
biān mù
  • catalog;catalogue;list;make a catalogue of;make a catalogue
编目 [biān mù]
  • [make a catalogue of] 编排目录

  • 新到的图书正在编目

  • [catalogue;list] 编排好的目录

编目[biān mù]
  1. 这允许从编目中选择现有的feed。

    This allows you to choose an existing feed from the catalog .

  2. 元数据、HTML和都柏林核心集&关于WEB网页的编目

    Metadata , HTML and Dublin Metadata Core Element Set & on Web Page Catalog

  3. 当初创立皇家格林尼治天文台就是为了观察星体并对其进行编目。

    The Royal Greenwich Observatory was founded to observe and catalogue the stars .

  4. 这些杂志一直没有系统地进行编目。

    These magazines have never been systematically catalogued .

  5. 新到的图书正在编目。

    The new books are being catalogued .

  6. SPECIFIC:这在DB2编目中惟一地标识存储过程名。

    SPECIFIC : This uniquely identifies the stored procedure name in the DB2 catalogs .

  7. 基于GIS的测震编目工作系统

    GIS based working system for seismological catalogue

  8. 分区数据库的编目表只存储在发出CREATEDATABASE命令时所在的那个分区上。

    The catalog tables for partitioned databases reside only on the partition from which the CREATE DATABASE command was issued .

  9. DB2编目是一个非常有价值的信息来源。

    The DB2 catalog is a valuable source of information .

  10. DB2使用CATALOG命令为节点和数据库建立编目。

    DB2 uses the CATALOG command to catalog nodes and databases .

  11. 数据库的编目分区是在运行CREATEDATABASE命令的数据库分区服务器上自动创建的。

    The catalog partition for a database is automatically created on the database partition server where the CREATE DATABASE command is run .

  12. 把默认的编目数据库切换为DB2数据库的步骤如下

    The following steps demonstrate switching the default catalog database to a DB2 database

  13. index将要求获得数据源(即一组数据行)并定义应当如何为已从数据源中提取出来的数据编目。

    An index requires a source ( that is , a set of rows ) and defines how the data extracted from the source should be cataloged .

  14. DB2编目是由数据库管理器维护的一组表和视图。

    The DB2 catalog is a set of tables and views that are maintained by the database manager .

  15. 选择NewPlug-ins选项卡并等待ISA构建可用于安装的插件编目。

    Select the New Plug-ins tab and wait for ISA to build the catalog of plug-ins that are available for installation .

  16. Millennium系统编目模块的应用与问题分析

    Applications and Problems of Utilizing Millennium System in Cataloging

  17. 网络信息资源的评价与MARC编目研究

    Evaluation of Network Information Resources and Studies on MARC Cataloging

  18. 从长远看,DC必然成为网络信息资源的主要编目格式,以及组织网络信息的重要工具。

    From the angle of development , DC is bound to become the main cataloging form and the important organizing tool of online information resources .

  19. 我国图书在版编目(CIP)工作研究综述

    A Summary of the Research on Cataloging in Publication in China

  20. 如果用身份验证客户机编目了数据库,则在不指定身份验证子句的情况下重新编目数据库,或者使用server或serverencrypt身份验证选项。

    If it is catalogued with the authentication client , re-catalog the database without specifying an authentication clause , or use the server or server_encrypt authentication options .

  21. 论如何保证TOTALS编目系统的数据质量

    How to Improve the Quality of Data in the TOTALS Cataloguing System

  22. Web2.0作为下一代的互联网,会对各个方面造成巨大的影响,编目工作也不例外。

    As the next generation of internet , Web 2.0 will effect greatly the catalogue .

  23. CALIS成员馆中文图书联机编目程序的质量控制

    Quality Control of Chinese Book Online-Catalogue Program of CALIS Member Library

  24. 由于XQuery是大小写敏感的,因此小写的表名和列名不能与DB2编目中的大写名称相匹配。

    Because XQuery is case-sensitive , lowercase table and column names would fail to match upper-case names in the DB2 catalog .

  25. 利用Unicorn系统进行西文图书编目的方法

    How to Utilize Unicorn System to Catalogue Western Language Books

  26. 扩展式目录编目以DominoDirectory和所指定的其它目录中的用户、组和服务器条目为基础。

    An extended directory catalog is based on the user , group , and server entries in your Domino Directory and other directories of your designation .

  27. CALIS联机合作编目的优点、不足及急需解决的问题

    On - line Cataloguing of CALIS : Merits , Demerits and Pressing Issues

  28. serial对periodi-cal的名称取代是其形成活动的思想观念的基础。文献编目是连续出版物形成活动的主要领域。

    The replacement of the name " serial " for " periodical " is the ideological foundation of the formation and the document cataloguing is the main sphere of this formation .

  29. 除了这些分类之外,还需要理解哪些工作量(包括本地邮件复制和目录编目的使用)可以卸载到Notes客户机。

    In addition to these classifications , you also need to understand which workloads including the use of local mail replication and directory catalog can be offloaded to the Notes client .

  30. 本文介绍了DC元数据的产生和发展,并从15个方面描述了DC元数据的构成,结合网络信息资源的编目论述了DC元数据标准化著录格式在网络信息中的应用。

    This article introduces the appearance and development of the DC datum and describes its formation in fifteen aspects . It also deals with its application in combination with the information of network .