
jué shí
  • Hunger strike;fast;go on a hunger strike;apastia
绝食 [jué shí]
  • [fast] 断绝进食;断绝饮食(自杀或表示抗议)

绝食[jué shí]
  1. 在信奉天主教的国家里,人们要在大斋期间绝食。

    In Catholic countries , people fast during lent .

  2. 他的律师表示他将继续以绝食抗议。

    His lawyer said he would continue his fast .

  3. 人们举行示威游行,以表示对绝食抗议者的支持。

    Demonstrations were held as a gesture of solidarity with the hunger strikers .

  4. 抗议者已经绝食17天了。

    The protesters have been on hunger strike for 17 days

  5. 他们开始绝食以抗议有人所宣称的殴打行为。

    They have begun a hunger strike in protest at the alleged beating .

  6. 400多名流亡者举行从早到晚的绝食抗议来让人们关注他们的苦难。

    More than 400 exiles were on a dawn-to-dusk hunger strike to dramatize their plight

  7. 他称他的谋杀罪为错判,因而进行绝食抗议。

    He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder

  8. 周二,阿纳·赫扎雷(AnnaHazare)向仰慕他的追随者发表讲话,告诉他们,经过八天的绝食抗议之后,他仍然状况良好。

    Hazare spoke out to adoring followers Tuesday , telling the crowd he is doing fine after eight days of fasting .

  9. 人们聚集在新德里,表示对阿纳·赫扎雷(AnnaHazare)的支持。AnnaHazare说他已经绝食八天的时间。

    Crowds gathered in New Delhi in support of Anna Hazare , who says he has denied himself food for eight days .

  10. 已经绝食抗议近两周的AnnaHazare称,他已经于周日正式结束了绝食。

    Mr Hazare , who 's been on hunger strike for nearly two weeks , has said he 'll formally end his fast on Sunday .

  11. 建立新邦的努力始于上世纪50年代,2009年更为急迫,当时地区政党领袖拉奥(KChandrasekharRao)进行了11天的绝食抗议,他的支持者还与警方发生了冲突。

    The push to create the new state began in the 1950s and took on increased urgency in 2009 , when a regional party leader , K Chandrasekhar Rao , went on an 11-day hunger strike , and his supporters clashed with police .

  12. 但很少有人会像墨西哥女孩EstibalisChavez如此疯狂,竟绝食9天试图让自己成为受邀嘉宾名单一员。

    But few would go as far as Mexican teenager Estibalis Chavez , who has spent the last nine days on hunger strike to try to get herself on the exclusive list .

  13. 但是加藤的家人推迟了他们的进展,以各种理由拒绝,包括加藤已经脑死亡,他经历佛教的过程成为sokushinbutsu,或自我风干成木乃伊,或绝食已达到开悟。政府人员一直试图联系加藤。

    His family rejected their advances , offering various excuses , including that Kato had become brain dead or that he was undergoing the Buddhist process of sokushinbutsu , or self-mummification , starving himself to death on the path to enlightenment.Authorities persisted in trying to contact Kato .

  14. 去年有10人在狱中绝食身亡。

    Ten men starved themselves to death in prison last year .

  15. 说真的,我绝食了整整一下午呢。

    Yeah , seriously , I hadn 't eaten all afternoon .

  16. 所有绝食的犯人均需强迫进食。

    All the prisoners on hunger strike had to be force-fed .

  17. 囚犯们开始绝食以对他们的生活条件进行抗议。

    Prisoners began a hunger strike to protest at their conditions .

  18. 不同海拔高度下生长牦牛绝食代谢的研究

    Study on the Fasting Metabolism of growing yaks at different altitude

  19. 不同生长阶段水牛绝食代谢的研究

    The study on Fasting Metabolism of buffalo in different growth periods

  20. 在绝食中强使某人吃食物。

    Feed someone against his will during a hunger strike .

  21. 他是他们绝食斗争中死去的最后一个代表。

    He was their last representative to die on the hunger strike .

  22. 我在绝食抗议像甘地一样

    I 'm on a hunger strike , like Gandhi ,

  23. 我觉得绝食对你不好。

    I don 't think dieting is good for you .

  24. 绝食条件下雏鹅卵黄囊营养吸收与利用的研究

    Studies on nutrition absorption and utilization in yolk sac of fasting Gosling

  25. 你绝食人们会费尽一切力量。

    Lf you fast , people go to all sorts of trouble .

  26. 监狱的绝食斗争加强了对爱尔兰共和军的支持。

    The prison hunger strike increased support for the ira .

  27. 他们正在举行绝食抗议以声援我的斗争。

    They were carrying out a hunger strike in sympathy with mine .

  28. 我3月1日开始绝食抗议。

    I 'm starting a hunger strike on the 1st of March .

  29. 黑白花成年母牛绝食代谢的研究

    Studies on the fasting metabolism of adult Chinese Black and White Dairy cows

  30. 12月龄生长母水牛绝食代谢的研究

    Study on Fasting Metabolism of 12 Month-old Female Buffaloes