
  • Robin Hood
  1. 罗宾汉是历史人物吗?

    Was Robin Hood a historical figure ?

  2. 众所周知,有证据表明确实有罗宾汉这么个人。

    So far as anyone can tell , there 's evidence that there was a Robin Hood

  3. 上周,一家发展慈善机构的新闻办公室找到我,希望我对罗宾汉税(RobinHoodtax)表示一下支持。

    Last week a development charity press office sought my support for a Robin Hood tax .

  4. 我不是彼得潘.-我是罗宾汉.-.是么?因为我看过PeterPan,而你穿得跟CathyRigby一模一样.她比你稍大一些,但基本上是一样的,哥们。-

    Because I saw Peter Pan , and you 're dressed exactly like Cathy Rigby She was a little bigger than you , but it 's basically the same look , man .

  5. 展出结束后,其中的大部分艺术品将进行拍卖,伯奇说,大部分的收益将用来资助罗宾汉基金会(RobinHoodFoundation)和麦迪逊广场男孩女孩俱乐部(MadisonSquareBoysandGirlsClub)等纽约青年慈善组织。

    After its run , much of the art will be auctioned off , with most of the proceeds , he says , going to New York-based youth charities like the Robin Hood Foundation and the Madison Square Boys and Girls Club .

  6. 梵蒂冈在声明中强烈支持征收金融交易税的提议即“托宾税”(tobintax)、或是更为人所熟知的“罗宾汉税”(robinhoodtax),最近它一直是人们谈论的话题。

    The Vatican statement strongly backs the proposal of a financial transaction tax a " Tobin tax " or , popularly , a " Robin Hood tax " in the form in which it has been talked about most recently .

  7. 他向郡长自告奋勇把逮捕令传给罗宾汉。

    He gladly offered to serve the warrant to Robin hood .

  8. 罗宾汉是一个勇敢的人。勇敢的人不逃避现实。

    A brave man will not retreat from the real world .

  9. 但罗宾汉一伙把他的姓和名颠倒过来,改成了小约翰。

    But the merry men preferred to call him Little John .

  10. 根据传说,罗宾汉就葬在这里。

    Here , according to legend , Robin Hood lies buried .

  11. 哇,罗宾汉真的把这个给了你?

    Gee , did Robin Hood really give it to you ?

  12. 不过罗宾汉站在理查一世那边

    Robin Hood was on King Richard 's side , though .

  13. 店名叫罗宾汉酌酒店的顾客们。

    The customers of the public house called the Robin hood .

  14. 罗宾汉的故事主要是根据传说写成的。

    The stories of Robin Hood are based mainly on traditions .

  15. 我们会全面通缉罗宾汉。

    We 'll put out an APB on ... Robin Hood .

  16. 嘿,你去扮演罗宾汉偷别人的心吧。

    Hey , go play Robin Hood with somebody elses heart .

  17. 没错,看这些锋利的罗宾汉的箭。

    Yeah , and look at this keen Robin Hood bow .

  18. 得了,我们来演罗宾汉吧,它好玩极了。

    But we 'll play Robin Hood & it 's nobby fun .

  19. 罗宾汉憎恨富人(们),热爱穷人们。

    Robin Hood hated the rich and loved the poor .

  20. 我要的是罗宾汉,傻瓜!

    It 's Robin Hood I want , you idiot !

  21. 这也不会让我想当罗宾汉啊

    None of this makes me some Robin Hood wannabe .

  22. 法官说你是个罗宾汉。

    When the judge said you 're a robbing hood .

  23. 但是郡长不知道罗宾有一群效忠他的人,他不知道罗宾汉是他们敬爱的首领。

    He did not know that Robin Hood was their beloved leader .

  24. 和罗宾汉的事情有什么关系?

    What 's with this whole Robin Hood thing anyway ?

  25. 那个骑士挥舞着剑,来到罗宾汉面前。

    The horseman came up to Robin Hood , brandishing his sword .

  26. 自以为是罗宾汉

    He thinks he 's some kind of Robin Hood .

  27. 有一天,罗宾汉独自到林子里去打猎。

    One day , Robin Hood went hunting alone in the forest .

  28. 罗宾汉总是抢劫富商和教士。

    Robin Hood used to rob rich merchants and priests .

  29. 在射箭比赛上,罗宾汉是如何打败郡长的?

    How did Robin Hood defeat the Sheriff in the archery contest ?

  30. 罗宾汉:我知道,他会让我成为宫廷弄臣。

    Robin Hood : I know , he 'll make me court jester .