
  1. 最值得注意的是,科技公司的女企业家们经常会出现在该榜单之上,包括携程网的CEO孙洁以及滴滴出行的总裁柳青。

    Most notably , businesswomen in tech-business made frequent appearances on the list , including Sun Jie of Ctrip.com International , and Liu Qing , president of Didi Chuxing .

  2. 如果现有版本的规则付诸执行,新规则将很可能阻碍滴滴出行计划最早在明年就进行的首次公开发行(IPO)。

    If implemented as is , the new rules would most likely hamper plans by Didi Chuxing for an initial public offering planned for as early as next year .

  3. 腾讯入股的中国科技企业包括现在由优步(Uber)和苹果(Apple)部分持股的叫车服务应用滴滴出行(DidiChuxing);

    Tencent 's stakes in China 's tech world include Didi Chuxing , the taxi hailing app now part owned by Uber and Apple ;

  4. 来自中国农村及小城镇的务工人员一直推动中国一些最大的互联网公司的商业模式,包括阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、美团点评(Meituan-Dianping)以及滴滴出行。

    Migrants from rural China have fuelled the business models of some of the country 's largest internet companies including Alibaba , Meituan-Dianping , as well as Didi Chuxing .

  5. 今年早些时候,苹果向中国网约车企业滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)投资10亿美元。

    Earlier this year , Apple invested $ 1bn in Didi Chuxing , the Chinese ride-hailing company .

  6. Uber花费了数以十亿美元的资金,试图打入中国市场,与中国本土公司滴滴出行开展竞争,但最终把业务出售给了对手,现在Uber将拥有滴滴出行的股份。

    Uber spent billions trying to break in there before selling its operations to the local competitor , Didi Chuxing , in which Uber will now have a stake .

  7. 中国叫车应用滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)宣布获得国内最大保险公司中国人寿(ChinaLife)6亿美元投资。这笔投资为滴滴提供了更多弹药,供其与美国对手优步(Uber)展开竞争。

    Didi Chuxing , the Chinese ride hailing app , said it had received a $ 600m investment from China Life , the country 's largest insurer , further buttressing its war chest for its battle with US rival Uber .

  8. 中国打车软件滴滴出行周四表示,它在最近一轮融资中筹得73亿美元资金,投资方包括苹果(Apple)、阿里巴巴、软银(SoftBank)等。

    The Chinese car-hailing app Didi Chuxing said on Thursday that it had brought in $ 7.3 billion in its latest round of fund-raising , which included Apple , Alibaba , and SoftBank as investors .

  9. 上月,苹果(Apple)向中国版优步(Uber)滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)投资10亿美元,一些分析人士表示,他们认为,此举至少在一定程度上受到政府关系的驱使。

    Last month Apple invested $ 1bn in Didi Chuxing , China 's version of Uber , which some analysts said they believed was at least partly motivated by government relations .

  10. 今年早些时候,优步(Uber)将整个中国业务出售给了竞争对手滴滴出行(DidiChuxing),换取了后者的一部分股份。

    Earlier this year , Uber sold its entire China business to rival Didi Chuxing , in exchange for a stake in its Chinese rival .

  11. 滴滴出行为了在这个世界上最大的网约车市场中占据主导地位,刚在一场代价昂贵的竞争中击败了Uber。滴滴在全球享有如此高的名声,以至于其投资者中有包括苹果(Apple)这样的大牌公司。

    Didi Chuxing had just defeated Uber in an expensive battle for dominance in the world 's largest ride-hailing market , and it enjoys such a high global profile that it counts Apple and other big names among its investors .

  12. 优步(Uber)已同意将旗下中国业务出售给竞争对手滴滴出行(DidiChuxing),在争夺中国叫车应用市场的成本高昂的战斗中低头服输。

    Uber has agreed to sell its Chinese operations to rival Didi Chuxing , throwing in the towel on its costly battle for the Chinese ride-hailing market .

  13. 滴滴出行目前的估值几乎达到它在中国的主要竞争对手优步(Uber)的一半,后者的估值是625亿美元。这显示出投资者有多么看好中国市场。

    That Didi 's valuation is now almost half that of the $ 62.5 billion valuation of its main rival in China , Uber , shows how much potential investors see in China .

  14. 腾讯还有为数众多的大手笔投资,持有中国最大驾乘共享公司滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)的股份,也参股了多家初创企业。

    Tencent also has a huge multibillion investment portfolio , ranging from stakes in Didi Chuxing , China 's biggest ride-sharing company , through to start-ups .

