
  • 网络AB-InBev;Anheuser-Busch;Anheuser-Busch InBev
  1. 百威英博公司(Anheuser-BuschInBev)旗下的ShockTopSeasonal以7.5%的份额位列第三位。

    Shock top seasonal , owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev ( bud ) , was third with 7.5 % .

  2. 在首席执行官这个位置上,入选《财富》2013年梦之队的是百威英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)首席执行官卡洛斯•布里托。

    In the chief executive officer slot , fortune picked Anheuser-Busch InBev ( bud ) CEO Carlos Brito for the 2013 dream team .

  3. 这家酿酒业巨头煞费苦心地给予ShockTop一种精酿啤酒特有的感觉,但喜欢较真的人会说,百威英博的公司谱系决定了它酿制不出口味纯正的精酿啤酒。

    The company takes pains to give shock top a craft sensibility , though sticklers would say that its corporate pedigree disqualifies it as a true craft beer .

  4. 中国华润啤酒(ChinaResourcesBeer)同意全盘收购英国上市集团SABMiller在中国华润雪花啤酒(ChinaResourcesSnowBreweries)所持的股份,此举使得百威英博(ABInBev)朝着完成以710亿英镑收购SABMiller的交易又迈进了一步。

    AB InBev moved a step closer to completing its £ 71bn takeover of SABMiller , after China Resources Beer agreed to buy out the London-listed group 's stake in their Chinese brewery joint venture .

  5. 但伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)分析师特雷弗•斯特林(TrevorStirling)表示,百威英博修改后报价较之前已是很高的报价高出20亿美元。

    But Trevor Stirling , analyst at Bernstein , said the total cost to AB InBev of the increased offer was $ 2bn on top of an already high price .

  6. 过去十年,经过一系列并购交易,百威英博和SABMiller已成为全球最大的两家啤酒酿造商。

    A series of deals over the past decade have transformed AB InBev and SABMiller into the world 's two biggest brewers .

  7. 百威英博后来收购了中国的另外两个顶级品牌哈尔滨啤酒和雪津啤酒(Sedrin)。

    Anheuser-Busch InBev has since bought Harbin and Sedrin , two other top domestic brands .

  8. 合并和收购的整体繁荣也见证了巴西人控股的啤酒酿造商百威英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)昨天把对伦敦上市的SABMiller提出的报价提高至670亿英镑。

    A wider boom in mergers and acquisitions also saw Anheuser-Busch InBev , the Brazilian-backed brewer , yesterday sweeten its offer for London-listed SABMiller to 67bn .

  9. 此次债券为固定收益率,到期年限在3年期至40年期之间,发行规模仅次于Verizon、百威英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)、阿特维斯(Actavis)和戴尔(Dell)。

    The sale , which ranks behind offerings from Verizon , Anheuser-Busch InBev , Actavis and Dell , was composed of fixed-rate notes maturing in between three and 40 years .

  10. 百威英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)斥资1060亿美元收购对手南非米勒(SABMiller)啤酒公司,就是看准了这样的机遇。

    It is the type of opportunity that is at the heart of Anheuser-Busch InBev 's $ 106 billion deal to buy SABMiller , its rival global brewer .

  11. 百威英博和SABMiller合并后将在中国啤酒市场占据40%以上的市场份额,因此招致了反垄断监管机构的关注。

    A combined AB InBev and SABMiller entity would have had more than 40 per cent of the beer market in China , putting it in antitrust regulators " sights .

  12. 世界各国的监管机构正在密切关注这笔并购交易,因为百威英博收购SABMiller将创造出一个“巨型酿酒厂”,它很可能会控制该行业总利润的将近一半。

    Regulators around the world are looking closely at the deal as AB InBev 's acquisition of SABMiller will create a megabrewer that is likely to control almost half the industry 's total profits .

  13. 百威英博昨日表示,SABMiller投资者可以选择每股45英镑现金,或者以股票为主的替代选择,其现在价值为每股51.14英镑,但在5年内不可交易。

    AB InBev said yesterday that each SABMiller investor could choose between £ 45 a share in cash or a mostly stock alternative now worth £ 51.14 , which will not be tradeable for five years .

