
  • Beautiful Life;Life Is Beautiful
  1. 《美丽人生》是一部令人既感动又心酸的反映集中营生活的影片。

    Life is Beautiful is a concentration-camp tale which is a touching and poignant movie .

  2. 意大利男演员罗伯托·贝尼尼被描述成意大利的查理。卓别林,但他最近在国际影坛大获成功的影片《美丽人生》却有着严肃的背景。

    The Italian actor Roberto Benigni has been described as Italy 's Charlie Chaplin , but his recent internationally successful film Life is Beautiful has a serious settings .

  3. 创造美丽人生要求你做出一些改变。

    Creating a great life requires that you make some adjustments .

  4. 这里一些插图会带给你美丽人生!

    Here Are Some Tips That May Bring You A Beautiful Life !

  5. 美丽人生不会从天而降。

    A great life doesn 't happen by accident .

  6. 专心行事.美丽人生源于心无旁骛。

    E-Eliminate distractions . A great life is the result of eliminating distractions .

  7. 尽心努力.美丽人生源于你苦心下功夫。

    E-Effort . A great life is the result of your best effort .

  8. 此刻我不能做任何事去改变我的美丽人生。

    And now there is nothing I can do to change my beautiful life .

  9. 美丽人生,花样季节!

    Beautiful Life come from the link !

  10. 祝你们永远相爱,携手共渡美丽人生!

    Wish you love each other forever hand in hand altogether crossing the beautiful life !

  11. 美丽人生,尽在佳人港。

    The way to beauty life .

  12. 但是,看完了《美丽人生》,我只想做一个平凡人。

    But after seeing LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL , I just want to be a common person .

  13. 美丽人生的7大秘诀

    Secrets to a Great Life

  14. 人类拥有享受美丽人生和努力丰富它的权利。

    Men have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life and strive to enrich it .

  15. 美丽人生她有着一种与外表无关的灵气和美丽。

    There were a sensitivity and a beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks .

  16. 日20日,有一两个情感上的问题会让你不安,但这也是美丽人生的组成部分。

    The19th and20th , an emotional issue or two could upset you , but that 's part of a rich life .

  17. 实现美丽人生,你要周到而有创意地用好七个秘密

    A great life is the result of using the seven secrets to make you get in a creative and thoughtful way

  18. 根据自己的需要和风格选择以下“秘诀”,从今天开始创造自己的美丽人生。

    Customize these " secrets " to fit your own needs and style , and start creating your own great life today !

  19. 有备无患。美丽人生源于懂得为自已预留一些物品,时间,空间,精力和金钱。

    R-Reserves . A great life is the result of having reserves & reserves of things , time , space , energy , money .

  20. 不管有多少地雷一触即发,要确信你的心灵会在这个曼趣的地方所谓“美丽人生”里扎根。

    And no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute , be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life .

  21. 意气风发,时光如梭看我少年学子六月追风去;风华正茂,云帆直挂令那美丽人生明朝入眼来。

    High-spirited , Time flies , I look to juvenile students in June Zhuifeng ; their prime , Yun-Fan white make life beautiful eyes to the Ming Dynasty .

  22. 从女性的角度看,《美丽人生》中的男主角应该成为全世界男人的楷模。

    On a woman 's point , the actor in LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL should be the model to the men in the whole world , just because of his noble personality always impresses us .

  23. 化繁为简.美丽人生源于对生活弃繁从简.本分类详列所有用中文(括繁体及简体)写,或与中文有关的页面。

    S-Simplify . A great life is the result of simplifying your life . List of pages written in Chinese ( both traditional and simplified variants ) and pages particular relevant to Chinese projects .

  24. 山姆:你没注意到请了长假的都是有孩子或从事别的工作的人吗?他们干着美差,加薪升职,享受美丽人生却完全不理会别人?

    Sam : Haven 't you noticed that people who take extended leave to have children or try for some type of work-life balance are passed over for plum assignments , raises , and promotions ?

  25. 美丽人生不会从天而降.你要懂得分配好自己的时间、精力、心思,向着自己的生活目标努力迈进,才可以成就美丽的人生。

    A great life doesn 't happen by accident . A great life is the result of allocating your time , energy , thoughts , and hard work towards what you want your life to be .

  26. 公司发言人说,Suja这个名字是创始人起的,对他们来说表示“长寿美丽的人生”。Suja在南加州的工厂目前的产量是平均每种口味每周生产1万瓶,共有19种口味。

    Suja -- a word the company founders made up that signifies to them ' long and beautiful life , ' a spokeswoman says -- now produces on average 10000 bottles a week of each of its 19 flavors at its Southern California plant .

  27. 郁闷的生活怎么才能有美丽的人生?

    How depressing life can have a beautiful life ?

  28. 才能拥有最美丽的人生

    to live the most beautiful life

  29. 可是,因他而带来的甜蜜,令我相信自己也能拥有并将拥有更灿烂美丽的人生。

    However , as he brought the sweet , I believe they can also have a more brilliant and beautiful life .

  30. 人生因为有爱才变得美丽,人生因为有梦才变得有希望,人生因为有目标才变得更好,努力吧!

    Because life has become a beautiful love them , because life has become a dream of hope and life goals because only getting better , efforts !