
  • Winnie the Pooh;Pooh Bear;Teenie Weenie
  1. 可那不是维尼熊

    But that 's not Winnie Bear ,

  2. 可本意并非如此,这是你和维尼熊

    Well , it 's not meant to be . It 's you and Winnie Bear .

  3. 然而,一些议员反对这个提案,声称维尼熊对孩子们会造成不良影响。

    However , some members of the council attacked the plan , claiming that Winnie the Pooh was a dangerous influence on children .

  4. 倘若维尼熊和他的朋友克里斯托夫·罗宾唱着那首经典的《小小黑云雨》的话,那么这种相似就会更有趣了。

    The likeness is all the more amusing given that the character famously sings a song called Little Black Raincloud with his friend Christopher Robin .

  5. 冰雕的造型诸如此类,直到这个冬天,米奇老鼠,唐老鸭和维尼熊走进了冰灯节。

    They took those shapes , that is , until this winter , when in sauntered Mickey Mouse , Donald Duck and Winnie the Pooh .

  6. 就像维尼熊建议的那样,你可以给他们一个气球,因为当别人给你一个气球的时候,你很难不对他微笑。

    As Pooh Bear suggests , you could deliver them a balloon , as it is hard not to smile when you 're given a balloon .

  7. 作者受到自己儿子克里斯托夫·罗宾和他的小玩具的启发而写出的维尼熊和他的小伙伴的故事愉悦了一代又一代人的童年。

    Winnie the Pooh and his friends have delighted each generation since the author was inspired to write characters based on his son , Christopher Robin , and his son 's toys .

  8. 作者早年写的《当我们小的时候》(1924)和后来的《我们现在六岁》(1927)两个诗集中,维尼熊都是主题之一。

    Earlier , Pooh Bear was the subject of a poem in Milne 's collection of verses , When We Were Very Young ( 1924 ) and in more poems in Now We Are Six ( 1927 ) .