- 网络proprietor income

Second , regulate the income of state-owned enterprise management .
Constructing Scientific and Reasonable Earning and Distributing System of Operator
A New Outlook of the Manager 's Income Distribution Mechanism
Probe into the Incentive and Restricting System of the Income Distribution in State-owned Enterprises
So yearly salary system and incentive stock option are the main forms of manager income distribution system .
The distribution of a manager 's income has distinct characteristics , for the management is of high intelligence , heavy-laden , outstanding achievements and contributions .
The big income difference between the capital and labor and the business operators is the most noticeable problem among the social problems in China at present .
Yearly income system ( YIS ) embodies income distribution for the executives , and is also a remuneration incentive system generally adopted in the western developed countries .
The reform and the development of Income distribution system of managers in our state-owned enterprises are relatively lagged and don 't adapt to the modem enterprise system .
There exist such problems as the lack of systems and no protective measures of low income , no transparency of managers in the interior distribution system of reformed enterpriser .
Equilibriums of game show that the selecting mechanism will make the incentive ones difficult to play its roles , and false accounts can 't be stopped even manager 's income are hooked on the book profit .
Meanwhile , together with the reform and restructure of SOE , the operators ' income level is always rising which has been a disputable fact .
It 's the most advantage of stock options and futures that it takes enterprise value as a important variable in function of manger income , and makes the interest of owner be consistent with that of manager as long-term encouraging and restraining mechanism .
Self-employed workers also pay a portion of their earnings to the program .
People running businesses that can take advantage of globalisation to source labour less expensively and sell to larger markets have seen their incomes rise far faster than incomes generally .
While giving an account of the implementation of the contractual management responsibility system in geological and prospecting units of Shaanxi , the article discusses the personal income of contractors in distribution .
In recent years , the gap in the income distribution of the state-owned enterprises has been enlarged , and the salary of workers and staff members is lower than social average one .
We shall further deepen the internal reform of enterprises to form a mechanism under which the employees can enter or exit , the operators can move up or down , and the incomes can rise or fall .
Stadium business , not enough to promote the method and content , practice are most operators are trapped in a cycle of middle-income , or even to make ends meet , and not self-breakthrough , unable to form a limited industrial chains and distribution .
How to encourage executives ' behaviors , how to relate responsibility , risk and performance with executives ' income , an important way is to build a rational and effective system of encouragement and binding .
The system of stock option can combine the managers ' sense of duty , risk and profits together so as to make sure that the long-term profit of enterprises can be met , and the legal income of the managers can be increased .