
  • 网络Netease;Netease.com Inc.;NTES
  1. 网易公司邮件服务器的IP是多少?

    What are Netease Mail Server 's IP addresses ?

  2. 美国新闻门户网站TheInformation近日援引知情人士消息称,谷歌公司正与中国第二大在线游戏提供商网易公司磋商,欲将谷歌旗下的移动应用商店谷歌Play引入中国大陆。

    Google Inc is in discussions with NetEase Inc , China 's second-largest online games provider , to bring its Google Play mobile app store to the Chinese mainland , according to The Information , a US news portal , which cited people familiar with the matter .

  3. 网易公司将通过新一代优质的MMORPG游戏来集中发展游戏产业。

    The company will keep efforts heavily concentrated on the game business by developing high-quality next generation MMORPG games .

  4. 会计准则差异对异地上市公司的影响&网易公司停牌的案例研究

    Standards on foreign stock exchange listings & A case study of Netease delisted

  5. 作为领先的互联网公司,网易公司以其开放性和开拓在线教育市场的决心而闻名。网易公司创始人和首席执行官丁磊说。

    As a leading internet company , NetEase has been known for its openness and commitment to exploring the field of online education , said NetEase Founder and CEO Ding Lei .

  6. 谷歌和网易两家公司目前均未对有关谷歌可能会考虑在全球最大的移动互联网市场东山再起的置评作出回应。

    Google and NetEase did not respond to requests for comment amid the buzz that Google may be mulling a comeback in the world 's largest mobile internet market .

  7. 电商巨头阿里巴巴集团总部和国内顶尖游戏公司网易分公司所在地--浙江杭州位列最具吸引力城市榜第五,四川成都和江苏南京紧随其后。

    Hangzhou in Zhejiang , home to e-commerce giant Alibaba Group and a branch of Chinese leading gaming outfit NetEase Inc , ranked fifth on the most attractive cities list , followed by Chengdu in Sichuan and Nanjing in Jiangsu .

  8. 在用户体验设计方面,国内一些知名企业如阿里巴巴、百度、腾讯、网易等互联网公司相继成立了用户体验部门,研究用户的需求,用于指导互联网产品的设计与开发。

    In user experience design field , some domestic famous enterprises such as alibaba , baidu , tencent , netease etc have founded the user experience department , which research the needs of users and guide the design and development of Internet products .