- 网络Roche Group

Roche Diagnostics is the premier In-Vitro diagnostics company , one of two business divisions of F.Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd ( generally known as Roche Group ) .
Its expansion there took off only after 2005 , when quotas on imported textiles in Canada , the EU and the US finally ended .
Now , with the row settled , his 37-year-old grandson Bosco Law is trying to live out the exhortation to cautious living in his role as chief executive of Lawsgroup , the family 's mini-conglomerate , which spans clothes manufacturing , retail and property .
While the business is much smaller than the conglomerates built by Hong Kong tycoons such as Li Ka-shing and Lee Shau-kee , Lawsgroup 's combination of entrepreneurial endeavour and conservatism is typical of the approach that built the city 's dominant family businesses .
Mr Law 's focus is on managing Laws-group 's moves into new markets .
Free from the vicissitudes and pressures of equity markets , conservative family companies such as his find it easier to endure difficult times .
Unlike some other manufacturers , Lawsgroup has not taken out hedges against renminbi volatility but Mr Law prefers to concentrate on the fundamental business .
Lawsgroup was listed in Hong Kong in 1987 and a separate property and retail arm spun off into their own listings before the main holding group was taken private in 1998 .
Always searching for cheaper labour , Lawsgroup opened its first factory there last year and employs more than 2000 people making T-shirts two hours " drive north of Yangon , the commercial capital .
With factory workers in the manufacturing heartland of Guangdong taking home more than $ 500 a month , Lawsgroup is expanding in countries where wages are less than half the cost , such as Myanmar , Vietnam and Bangladesh .
He declines to release any figures indicating the size of the company but as evidence of its ambitions , cites its recent expansion into Myanmar , which has attracted much attention but where few investors are willing to take the plunge .
Lawsgroup , which employs about 20000 people in Bangladesh , China , Hong Kong , Myanmar and Vietnam , was founded as a textile manufacturer by Law Ting-pong in 1975 in the heyday of the " made in Hong Kong " boom .