
jié jiǎn
  • cocooning
结茧[jié jiǎn]
  1. 结茧后第1天开始即受32℃处理时,脂肪体和血淋巴中卵黄原蛋白(Vg)与可溶性蛋白含量均低于受26℃处理的;

    When exposed to 32 ℃ since the 1st day after cocooning , titres of both vitellogenin ( Vg ) and soluble proteins in the fat body and hemolymph of mature larvae were evidently lower than those at 26 ℃ .

  2. 结茧条件和蚕茧性能、生丝品质的关系

    Influence of Cocooning Conditions On Cocoon Properties and Raw Silk Quality

  3. 同期滞育的裸露幼虫SOD、CAT和POD酶活性较结茧幼虫略高,但二者的酶活性没有显著的差异性。

    There was not a significant difference of SOD , POD and CAT activity between no-cocooned larvae and cocooned larvae at the same diapause stage .

  4. 结果表明,脂肪体是卵黄原蛋白(Vg)合成场所,Vg合成始于吐丝结茧后第4天;

    Vg was synthesized in the fat body , and its synthesis started on the 4th day after cocooning .

  5. 幼虫共6龄,1~5龄食叶量平均573.1cm,第6龄不取食,经5~48h结茧。

    The larva has 6 instars , feeding on an average of 573.1 cm of the needle during the period of lst ~ 5th instar .

  6. 结茧率与对照差异均不显著;寄生在取食MSB的5龄二化螟幼虫体内的蜂、蛹期显著长于对照,而所结茧的茧长显著短于对照;

    Pupal duration and length of cocoon of the parasitoid from the5th instar larva feeding on MSB were significantly longer and shorter than those of the control , respectively .

  7. 系统测定了天蚕Antheraeayamamai吐丝结茧至成虫期脂肪体、血淋巴和卵巢中卵黄蛋白和可溶性蛋白总含量的动态变化。

    In the Japanese oak silkworm , Antheraea yamamai , the titre 's dynamics of vitellogenin ( Vg ) or vitellin ( Vt ) and total soluble proteins in the fat body , haemolymph and ovary from larval cocooning to moth emerging were assayed .

  8. 幼虫成熟以后将会吐丝结茧。

    When full grown , the larva will spin a cocoon .

  9. 休息一段时间,让那些水泡结茧。

    Take some time off and let those blisters callous over .

  10. 以老熟幼虫在土中结茧越冬。

    Its mature larva makes cocoon under the earth during the winter .

  11. 蚕丝强力与结茧条件的关系

    The relation between the tensile strength of silk and the cocooning conditions

  12. 通常在热带的体色鲜艳的大蛾子;幼虫吐丝结茧。

    Large brightly colored and usually tropical moth ; larvae spin silken cocoons .

  13. 词语“结茧”和“筑巢”已经走红了二十多年了的历史。

    The terms cocooning and nesting became popular more than twenty years ago .

  14. 长期的行军使他的脸上结茧了。

    The long march had callused his feet .

  15. 6月下旬老熟幼虫吐丝下垂在枯枝落叶层内结茧越冬。

    In last June , the old larva got down to the litter to cocoon and overwinter .

  16. 家蚕是一种重要的经济昆虫,在生产上的主要应用为泌丝结茧。

    The silkworm , Bombyx mori , an important economic insect , can secrete silk to form cocoon .

  17. 照射后家蚕变态困难,结茧率、化蛹率和羽化率显著降低;

    The irradiated silkworms showed difficulty in their metamorphosis , and to be markedly lowered in cocooning rate , pupation rate and eclosion rate .

  18. 我研习圣经并且祈祷到两膝结茧,但是我的诉求落了个悲剧的结果。

    I studied the holy books and prayed until I had scabs on both my knees , but my quest came to a tragic end .

  19. 而对照组中菜蛾绒茧蜂结茧率和羽化率分别为27.2%-33.5%与99.2%-100%。

    While the rates of cocoon formation and adult emergence in control were 27.2 % ~ 33.5 % and 99.2 % ~ 100 % respectively .

  20. 当它吃够了,就会吐丝结茧,它的茧是由一根长达两三千英尺的丝结成的。

    When a silkworm has had its fill , it spins a cocoon from a single strand of silk , two to three thousand feet long !

  21. 食肉型蜘蛛类节肢动物,通常在身体尾部有一个吐丝器官;它们吐丝来结茧或结网以捕捉昆虫。

    Predatory arachnid that usually has silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body ; they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey .

  22. 其垂直分布幼虫主要集中在离土表6厘米内,土茧95%以上分布在离土表3厘米内,幼虫结茧有向上爬习性。

    The vertical distribution shows larvae are mainly distributed within 6 cm below the soil surface , and 95 percent of the cocoons crowd within 3 cm below the surface .

  23. 方差分析表明,每个低温培育世代的寄生率、结茧率、羽化率和蜂量平均都比对照极显著的提高,而且寄生率、结茧率和羽化率在不同世代间差异也极显著。

    The results show that the 4 generations had the more high number than the contrast in the rate of parasitism , cocoon , emergence and the number of adult .

  24. 综合分析认为:YJ2000菌株对家蚕不仅低毒,而且对其生长发育、结茧和生殖力等均无明显的不良影响。

    It was concluded that YJ-2000 not only showed low toxicity to the silkworm , but also acted no marked negative impacts on growth and development , cocooning as well as fecundity of the silkworm .

  25. 卵结茧、结茧羽化两阶段的发育速率与温度均呈直线关系,发育起点温度分别为10.6和11.8℃,有效积温常数分别为105.6和62.0日度。

    The development zeros and thermal constants of the two developmental stages were determined as 10 . 6 and 11 . 8 C , and 105 . 6 and 62 . 0 day degrees , respectively .

  26. 摘要橄榄黄小卷叶蛾在福建福州地区年发生6代,世代重叠,以老熟幼虫在树皮裂缝和枯枝落叶中结茧化蛹越冬。

    Adoxphyes orana occurred for6 generations annually in fuzhou , fujian , it occurred by generations , the old and adult larvae overwintered by producing cocoon and turning into pupa in the bark crack and litter .

  27. 一旦幼虫发育成熟,它们就咬破毛虫的皮肤钻出来,之后在树叶或枝杈上结茧。

    Once the larvae achieve full development , they find their way out of the caterpillar 's body by eating its skin . Then , they create a cocoon and attach themselves into a leaf or a branch .

  28. 结茧幼虫滞育期间的海藻糖含量一直维持较高的水平,说明其滞育期间的糖醇积累型属于海藻糖积累型;

    Content of trehalose in cocooned larvae in whole diapause period was kept on a higher level , and therefore the type of carbohydrate-alcohol accumulation of cocooned larvae of the wheat midge in diapause period s belongs to trehalose accumulation .

  29. 通过查阅日本资料与对浙江蚕茧品种进行调查,分析蚕品种、茧层与结茧吐丝速度等因素对生丝茸毛成绩的影响,认为吐丝速度为主要因素。

    On the basis of Japanese technical data and investigations made on Zhejiang silkworm races , such factors as silkworm race , cocoon layer and cocooning / spinneret rate affecting lousiness testing results are analysed , finding that spinneret rate is the leading factor .

  30. 初孵幼虫即吐丝粘连2~3片顶芽附近的嫩叶,并潜入其中取食叶肉;幼虫老熟后,用丝将叶缘粘包成饺子形,并在其中结茧化蛹。

    And the first instar of larvae spin to stick 2 to 3 leaves together around apical bud irregularly and feed the mesophyll inside . Mature larvae spin silk to stick leaf margin into the shape of dumpling , then cocoon and pupate inside .