
měi lì xīn shì jiè
  • Brave New World
  1. 1932年,奥尔德斯•赫胥黎(AldousHuxley)便在小说《美丽新世界》(BraveNewWorld)中发出了警告。

    Aldous Huxley sounded a warning in his 1932 novel Brave New World .

  2. 欢迎来到MBA入学申请的美丽新世界。

    Welcome to the brave new world of MBA Admissions .

  3. 在赫胥黎1932年的小说《美丽新世界》(BraveNewWorld)中,生活在那个反乌托邦未来世界中的阿尔法、贝塔和其他种姓的人类手头常备一种名叫“苏麻”的万能灵药,只要一点点就可以驱散生活中的阴霾。

    In Huxley 's 1932 novel about a dystopian future , the Alphas , Betas and others populating his " Brave New World " have at their disposal a drug called soma .

  4. Iyer建议我们:多花点时间,不要怕麻烦,去探索一下那些美丽新世界吧!

    Take the time and trouble , he advises , to seek out the new places .

  5. ‘那是你,还是我找到的一个美丽新世界’

    " Was that you or did I find a beautiful new world "

  6. 那可是个“美丽新世界”,老大。

    It 's a brave new world , boss .

  7. 就当一切都已失去,向着那美丽新世界,献出灵魂与自我吧!

    All is lost sold your souls , to this brave new world .

  8. 这将是个美丽新世界。

    It 's a brave new world .

  9. 《美丽新世界》描述的是未来的故事,但却是一部关注现代社会,关注当下人类处境的文学作品。

    The story of Brave New World happens in the future but it is a novel about the present .

  10. 而下载的美丽新世界(又名电子销售)明年将是好年头。

    And the brave new world of downloads ( a.k.a. electronic sell-through ) - well , tune in next year .

  11. 对于哈默尔在这本书中描绘的美丽新世界,志向远大、富于想象的管理者没有什么可担心的。

    Ambitious and imaginative managers have little to fear from the brave new world that Hamel describes so well in this book .

  12. 这——就像无人驾驶汽车和自动添衣洗衣机的美丽新世界——或许会有所帮助,但差距依然存在。

    That - like the brave new world of self-driving cars and self-filling washing machines - may help but a gap remains .

  13. 如果我们从世俗而非宗教的角度思考这个问题,赫胥黎笔下的“美丽新世界”到底有什么不对呢?

    If we think the matter through from a secular rather than a religious point of view , what is really wrong with Huxley 's Brave New World ?

  14. 布莱切利将一些人带进了时间旅行,来到了科学决定一切的美丽新世界。

    The Bletchley vision had taken a few people on a time travel trip , into a world of Our Ford where science had an answer for everything .

  15. 有些工厂还要求不同聘用状态的工人身着不同颜色的“囚服”,就像奥尔德斯•赫胥黎在《美丽新世界》中描述的阿尔法和爱普西隆一样。

    At some factories workers wear jumpsuits of different colours according to their employment status & akin to the alphas and epsilons of Aldous Huxley 's " Brave New World " .

  16. 本文关注世界文学中一个流派&反面乌托邦小说,并通过对两部经典作品《美丽新世界》与《一九八四》的分析,探究当今人类的生存处境。

    This thesis focuses on dystopian fiction in world literature . By analyzing two classical works named Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-four , the author tries to explore the situation of mankind today .

  17. 是《银河系漫游指南》、《美丽新世界》、《哈利波特与凤凰社》还是《白鲸》?

    Is it the " Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy , " " Brave New World , " " Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix " or " Moby Dick " ?

  18. 《美丽新世界》中存在两个社会,一个是以自然为主导的现实社会保留地;另一个是科技控制下的未来社会世界国。

    Two worlds exist in Brave New World : one is the realistic society Reservation dominated by nature while the other one is World State , a future society under the control of technology .

  19. 那个周一的早上,餐馆邻桌的一名中年男子对一名年轻创业者说:这些建造‘美丽新世界’的企业创造过去不存在的事物。它们不仅仅是帮某些人省了钱。

    Brave new world companies create something that was not there before . They do not just save somebody money , a middle-aged man told a young entrepreneur at a nearby table in a diner on Monday morning .

  20. 结果是,许多投资者急切地向这样一些初创企业大举投资&它们看上去拥有一样技术或一个商业点子,能至少部分构成这美丽新世界。

    As a result , plenty of investors are eager to throw money at start-ups that look as if they possess a piece of technology and a business idea that will form at least part of the brave new world .

  21. 多年后,我才了解到他们的出走是由于受到了*,这让我深感震惊和失望,我为人类的非理性行为感到羞愧,尤其是当我们以先辈们建立的“美丽新世界”引以为豪的时候。

    I was keenly surprised and disappointed years later to learn of their acts of persecution that make us tingle with shame , even while we glory in the courage and energy that gave us our " Country Beautiful . "

  22. 如何面对否定这种宿命的悲剧性,黑格尔以乐观理性主义为支撑,指引我们向前看,看得更远,看到那个否定之否定带来的美丽新世界。

    How to face " denying " this kind of destined tragedy , according to optimistic rational doctrine , Hegel guide us looking forward and looking farther , and seeing the beautiful new world brought by " denying after denying " .

  23. 不管怎样,我们将告诉你们不再需要等待很久,我们相信,你们的直觉也知道多么接近了,所以请紧紧抓住你们的信仰,驻留在前方的美丽新世界中。

    We will however tell you that you will not have too long to wait , and we believe that you are intuitively aware of how near it is , so hold fast to your belief in the wonderful future that lies ahead .

  24. 本文将以英国反乌托邦小说中《美丽新世界》、《1984》、《蝇王》以及《发条橙》为研究重点,探讨反乌托邦小说中英雄形象的异化以及乌托邦精神的蜕变。

    This article focuses on the analysis of these anti-Utopia novels - Brave New World , Nineteen-Eighty Four , Lord of The Flies and the Clockwork Orange and probes into the alienation of images of hero in anti-Utopia novels and the spallation of Utopia spirits .

  25. 然而,如果能够大幅削减在过去半个世纪里,在“社会生态市场经济”的美丽新世界时期实施的,针对私营部门积极性的各种限制,将会有用得多。

    It would be much more helpful , however , to have a great reduction in all kinds of restrictions on private initiatives introduced in the last half a century during the era of the brave new world of the " social and ecological market economy " .

  26. 通过讲故事,打比方,画图或实物,来描绘“我们的现状”,然后用一幅更好的画面来呈现“美丽新世界”,这样可以触及到人的情感面,更有力地促使(或阻止)改变发生。

    Use stories , metaphors , pictures , and physical objects to paint an ugly image of " where we are now " and a better vision of a glorious new state . This taps into people 's emotions , a forceful lever for ( or against ) change .

  27. 美丽的新世界:新时代的都市叙事

    Brave New World : Urban Narratives in the New Age

  28. 在我面前,我看到了一个光明而美丽的新世界;内心深处,我已经做好了接纳一切知识的准备。

    Before me I saw a new world opening in beauty and light , and I felt within me the capacity to know all things .

  29. 尽管现代社会人们在物欲横流的世界里逐渐迷失,但是精神的追求,会成为一个真正和谐美丽的新世界的灵魂。

    Although people in the modern society gradually lost in materialistic world , the pursuit of spirit will become the soul of a real harmoniously brave new world .

  30. 有了这套设备,你就能去冒险探索一个美丽的海底新世界。

    With this equipment , you can explore a new world of adventure and underwater beauty !