- 网络AB-InBev;Anheuser-Busch;Anheuser-Busch InBev

Shock top seasonal , owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev ( bud ) , was third with 7.5 % .
In the chief executive officer slot , fortune picked Anheuser-Busch InBev ( bud ) CEO Carlos Brito for the 2013 dream team .
The company takes pains to give shock top a craft sensibility , though sticklers would say that its corporate pedigree disqualifies it as a true craft beer .
AB InBev moved a step closer to completing its £ 71bn takeover of SABMiller , after China Resources Beer agreed to buy out the London-listed group 's stake in their Chinese brewery joint venture .
But Trevor Stirling , analyst at Bernstein , said the total cost to AB InBev of the increased offer was $ 2bn on top of an already high price .
A series of deals over the past decade have transformed AB InBev and SABMiller into the world 's two biggest brewers .
Anheuser-Busch InBev has since bought Harbin and Sedrin , two other top domestic brands .
A wider boom in mergers and acquisitions also saw Anheuser-Busch InBev , the Brazilian-backed brewer , yesterday sweeten its offer for London-listed SABMiller to 67bn .
The sale , which ranks behind offerings from Verizon , Anheuser-Busch InBev , Actavis and Dell , was composed of fixed-rate notes maturing in between three and 40 years .
It is the type of opportunity that is at the heart of Anheuser-Busch InBev 's $ 106 billion deal to buy SABMiller , its rival global brewer .
A combined AB InBev and SABMiller entity would have had more than 40 per cent of the beer market in China , putting it in antitrust regulators " sights .
Regulators around the world are looking closely at the deal as AB InBev 's acquisition of SABMiller will create a megabrewer that is likely to control almost half the industry 's total profits .
AB InBev said yesterday that each SABMiller investor could choose between £ 45 a share in cash or a mostly stock alternative now worth £ 51.14 , which will not be tradeable for five years .
Anheuser-Busch InBev , the world 's largest brewer , has unilaterally raised its offer for rival SABMiller to £ 79bn to quash an investor rebellion that threatened to disrupt the third-biggest deal in corporate history .
Anheuser-Busch InBev , the world 's largest brewer , is exploring a takeover of rival SABMiller in a deal that would create a $ 275bn company responsible for one out of every three beers produced globally .
SABMiller said that Jan du Plessis , its chairman , had spoken to Olivier Goudet , his counterpart at AB InBev , on Friday last week about the takeover " in light of recent exchange rate volatility and market movements . " It said that they did not discuss or agree terms .
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In China , Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller are betting on premium products .
Harbin belongsto Belgium 's Anheuser-Busch InBev , which is the biggest beermaker in theworld .
The rise of AB InBev began in the halcyon years of the early 20th century .
One of my proudest things is , to have the title of Global Management Trainee .
AB InBev China received the top award as " Low Carbon CSR Leader " due to the extraordinary environmental performance .
Although just entering into the4th-month training , I am very excited on the platform offered for us-which is really huge .
Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller are digging deep into their cooler of longtime brands in the hope of attracting more discerning customers .
AB InBev declared its revised offer " final , " meaning that it will not be able to increase it again .
Many of the exceptions to these patterns are the results of cross-border mergers or acquisitions , as at AbInbev ( bud ) .
AB InBev 's decision to alter its offer followed weeks of complaints from investors over the original terms of the complex agreement .
The DoJ suit cites internal AB InBev documents acknowledging that modelo had undermined its strategy on pricing by refusing to match its annual increases .
Given the size of the two companies , AB InBev would have to agree to divestitures to obtain regulatory approval for a deal in multiple countries , including the US and China .
Analysts at Collins Stewart , a financial firm , speculate that SABMiller wants to buy Foster 's to make it harder for Anheuser-Busch InBev , the world 's largest brewer , to swallow SABMiller .