
yáng róng
  • cashmere;pashm
  1. 她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。

    She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater .

  2. 然而,我们是通过来自国外的激烈竞争才认识到了苏格兰羊绒的优良品质。

    It took hot competition from abroad , however , to show us just how good Scottish cashmere really is .

  3. “羊绒衫仍是我的最爱,”她承认,“它不会过时,看起来既漂亮又时尚。”

    ' A cashmere sweater still thrills me , ' she admits . ' It has wonderful staying power ; it looks chic and modern . '

  4. 是的,是内蒙古最精细的羊绒。

    Yes , it is of the finest cashmere form inner mongolia .

  5. 快速、高效的羊绒羊毛织品DNA提取方法的建立

    Development of A Rapid and High Effective DNA Extraction Method for Cashmere and Wool Textiles

  6. Modal细特涤纶羊绒混纺纱的试纺及成纱性能

    Spinning and Property of Modal Fine Count Polyester Cashmere Blended Yarn

  7. 羊绒/精梳彩棉/抗菌AB多重复合羊绒衫的开发

    Develop Cashmere / Colored Cotton / Anti-bacteria AB Composite Yarn to Knit Cashmere Sweater

  8. 随毛纤维产量增加,毛纤维长度和细度发生变化(P<0.05);绒山羊毛纤维总重、绒毛长度和细度不受日粮蛋白质水平影响,山羊绒生长不同于马海毛。

    However , total fleece weight , down yield , cashmere fiber length and diameter were not affected ( P > 0.05 ) by diet CP level for cashmere goats .

  9. PTT纤维含量对羊绒混纺针织物风格的影响

    Impact of PTT fiber content on style of blended cashmere knitted fabric

  10. 范马韦说:“在衣着方面我相当保守。”他会穿一件单排扣、V字领的雅格狮丹(Aquascutum)大衣,手工裁制,衣料采用厚重的羊毛加羊绒。

    I 'm pretty conservative sartorially , ' said Mr. Fahmawi , who instead wears a single-breasted , notch-collar Aquascutum overcoat , hand-tailored in heavy wool-cashmere . '

  11. StCroix黑色羊绒/蚕丝圆翻领运动衫

    St Croix black cashmere / silk turtleneck sweatshirt

  12. 半精纺Outlast纤维/羊绒混纺纱的研制开发

    Development of Semi-worsted blended Yarn of air-conditioned fiber and cashmere

  13. 阐述应用CCD成像技术,利用图像处理手段,测量羊绒直径,并且提出了该装置的工作原理、方法、步骤及对误差的分析。

    This paper presents the measurement of wool diameter by the technology image processing and CCD , and then offers the theory behind measuring , methods , steps , and error analysis .

  14. 我国PET产量居世界首位,但PET在工程塑料中的应用却很少。介绍了PET工程塑料的发展过程、改性及应用。我国山羊绒产量、质量居世界首位。

    In this paper , the development , properties improvement and application of PET engineering plastics are stated . Both the quality and quantity of Chinese cashmere are on the top in the world .

  15. 为了探讨Modal、涤纶及羊绒混纺纱的成纱性能,采用不同混纺比纺制出Modal细特涤纶羊绒混纺纱,并分别对不同混纺比的成纱性能进行了试验分析。

    To discuss yarn property of Modal polyester cashmere blended yarn , Modal fine count polyester cashmere blended yarn with different blending ratio was spun , yarn properties of different blending ratio were analyzed .

  16. 采用基于PLC的硬件系统和编程技术,完成了联合羊绒梳理机生产线的自动化控制。

    In order to realize the auto-control in the product line of combined cashmere carding machine , the auto-control system has been developed successfully by adopting the hardware system based on PLC and the programmable technique .

  17. 主要成衣款式包括了羊绒与真丝混纺的披肩、真丝缎的贴身背心以及休闲款裤子(品牌名字TheRow暗指伦敦萨维尔街(SavileRow)定制成衣业)。

    Ready-to-wear staples include cashmere and silk-blend capes , silk-satin camisoles and loosely tailored trousers ( the label 's name alludes to the tailoring of Savile Row ) .

  18. 动态热机械分析仪的TMA模式表明山羊绒单纱在219℃发生收缩,在230℃发生突变伸长。

    The TMA mode of Dynamic Thermal Mechanical Analyzer shows that cashmere yarn contracts at 219 ℃ and abruptly extends at 230 ℃ .