  15. 然而,优步突然决定将其中国业务单位出售给竞争对手滴滴出行(DidiChuxing),突显了幕后展开的代价极其高昂的角力。

    However , Uber 's abrupt decision to sell its Chinese unit to its rival Didi Chuxing highlights the extremely costly battle that was raging behind the scenes .

  16. 中国政府已正式将网约车服务合法化,包括总部位于旧金山的优步(Uber)和中国的滴滴出行(DidiChuxing),此举让这个一直在灰色地带运营的行业获得提振。

    The Chinese government has formally legalised online car-hailing services , including San Francisco-based Uber and Beijing 's Didi Chuxing , giving a boost to an industry that has operated in a grey area .

  17. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba),腾讯(Tencent),京东(JD.com),58同城(58.com)、滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)以及百度(Baidu)都已同意支持这一举措,此举旨在提高消费者在网上的信任感。

    Alibaba , Tencent , JD.com , 58.com , Didi Chuxing and Baidu have all agreed to support the initiative , which aims to improve consumer trust online in a country where faking sales and reviews is commonplace in ecommerce .

  18. 作为中国最大的打车应用公司,滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)毫不掩饰自己对苹果(Apple)的仰慕之情,该公司法定名字“小桔科技”就是参照了这家美国科技集团的名字。

    Didi Chuxing , China 's largest ride-hailing company , has made no secret of its admiration for Apple . The company 's official name , Xiao Ju Keji , which means Little Orange Technology , is a reference to the US technology group .

  19. 上周叫车软件之战有所缓和就突显了这一点:优步(Uber)停住了全球扩张的脚步,而一家新的中国数字化冠军企业成功加冕,即滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)。

    That has been underlined by this week 's detente in the ride-hailing wars , which has seen Uber 's global expansion halted and a new Chinese digital champion crowned , in the shape of Didi Chuxing .

  20. 今年5月,苹果对中国的一款叫车服务“滴滴出行”(DidiChuxing)投资了10亿美元——对于一家通常喜欢规模小得多的交易的公司而言,这是一次非同寻常的举动。

    In May , Apple made a $ 1bn investment in Didi Chuxing , a Chinese driver-hailing service - an unusual move for a company that has typically favoured much smaller deals .

  21. 然而,优步的亏损今年下半年有可能减少,因为该公司本月早些时候已将其中国业务出售给了本土竞争对手滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)——事实上结束了在中国代价高昂的补贴大战。

    However , the losses may decline later this year after Uber sold its China unit to local rival Didi Chuxing earlier this month , in effect ending its costly subsidy war there .

  22. 中国政府针对网约车服务在大城市使用外来务工人员作为驾驶员提议了严格的新限制,此举打击了滴滴出行(DidiChuxing),潜在还将打击中国其他互联网集团。

    China 's government has proposed strict new limits on car hailing apps " use of migrants as drivers in major cities , in a blow to Didi Chuxing and potentially to other Chinese internet groups .

  23. 此外,有报道称,摩拜单车的竞争对手ofo正在与其投资方、国内最大的叫车服务公司滴滴出行讨论在后者的手机应用上接入其服务。

    Ofo , Mobike 's archrival , is reportedly in discussions with its investor Didi Chuxing , China 's largest ride-sharing company , to make its service available on the latter 's mobile app .

  24. 分析师们表示,宣布设立该研发中心是库克赢得中国政府好感的最新企图。此前,这家美国集团曾在今年5月向中国叫车软件公司滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)投资10亿美元。

    Analysts said the announcement of the R & D centre was Mr Cook 's latest attempt to gain favour with Beijing , following the US group 's $ 1bn investment in Didi Chuxing , the Chinese car-hailing company , in May .

  25. 中国网络管理部门要求应用商店下架“滴滴出行”。

    Chinese cyberspace authorities have requested that app stores de-list DiDi Chuxing .

  26. 就在今年年初,滴滴出行还获得了苹果公司10亿美元的投资。

    Apple Inc invested $ 1 billion in Didi earlier this year .

  27. 优步与滴滴出行都未回应采访请求。

    Neither Uber nor Didi Chuxing immediately responded to requests for comment .

  28. 滴滴出行很快以自己的服务做出回应,也提供类似的大额奖励。

    Didi quickly responded with its own service , offering similarly big inducements .

  29. 优步持续在规模较小的城市向滴滴出行施压。

    Uber continues to press Didi in smaller cities .

  30. 在优步和丰田达成合作之前,苹果公司刚刚向滴滴出行注资了10亿美元。

    Uber 's deal with Toyota follows Apple 's $ 1bn investment in Chinese ride-hailing service Didi Chuxing .