
yáng máo yī
  • Woolen sweater;woolen wear
羊毛衣 [yáng máo yī]
  • [woolly] 羊毛做的服装

  1. 他穿着黑色作战裤和带风帽的羊毛衣。

    He was wearing black combat trousers and a hooded fleece .

  2. 把你的羊毛衣翻过来,要不然你就穿反了。v.闲逛,漫游同:wander

    Reverse your sweater or you will put it on wrong side out .

  3. 你的羊毛衣……真遗憾,Rosie

    Your wool . I 'm sorry , Rose .

  4. 于是她决定为那个男人织一件羊毛衣。

    So she decided to knit a woolen sweater for the man .

  5. 242.打过高尔夫球之后,穿羊毛衣的狼歇在动物园里的工具凳上。

    242 . Having played golf , the wolf in wool rested on the tool stool in the zoo .

  6. 为什么下雨时绵羊身上的毛不会缩水,可是洗涤羊毛衣时却缩水了?

    How come sheep don 't shrink when it rains but a wool sweater does when you wash it ?

  7. 他站在她身旁,穿着一身漂亮的蓝色羊毛衣和黑皮革外套,满头金发宛如艳阳下的王冠。

    He stood over her , beautiful in blue wool and black leather , his golden curls shining in the sun like a crown .

  8. 你必须征求爸妈的同意,从他们的橱柜里拿一些唱片、羊毛衣,以及几种不同种类的麦片。

    You need records from your parents ' closet with their consent , a wool sweater , and a couple of different kinds of cereal .

  9. 或者还会选择一件Acne的宽松型羊皮机车夹克以及Stellamccartney的粗针毛衣和羊毛紧身衣。

    Or alternatively an Acne oversized sheepskin biker jacket with chunky knits from Stella McCartney and wool ribbed tights .

  10. 在另一张照片里,埃莉娅身穿桃色美利奴羊毛连体衣,头戴白色羽毛酋长头饰。

    In another , Aleia wears peach merino overalls and a white-feathered chieftain headdress .

  11. 沿身着羊毛年夜衣地孩子们停下来看自己们。

    Along the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us .

  12. 本文主要探讨用计算机辅助羊毛衫成形衣片的工艺设计。

    In this paper , the technology of semi-fashioned knitted panel for woollen sweater is discussed .

  13. 羊毛衫半成形衣片新工艺设计

    A New Technology of Designing Woollen Sweater Panel