  19. 三种新的颜色组合,开办CX和第一百四十,暂时羊绒金属,金属和鲜红铂金属原色。

    Three new color combinations are offered on CX and CXL , the primary colors being Cashmere Metallic , Cardinal Red Metallic and Platinum Metallic .

  20. LoroPiana的StormSystem夹克也进入了华尔街人士的衣橱,这款衣服由防风防水的羊绒制成,长至臀部,款式有些像滑雪服。

    Loro Piana 's Storm System jackets , which are made of wind-proof and waterproof cashmere and come in a hip-length , ski style have also made inroads into the wardrobes of Wall Street .

  21. 以保护环境,研究开发绿色纺织品为出发点,分别介绍了绿色纤维Tencel和羊绒纤维的结构与性能特点,指出两种纤维在性能上有很好的互补性与匹配性。

    For the purpose of protecting environment and exploiting environment friendly textile , we introduce the features in structure and property of environment friendly Tencel fiber and cashmere fiber .

  22. 匀染剂赖可匀MF对羊绒织物及各种化纤织物均有较好匀染作用,高浓度时亦是剥色剂。

    Leveling agent Lyogen MF has the remarkable level dyeing function to the wool fabric and each kind of chemical fiber fabric , when the concentration is high , it is also the stripping agent .

  23. 在第一部分里,首先进行了产品概述和行业概况的介绍,其次分析了羊绒行业的政治、经济、人口、气候四种环境和市场需求状况,然后对羊绒行业的竞争以及SWOT进行分析。

    In the first part , I introduce the product and industry overview , and then analyze the politics , economic , society , population and climate environment and demanding situation . After that I analyze the cashmere competition environment and SWOT .

  24. 对Fisher二类线性判别分析方法进行改进,并利用改进的基于Fisher准则的二类非线性判别分析方法处理绵羊毛和山羊绒纤维识别指标,并计算检验判别效果的统计量。

    Improve the bi-class linear discriminatory analysis method base on Fisher criteria . Use improved non-linear method to treat the virtue of the sheep wool and the cashmere . Collect the distinguishing index acquired and make a statistics of discriminatory result .

  25. 街对面的卡尔施泰特(Karstadt)店里,从羊绒衫到干酪溶化器皿等各种商品也都在打折。

    At the Karstadt store across the street , the discounts range from cashmere sweaters to fondue sets .

  26. 他说:“这件羽绒服改变了我那年冬天的穿衣方式。”LoroPiana的StormSystem夹克也进入了华尔街人士的衣橱,这款衣服由防风防水的羊绒制成,长至臀部,款式有些像滑雪服。

    It changed the way I dressed that winter , ' he said . Loro Piana 's Storm System jackets , which are made of wind-proof and waterproof cashmere and come in a hip-length , ski style have also made inroads into the wardrobes of Wall Street .

  27. 而一到了为每年生产商品采集羊绒时,奢华针织品制造商布鲁奈罗・库奇内利(BrunelloCucinelli)就会将员工与进口商一道派去会见蒙古牧羊人。

    Luxury knitwear maker Brunello Cucinelli sends employees along with importers to meet with Mongolian shepherds when selecting cashmere for its annual production .

  28. 纽约织品衣物护理公司Laundress的联合创始人格温・怀廷(GwenWhiting)说,美利奴羊毛(Merinowool)一般比较结实,当用这种材质来编织一件紧实的毛衣时,与毛茸茸的细针织羊绒衫相比,前者就不太会起球。

    Merino wool tends to be strong and when used in a tightly wound sweater would be less likely to pill than fuzzy , fine-gauge cashmere , says Gwen Whiting , co-founder of the Laundress , a New York fabric-care company .

  29. 接着,六月份,线上零售品牌ASOS宣布他们将下架一切毛皮、马海毛、真丝、羊绒、骨制品、牙制品和贝壳制品。

    Furthermore , in June online retailer Asos stated that it would be barring any product made from feathers and down , mohair , silk , cashmere , bone , teeth or shell from the site .

  30. OPTIM纤维具有与羊绒相似的特性,它对利用羊毛资源,提高羊毛产品的附加值,满足人们服用性能的要求以及保护生态环境有很大意义。

    OPTIM fiber is an unprecedented break-through in creating new nature fiber with means of high-tech , shares similar characteristics of cashmere . It has a great significance in utilizing wool , promoting products with high added-value while healthily satisfying people 's growing need and protecting our eco-environment .