .

  16. 在新泽西州,一场FBI探员与三个银行劫匪的惨烈枪战过后有两人被捕。

    Two people are in custody following a deadly shootout between FBI agents and three suspected bank robbers in New Jersey .

  17. 接下来的三月,一名叫JamesEarlRay的白人,一名越狱的武装劫匪,承认了谋杀罪。

    The following March , a white man named James Earl Ray , an armed robber who had escaped from prison , pleaded guilty to the murder .

  18. 该部动作片刻画了由基努里维斯饰演的FBI探员一角,讲述了他做卧底来调查一伙爱好冲浪的银行劫匪的故事。

    The action film features Keanu Reeves as an FBI agent who goes undercover to investigate a gang of surfing bank robbers .

  19. 那次案件里,只身一人的持枪劫匪冲进了名为ChinaWok的中餐馆,向在那儿工作的53岁的孙英(音译)因为不会说英语,因而没有回应劫匪的要求,劫匪后来开枪打中了孙英。

    In that case , a single gunman stormed into a China Wok and shot 53-year-old Ying Sun , who was working there , when she didn 't respond to his demands because she didn 't speak English .

  20. 在Damon一本关于精神变态的书中,他谈到一个13岁的行凶劫匪,他专门行凶抢劫盲人。

    In Damon 's book , a wonderful book on psychopathy , he talks about a thirteen-year-old mugger who specialized in mugging blind people .

  21. 他的同行约翰撒塔姆(johnsentamu)则宣称,卖空银行股的那些人“显然是银行劫匪和资产剥夺者”。

    His colleague , John Sentamu , declared that the short sellers of bank shares were " clearly bank robbers and asset strippers " .

  22. 在很大程度上,多亏了这几个小家伙,使得这些劫匪从Doane的家里空手而归。

    The men left Doane 's home empty handed , in large part , thanks to these little ones .

  23. 最近有伙劫匪专门持枪抢劫银行。

    Recently there 's a gang concentrating on holding up banks .

  24. 我在找那名便利商店的劫匪。

    I am looking for the robber of the convenience store .

  25. 还记得那个抓住持枪银行劫匪的女人吗?

    You remember the woman who caught an armed bank robber ?

  26. 可是,一名劫匪却正在寻找他们的踪迹。

    Oh , and the train robbers want their money back .

  27. 警察正在挨家挨户地搜查劫匪。

    The policemen are searching for the robbers door after door .

  28. 不到两分钟,他就把劫匪缉拿归案。

    Within approximately two minutes , he had arrested the bank robber .

  29. 当警察出现的时候,劫匪四处逃散。

    The robbers ran away in all directions when the policemen appeared .

  30. 两名持械劫匪闯入多弗镇银行。

    Two armed robbers have entered the Dover town bank .