  14. 全球最大啤酒酿造商百威英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)单方面将收购竞争对手SABMiller的报价提高至790亿英镑,以平息可能破坏这笔史上第三大并购交易的投资者抗议。

    Anheuser-Busch InBev , the world 's largest brewer , has unilaterally raised its offer for rival SABMiller to £ 79bn to quash an investor rebellion that threatened to disrupt the third-biggest deal in corporate history .

  15. 全球最大啤酒酿造商百威英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)正考虑收购竞争对手SABMiller。这笔潜在交易将缔造一家2750亿美元的企业,届时全球每三瓶啤酒就有一瓶是该企业生产的。

    Anheuser-Busch InBev , the world 's largest brewer , is exploring a takeover of rival SABMiller in a deal that would create a $ 275bn company responsible for one out of every three beers produced globally .

  16. SABMiller表示,上周五,“鉴于最近的汇率波动和市场走势”,该公司董事长杜立石(JanDuPlessis)与百威英博董事长奥利维尔•古戴(OlivierGoudet)商谈了这笔收购交易。SABMiller表示,两位董事长没有讨论或商定收购条款。

    SABMiller said that Jan du Plessis , its chairman , had spoken to Olivier Goudet , his counterpart at AB InBev , on Friday last week about the takeover " in light of recent exchange rate volatility and market movements . " It said that they did not discuss or agree terms .

  17. 还等什么,赶快报名成为百威英博的校园大使吧!

    If yes , then the AB-InBev Campus Ambassador Job is for YOU !

  18. 在中国,百威英博和南非米勒把赌注押在了高端产品上。

    In China , Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller are betting on premium products .

  19. 哈尔滨啤酒属于比利时的百威英博——世界上最大的啤酒制造商。

    Harbin belongsto Belgium 's Anheuser-Busch InBev , which is the biggest beermaker in theworld .

  20. 百威英博崛起于20世纪早期的和平年代。

    The rise of AB InBev began in the halcyon years of the early 20th century .

  21. 在我这一生中最值得骄傲的一件事就是:成为百威英博的全球管理培训生。

    One of my proudest things is , to have the title of Global Management Trainee .

  22. 凭借在低碳环保方面的卓著表现,百威英博中国荣获了本次论坛的大奖-低碳中国·领军品牌。

    AB InBev China received the top award as " Low Carbon CSR Leader " due to the extraordinary environmental performance .

  23. 虽然才刚培训了四个月的时间,但我非常感激百威英博能给我们提供一个如此真实广阔的平台。

    Although just entering into the4th-month training , I am very excited on the platform offered for us-which is really huge .

  24. 百威英博和南非米勒都在深挖公司旗下历史悠久的品牌,希望吸引更多目光挑剔的顾客。

    Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller are digging deep into their cooler of longtime brands in the hope of attracting more discerning customers .

  25. 百威英博称修改后的报价为“最终”价格,这意味着该公司不能再上调报价。

    AB InBev declared its revised offer " final , " meaning that it will not be able to increase it again .

  26. 有些公司不存在这样的情况,但其中很多都是跨境并购的结果,比如百威英博。

    Many of the exceptions to these patterns are the results of cross-border mergers or acquisitions , as at AbInbev ( bud ) .

  27. 在投资者对于这项复杂协议的原始条款抱怨数周后,百威英博决定修改报价。

    AB InBev 's decision to alter its offer followed weeks of complaints from investors over the original terms of the complex agreement .

  28. 司法部在诉讼中援引百威英博的内部文件称,莫德罗拒绝配合该公司的年度提价,破坏了该公司的定价战略。

    The DoJ suit cites internal AB InBev documents acknowledging that modelo had undermined its strategy on pricing by refusing to match its annual increases .

  29. 考虑到两家企业的规模,在包括美国和中国在内的多个国家,为获得监管机构对并购交易的批准,百威英博将不得不同意出售一些资产。

    Given the size of the two companies , AB InBev would have to agree to divestitures to obtain regulatory approval for a deal in multiple countries , including the US and China .

  30. 券商高林斯特的分析师推断,米勒之所以要并购福士,旨在于让世界最大制酒厂百威英博难以侵吞米勒自己。

    Analysts at Collins Stewart , a financial firm , speculate that SABMiller wants to buy Foster 's to make it harder for Anheuser-Busch InBev , the world 's largest brewer , to swallow SABMiller .