
zhào shān
  • smock;cover;overall;dustcoat;save-all;sagum
罩衫 [zhào shān]
  • [cover; overall] 罩衣

罩衫[zhào shān]
  1. 一个身穿红色罩衫的女孩迈着轻快的步子下山。

    A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill

  2. 它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。

    It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework

  3. 她身体纤瘦,一头金黄的齐肩短发(page-boyhair女子的发梢向内的齐肩发型),蓝蓝的眼睛,身穿一件大罩衫&她对此毫不在意,仿佛她没有别的衣服了。

    Da C á mara found in front of him a slender child with blonde page-boy hair and blue eyes , dressed in overalls , which she wore as nonchalantly as if she had no other clothes .

  4. 大多数蒙古人住在农村,多数人依然每天喜欢穿着民族服装:del(罩衫),gutul(高跟靴子)。

    The majority of the Mongolian population still live in the country , and most still prefer to wear the national costume on a daily basis , the del ( smock ) and gutul ( high boots ) .

  5. 她穿着一身配有白色罩衫的考究的黑色衣服。

    She wore a black tailored suit with a white blouse .

  6. 罩衫拿给我,我会冷。

    Would you hand me my cover-up ? I 'm chilly .

  7. 她看到罩衫上有个洞就叹了口气。

    She sighed when she saw the hole in her blouse .

  8. 谢谢5月5月日来函变态私服网络游戏纡绸罩衫的事宜。

    Thank you for your enquiry of5 May concerning silk blouses .

  9. 哪有八码的罩衫?

    Where can I find a blouse in a size eight ?

  10. 母亲从箱子里拿出一件女罩衫。

    My mother took the blouse out of her suitcase .

  11. 比尔博有一件秘银圈罩衫,是索林给他的。

    Bilbo had a shirt of mithril rings that Thorin gave him .

  12. 谢谢5月5月日来函查询关于纡绸罩衫的事宜。

    Thank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses .

  13. 那人穿上罩衫,然后走了出去。

    The man put on his smock and went out .

  14. 她穿着一件粉红的尼龙罩衫,就象护士工作服一样。

    She wore a pink nylon smock similar to a nurse 's uniform .

  15. 她把罩衫浸入热水中。

    She dipped the blouse into the hot water .

  16. 她的罩衫因掉了钮扣而敞开着。

    Her blouse gaped where the button was missing .

  17. 看那个穿着宽罩衫的男人,他多么漂亮!

    Look at that man in the blouse , isn 't he ripping !

  18. 在不同的店铺里你可以看到各式各样的丝绸罩衫。

    You can find a large variety of silk blouses in different shops .

  19. 我可以看看橱窗里那件罩衫吗?

    May I see the blouse in the window ?

  20. 她的毛外套里面是一件棉罩衫。

    She was wearing a woolen coat , with a cotton blouse underneath .

  21. 你能帮我挑件罩衫来配这条裙子吗?

    Would you help me choose a blouse to go with this skirt ?

  22. 穿件粗布罩衫,罩衫下是一身旧黑衣裤。

    He wore a blouse , and under his blouse an old black coat .

  23. 我可以穿我的蓝罩衫,或者穿我的白罩衫。

    I could wear my blue blouse , or there again my white one .

  24. 她开始哭起来,把我的病历放在她罩衫的衣袋里。

    She commenced to cry and put my patient record in her apron pocket .

  25. 他从有着无数洞的罩衫下面露出了一把大钥匙的一半,又加上一句

    And half drawing from beneath his tattered blouse a huge key , he added

  26. 我们提供绘画罩衫虽然这些并不能保证完全洁净!

    Bull ; We supply painting smocks although these do not guarantee complete cleanliness !

  27. 这家公司做衬衫和罩衫。

    The company makes shirts and blouses .

  28. 那件布罩衫,他是从什么地方得来的呢?

    Where had he obtained that blouse ?

  29. 在整个使用寿命中,一件含聚酯成分的罩衫要比一件棉制T恤更节约能源。

    Over a lifetime , a polyester blouse uses less energy than a cotton T-shirt .

  30. 这件罩衫是哪产的?

    What is this blouse made of ?