
Some prediction methods used in Shengli Yellow River Bridge are introduced here , such as experiential statistics method , criterion proofread method , Push-over method and quantitative and qualitative analysis for huge span bridge .
Seismic damage assessment methods for bridges including cable - stayed / suspension bridges are summarized and improved with experience of earthquake damage , seismic code and pushover analysis .
Some methods are proposed during barrier / interbed recognition , such as the SHI curve method , the porosity-permeability X-plot chart method , the experimental statistical method , and the oil saturation method . In addition , the barrier / interbed recognition criteria are also proposed .
Empirical statistic method of oil-water interfacial tension
The authors point out the prospects of the revised theory of random medium of rock movement , which deals with the above factors . This is the development of solving mining engineering problems using empirical statistics of actural measurements in Russia , Kazakstan and Ukraine .