
  • 网络Absolute and Relative;Absolute & Relative
  1. 绝对与相对的内涵及其关系

    The connotations of the Absolute and the Relative and their relationship

  2. 绝对与相对是马克思主义哲学的一对基本范畴。

    Positive and relative is a pair of basic category in Marxism philosophy .

  3. 翻译本质的绝对与相对属性

    The Absolute and Relative Properties of Translation

  4. 然后分别讨论了绝对与相对排水边界的识别标准。

    Then , the criteria for the identification of absolute and relative drainage boundary are discussed respectively .

  5. 一种双光束自动测试光栅绝对与相对光谱衍射效率的原理性方案

    A Principle Scheme of Double Light Beam and Automatic Measuring the Absolute and Relative Diffraction Efficiency of Gratings

  6. 这样本文所得出的经济合理剥采比公式在一定程度上反映了矿石的价值与费用,露天开采与地下开采的绝对与相对的经济效果。

    So the economic stripping ratio formula reflects the value and expenditure of ore on a certain extent .

  7. 第二阶段,绝对与相对蒸发强度均随粘粒含量增加递增。

    At the second stage , two types of evaporating intensity both enhanced with the increase of clay content .

  8. 具体说来,全面、科学的贫困含义应包括以下四个层次的内容:(1)贫困是一个综合概念,它不仅有广义与狭义之分,还有绝对与相对之别。

    Say in a specific way , complete and scientific connotation of poverty should include at least four points below .

  9. 目前,多级叶轮机械的三维流动计算绝大多数采用了绝对与相对定常模型来模拟静动叶轮。

    At present , most of the 3D flow calculation for multistage turbomachinery are based on steady relative flow model .

  10. 基本面稳定加上资金大规模外流,使得新兴市场固定收益证券和股票的绝对与相对估值都具有吸引力。

    The combination of stable fundamentals and extensive outflows has left absolute and relative valuations in both EM fixed income and equities at attractive levels .

  11. 绝对与相对的内涵至少有五种:(1)相对性指有条件性,绝对性指无条件性;

    The connotations of the Absolute and the Relative fall into at least five categories : First , relativity refers to conditionity , and absoluteness refers to non conditionity ;

  12. 本文论述了资源宏观预警中要进一步处理好的宏观与微观、长期与短期、长线与短线、单项与综合、实物与价值、资源与资产、速度与效益、绝对与相对等几组关系。

    The article analyses the several relations of macroscopic to microcosmic , long-term to short-term , long-line to short-line , single to comprehensive , matter to value , resource to property , speed to benefit , absolute to relative in the practice of marcroscopic resource prewarning .

  13. 其次,对待WTO法律体制,中国应务实地处理绝对收益与相对收益之间的关系;

    As for the statutory framework of WTO , China should appropriately handle the relation between " absolute gains " and " relative gains ";

  14. 首先,选用人均GDP指标,采用极差、标准差、离散系数和Theil指数四种测度方法,从绝对差异与相对差异两个方面进行对比研究分析。

    Firstly with a single index method , using per capita GDP index , poor discrete coefficient and Theil index , standard deviation , four measure methods , I study two aspects of absolute difference and relative difference in this paper .

  15. 从绝对运动与相对运动两方面推导了维持追踪航天器圆轨道运行的组合机动的运动规律,给出了V-bar接近段与逼近段的制导律。

    The absolute and relative motions of the chaser in combined maneuvers were investigated when it maintains its initial circular orbit . Then the guidance rules of space rendezvous V-bar approach and final translation were derived respectively .

  16. 试析社会发展代价的绝对性与相对性

    Analysis on the relativity and absoluteness of the cost of social development

  17. 它是绝对性与相对性的统一,是客观性与主观性的统一,是人们对历史必然性的一种表述形式。

    It unified absolutization and relativism , subjectivity and objectivity .

  18. 绝对重力与相对重力混合平差的基准及质量控制

    Datum and Quality Control for Synthetic Adjustment of Absolute and Relative Gravity Networks

  19. 本文则进一步将收入划分为绝对收入与相对收入两类。

    This paper will further divide income into absolute income and relative income terms .

  20. 卫生资源的绝对不足与相对过剩的矛盾突出。

    The contravention between absolute in shortage and relative overmuch for health resources stands out .

  21. 从翻译的三个认知域论翻译的绝对性与相对性

    A Probe into the Absoluteness and Relativity of Translation from the Three Domains in Translation

  22. 在理论界,关于真理的绝对性与相对性问题争论的焦点在于绝对真理的存在形式上:有的既承认有具体的绝对真理,又承认无数相对真理总和构成的绝对真理;

    In theory , the absoluteness and relativity of the truth focus on the form .

  23. 绝对真理与相对真理的内涵及其相互关系再探

    A New Exploration of the Connotation and Dialectic Relationship of Absolute Truth and Relative Truth

  24. 分别阐述了食品安全相关概念的辨析、食品安全问题的绝对性与相对性及其内涵。

    Elaborated the concept of the food safety , food safety relative issues , and its connotations .

  25. 我国社会游资绝对量与相对量分析相对当量,相对等效值

    The Analysis on the Absolute Value and Relative Value of China 's Private Hot Money relative equivalent

  26. 论物权的排他效力试论矿业权排他的绝对性与相对性


  27. 正义共识具有历史性、阶级性、公共性、主体间性、边界性和绝对性与相对性等特征。

    Justice consensus has historical , class , public , inter-subjective , boundary , absolute and relative characteristics .

  28. 只有正确的把握生产力标准的绝对性与相对性,才能坚持科学的发展观。

    Only if we grasp the absoluteness and relativity of the productivity standards , could we insist with scientific development views .

  29. 科学地选择贫困线测算方法首先要考虑绝对贫困与相对贫困的统一。

    To select scientifically calculation method of the poverty line that must first consider the unification of absolute poverty and relative poverty .

  30. 认识都是一定程度的,认识有程度之分;当真理指真的认识、理论时,真理也有程度之分,如绝对真理与相对真理。

    When truth represents true cognitions and theories , truth also has different degrees , such as absolute truth and relative truth .