- 网络crystallization differentiation

Crystallization differentiation for granite is the main diagenesis mode .
Behaviours of trace elements and relationships between the compositions of solid phase and melt during crystallization differentiation
The thickness of sill varies from 1m to 200m .
According to the element geochemistry , these mafic dykes are characterized by moderate LREE enrichment and no obvious Eu anomalies , which means the weak magmatic fractionation .
Source mixing-crystal fractionation composite processes generate three complex patterns on ratio-ratio correlation diagrams of trace elements e1 , e2 , e3 according to their relative incompatibility .
They are formed from alkali basaltic magma that slightly melted out of continental mantle by AFC mixing in depth , especially by the fractional crystallization in shallow horizon .
Harker diagrams of major elements indicate that the changes of rock composition have nothing to do with the fractional crystallization , mainly with the origin of the magma .
The 2 sequences are resulted from 2 pulse intruding of magma from the same source between a lapse of 4 Ma , and the 8 units are the products of the crystalline differentiation of the two magma intrusions .
This is the role of magmatic differentiation salient features . 4 .
These chemical trends are the records of the evolution history of consanguineous mantle .
It contributed to magmatic crystallization differentiation and the concentration of silver in the quartz porphyry magma ;
Middle samples ' source are close to transitional mantle and crystallization & differentiation have a higher degree ;
It is most possible that the massifs are of magmatic origin from fractional crystallization of crust-remelted granitic magma .
All these characteristics show that three kinds of main body rock in this area are the product of crystallization differentiation .
We suggest that crystal fractionation process , chemical diffusion of liquid magma and their convection have occurred in the magma chamber .
Two models for the complex trace element effects of the mixing - fractional crystallization composite process are developed in the paper .
Beside fractional crystallization model , liquid immiscibility of Fluorine-rich granite magma is an important mechanism to form pegmatite and pegmatite type deposit .
Olivine-pyroxenites xenoliths belongs to ⅱ type of xenolith and the cumulate chunk maybe result from early crystallization differentiation of primary magma of the complex .
The Sifangtai mafic-ultramafic complex is proven to be an intrusion from the evidence of the intrusion contact between the Danfeng group and Sifangtai mafic-ultramafic complex .
These characteristics indicate that the ore-forming fluid resulted from fractional crystallization of magma , with the participation of some connate water at the late stage .
The characteristics of its occurrence , the electron microprobe analyses of albite in snowball texture and other evidence indicate its genesis of magma crystallization differentiation .
All of these characteristics are in contrast with their host rock_serpentinite and show that the leucocratic rocks were produced by crystallization differentiation of ultramafic magma .
It is proposed that the granitoids in northeast Guangxi possess same genesis and source , which came from the same magmatic crystallization differentiation in Northeast Guangxi .
Petrologic , geochemical and isotopic studies prove that the Badashi dioritic enclaves are autoliths and the earlier products generated by crystal fractionation of the host granite parental magma .
The fractional crystallization is the main geological process in magmatic evolution , and contamination is weak . Two exotic components come from upper crust and / or subduction plate .
DIGITAL SIMULATION OF VOLATILE EVOLUTION DURING FRACTIONAL CRYSTALLIZATION AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE ( 2 ) It contributed to magmatic crystallization differentiation and the concentration of silver in the quartz porphyry magma ;
The results of element and isotope analyses indicate that the Mesozoic diorites were derived from dehydration melting of mafic rocks in the thickened lower crust , coupled with fractional crystallization during magma emplacement ;
Under the conditions of unba-lanced crystalline differentiation and the disconnection of the ore-bearing gas-liquid fluid with silicate , tin and correlation elements entered into the fluid facies and formed the Postmagmatic metallogenic fluid .
Metallogeny related to granites is specialized to some magma and behavior of ore forming elements in granitic magmas is controlled by magmatic sources , oxidation status , crystallization fractionation and content of volatile components .
They are characterized by the high-Al and low-Fe and-Mg composition and high Sr and O isotope ratios . Geochemical study shows that they are the product of anatexis of argillaceous rocks and fractional crystallization of magmas .